Урок на тему "Let's celebrate together"

Про матеріал
Урок поєднує в собі традиції святкування Різдва в Україні та Великобританії
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Let’s celebrate together”

                                                            “Every country has its customs”

                                                       “So many countries, so many customs”

• to broaden students` knowledge of English and Ukrainian holidays and       


• to improve students’ skills in reading and listening comprehension;

• to develop communicative and writing skills, pupils` curiosity, quick reaction,  

  speech competence;

• to teach students to respect our native traditions and English ones.


Visual Aids: proverbs on the board, presentation, pupil’s presentations, cards with

                      tasks, computer, DVD projector, decorations.                         



І. Preliminaries.

1. Greeting and Aim.    (Слайд 2)

Т: - Good morning, boys and girls. I’m glad to see you.

Ps: - Good morning, teacher. We are glad to see you, too.

T: - Children, today we have many guests at our lesson. Greet them, please.

Ps: - Good morning, dear guests.

T: - Sit down, please. How are you?

Ps:  I’m very well. I’m perfect. I’m all right. I’m good. I’m fine because the weather

      is fine. It’s snowy, it’s frosty.

T: Yes, it is, because it’s winter. Do you like winter?

P: Yes, we do. We’ve got a lot of holidays in this season.

T: Look at this video and try to guess what we are going to speak about? (Слайд 3)

Ps: To my mind we are going to speak about winter holidays.

T: You are right. (Слайд 4)  The theme of our today’s lesson is “Let’s celebrate together”. So, we’ll speak about winter holidays in our country and in Great Britain, about the way of celebrating and the traditions connected with them. It seems to me all people like holidays, don’t they?

Ps: Yes, they do.

2. Phonetic drill.   (Слайд 5)

 T: So, let’s start the lesson and train our Mr. Tongue. Look at the screen and   

      repeat after me.

   [t] New Year tree, tradition, First Foot, celebrate

   [ə] Christmas, carol, dinner, present               

   [i:] greetings, sweets, eat, meal                                                                                                                               

3. Warming up.  (Слайд 6)

T: So, traditionally every celebration brings us a lot of joy and merriment. Now, go to the blackboard one by one and choose the words which we associate with holidays?

               cakes     greetings       greeting cards


     toys             Holidays              


           dances                              presents

                      parties         flowers


T: Good for you.

 (Слайд 7)  You know that every country has its own history. That’s why different countries have different customs and traditions and their lifestyle differs from our one. So, describe the British and their lifestyle as you can:

  • The British are polite and well-mannered people.
  • They are great home lovers. They often say: “My home is my castle”.
  • Englishmen are fond of gardening.
  • They are great tea lovers.
  • They are great animal lovers, especially dog lovers.
  • They are also friendly and honest to foreingers.
  • A family is very important for the British.
  • The Royal family is a symbol of the British monarchy.
  • Englishmen keep their traditions and do not like any changes.
  • Many family traditions of them are connected with different holidays such as Christmas, Easter, St. Valentine’s Day.

T: How do they greet each other on Christmas?                                                                              Ps: Merry Christmas.

II. Main Part of the Lesson

4. Speaking  (Слайд 8)

T: May be you know what winter holidays and celebrations are in Great Britain?

Ps: Christmas, The New Year’s Day, St. Valentine’s Day.

T: Very well. Do we celebrate such holidays in Ukraine?

Ps: Yes, we do. But we also have St. Nicholas Day in winter.

T: Ok. What winter holidays do you like most of all?

Ps: As for me I like Christmas (The New Year’s Day, St. Nicholas Day)

T: OK. Who can you tell us about St. Nicholas Day.  (Слайд 9)

P1: As for me I like St.Nicholas Day. It is celebrated on the 19th of December. At night Saint Nicholas brings presents to every child that has been good, polite and helpful in the past year. He puts small gifts, toys or books under their pillows. I always get very good presents. Last year I got a laptop.

T: OK. But do the Englishmen have St.Nicholas Day? And who brings presents to British children?

Ps: No, they don’t have St.Nicholas Day in Britain. (Слайд 10)  The children are told that Father Christmas with white beard and red suit comes into the house through the chimney at night and leaves presents for them in the Christmas stockings.

T: When do they celebrate Christmas in Britain and what is the traditional celebration? So, meet Mary. She has prepared a presentation about Christmas in Great Britain. Let’s go.  (Presentation Christmas in Britain   Слайд 11-18)

P2: English people celebrate Christmas on the 25th of December. It is the main public holiday in Great Britain. It goes on for three days: Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and Boxing Day. There are a lot of Christmas traditions. They buy presents, cook turkey and decorate the Christmas tree on the Christmas Eve. On Christmas Day all people open their presents and go to church. All the family usually meets for the big Christmas dinner. For dinner they have a roast turkey, mashed potatoes, pudding and vegetables. There are some good traditions to find a coin in the Christmas pudding and Christmas crackers. Also they like to sing traditional Christmas songs — carols. The 26th of December is also a public holiday, called Boxing Day. On this day people visit their friends and relatives, giving them presents in boxes.

T: And what about Christmas traditions in our country. Sofiia has prepared a presentation about it. Are you ready? (Presentation Christmas in Ukr.  Слайд 19-28)

P3: In Ukraine Christ­mas is also one of the most favourite holidays of the year. It is

celebrated on the 7th of January. The evening before Christmas is called the Holy Evening. As soon, as the first star appears in the sky the head of the family

brings a traditional decoration made from wheat, so-called "Didukh". All the family

gathers around the dining table for the Holy Supper. There are twelve ritual dishes

on the table. They are beans, fish, boiled potato, cabbage rolls, stewed fruit, plums

and others. A traditional Christmas dish is "kutya. It is cooked of wheat with honey,

poppy seeds and nuts. On Christmas Day boys and girls go from house to house sing

carols and wish everything good. We usually go to the church and have a Vertep Show during Christmas.


5. Role playing    (Слайд 29) 

                                                Scene                                                                                            Father: Dear children, help your mother to lay the table. Today we have an unusual supper. It’s called “Holy Supper”. This is “didukh”. It represents the spirit of this holiday.

1st child: Father! Mother! I see the First Star!

Mother: We can start our supper.

2nd child: Let me light the candle.

Father: Or, there are so many good things on the table.

Mother: Yes we have prepared 12 symbolic dishes. This is “kutia”. These are cabbage rolls, varenyky, mushrooms, fish.

Father: “Khrystos rozhdayetsia!”

The family: “Slavimo Yoho!”

1st child: Carolers are at our door. Let’s ask them to sing!  (Слайд 30) 

Carolers: Christ is born!

The family: Praise to him! Let’s sing the carol.

6. Physical activity    (Слайд 31) 

                                            Silent night, Holy night 

Silent night, holy night
All is calm, all is bright
Round yon Virgin Mother and child
Holy infant so tender and mild
Sleep in heavenly peace,
Sleep in heavenly peace.

Свята ніч, тиха ніч!

Ясність б’є від зірниць,

Дитинонька Пресвята,

Така ясна, мов зоря,

Спочиває в тихім сні.


T: Nice, isnt it? And what holiday do both countries mark on the 1st of January?

Ps: It’s New Year.

T:  Right you are. Who wants to tell us about New Year in Ukraine? (Слайд 32) 

P4: In Ukraine the New Year's Day is celebrated on the first of January. In the

evening on the thirty-first of December Ukrainian families get together to wel­come

the New Year. They decorate the New Year's Tree with coloures lights and bulbs. Mothers prepare lots of tasty food for festive table. It is a warm family holiday. Ukrainians like to stay at home on this day. Young people arrange parties and strikes fireworks into the air.

T: Does the way of celebrating the New Year in Ukraine differ from that one in Britain?

P5: Yes, it does. (Слайд 33)

     Not all English people celebrate the New Year. In general, the young people celebrate it on the 31st of December in one way or another. Some of them have a New Year Party. It begins in the evening and goes on until morning. Some people stay at home and watch the celebration of the New Year on television. Another way of celebration is to go to New Year's dances. The most famous celebration is to go to Trafalgar Square to see the Christmas tree and hear the chimes of Big Ben.

 (Listen somebody is knocking at the door.)

Alinka: - Who’s there? Come in. Welcome, dear guest.

Vadym: - Happy New Year!

Alinka: - The same to you. We are glad to see you.

Vadym: - I’m glad to see you, too. I’ve brought a piece of coal to wish you warmth, a piece of bread to wish you food, a carton of juice to wish you drink and a silver coin to wish you wealth.

Alinka: - Thank you very much. You’ve brought good luck to us.

T: Do you know him? Who is this boy?

Ps: Yes, he is the First Foot?  (Слайд 34) 

T: What do you know about this funny New Year tradition?

P6: The First Foot is the first visitor to enter a house in New Year’s morning. He must be a man. Traditionally, the first visitor of the year must carry food, drink and coal into the house. Coal helps to make a fire in midwinter and there will never be lack of food and drink during the coming year.                                                                                      

T: - So, we’ve met a First Footer. He is a man. It’s a good sign, isn’t it?

7. Work in pairs.  (Слайд 35) 

 T: Now, take these cards, read the poems and complete them with the words from

 the box. Let’s start, but remember that the poems must rhyme.



 T: So, are you ready? Who wants to read?

       Can you guess what holiday we are going to speak about?

 Ps:  We are going to speak about St.Valentine’s Day. (Слайд 36) 

 T: Yes. Nowadays it’s one of the most romantic holidays which is celebrated all over the world. I think all of you like this holiday and know a lot about its celebration. Who wants to tell us about it?

 P7: I want. St Valentine's Day is celebrated on the 14th of February in England and Ukraine. This holiday is called so because St Valentine is the patron of lovers. On this day people buy or make Valentine cards and send them to people they love. They should not write their names on the cards. Those who get them must guess who sent them. On that day grown-ups and children send each other love messages, sweets and roses. I like this holiday very much.

T: Have you already bought Valentine cards? If no, don’t forget about your friends and lovers. (Слайд 37)  And now let’s speak about another winter holiday, it’s connected with pancakes. Do you like pancakes?

Ps: Yes, we do.

T: Have you an idea that Englishmen eat a lot of pancakes on Pancake Day.


8. Reading.

T: Now, read the text “Pancake Day” and be very attentive because then you’ll have another task.

                                              Pancake Day

    English people mark Pancake Day in February at the beginning of Lent. Lent is a period of 40 days before Easter. On this day English families usually have pancakes for dinner. At schools the children and teachers have pancakes for dinner, and in restaurants customers order pancakes, too. But, do you know that in England people not only eat them but race with them? Cooks throw pancakes on the frying pans in the air and race at the same time. Another tradition is the pancake fight when a cook tosses a pancake high into the air. The boys fight for the pancake. The winner is the boy who gets the biggest piece of the pancake.


9. Writing.

 T: Are you ready? Write down the date today. So, your next task is to match the

      parts of the sentences. (Слайд 38) 

  1. Pancake Day is                                           a) 40 days before Easter.
  2. Lent is a period of                                       b) race with pancakes.
  3. Families usually have                                 c) in February.
  4. English people also have a                          d) the pancake is the winner.
  5. One more famous tradition is the                e) pancakes for dinner.
  6. The boy who gets the biggest piece of        f) pancake fight.    


 T: Very well. But what holiday is connected with pancakes in Ukraine?                                                                                                                      

 P: We have got Masliana in winter. (Слайд 39) 


III. Final Part of the Lesson.

10. Homework. (Слайд 40) 

T: Now, open the diaries and write down your homework for the next lesson. Your task is to make up a crossword “My favourite holiday”.

10. Summerizing.  (Слайд 41) 

T: During the lesson you spoke, read and wrote, sang a song, role played, completed the poems. Thank you for your hard work at the lesson and I wish you good health, happiness and peace in our country. So, our lesson is over. Goodbye.

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