Тема : Ферма, свійські тварини. Числівники 11-20.
Практична мета: Повторити й активізувати назви свійські тварини, кольорів, числівники 1-10, утворення множини іменників, введення числівників 11-20.
Розвивальна мета: Розвиток мовної здогадки, спостережливості та логічного мислення
Виховна мета: Виховувати почуття співпраці під час роботи в парах та
колективно, прищеплювати любов до живої природи.
Тема : Ферма, свійські тварини. Числівники 11-20.
Практична мета: Повторити й активізувати назви свійські тварини, кольорів, числівники 1-10, утворення множини іменників, введення числівників 11-20.
Розвивальна мета: Розвиток мовної здогадки, спостережливості та логічного мислення
Виховна мета: Виховувати почуття співпраці під час роботи в парах та
колективно, прищеплювати любов до живої природи.
Дидактичні засоби: підручник „English-3” О.Карп’юк;
наочні (тематичні малюнки, м’яч, магнітна дошка, кросворд);
картки для самостійної роботи;
аудіо та відіоматеріали
Хід уроку:
І. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення
1. Привітання та повідомлення теми
T.: Good morning children!
P-s: Good morning teacher!
T.: I am glad to see you again! What about you?
P-s: We are glad to see you too.
T.: Today we have guests at our lesson, please turn around and say “How do you do! Welcome to our lesson!”
P-s: How do you do! Welcome to our lesson!
T.: Сьогодні ми продовжимо нашу подорож по фермі дідуся Тома, допоможемо Тому порахувати тварин.
2. T.: Let’s play the game “Questions ball”
What is you name?
Where do you live?
Where are you from?
How are you today?
How old are you?
What is your favourite colour?
What is your favourite animal?
What is your favourite number?
3. T.: Look at the blackboard. Read the words and sentences paying attention how pronounce sounds [s] and [z]
A duck- ducks; a cat- cats. I have got two cats.
A pig- pigs; a cow- cows.
A goose- geese; a sheep- sheep.
I can see five geese and three sheep.
A mouse- mice. One mouse is near the house. Three mice are very nice.
4. T.: Now it’s time to check your homework.
A) Look at the pictures. Answer.
What animal is this ? ( This is a horse)
What animals are these ? ( These are cows)
What animal is that ? ( That is a sheep)
What animals are those ? ( Those are ducks)
B). Play the game “ At school”
T.: Who wants to be a teacher? You are our teacher. Ask pupils about animals. Use questions What is this/that?
What are these / those ?
C) Давайте перевіримо, як ви впоралися з листом Тома , чи усі слова ви зуміли записати.
Let’s read Tom’s letter.
5. Have a rest Stand up. Recite rhyme
Quack - quack, chock-chock!
How do you do , Mr Cock?
When you sing Cock-a-doodle-doo!
I always hear How do you do!
II Основна частина уроку
T. : OK Continue our lesson. Today’s topic is “ Domestic animals and … Sorry! What a pity! Help me! Find the word!
Complete the crossword and then find the key-word.
1) h e n
2) d u c k
3) l a m b
4) r a b b i t
5) p i g l e t
6) h o r s e
7) s h e e p
T. : Open your copybooks . Write down the date and words from this crosswords.
1) Guess the animal.
It is a bird. It lays eggs. What animal is it ? ( a hen)
2) This is a bird too. It can swim. It is a mother for ducklings.
What animal is it ? ( a duck)
3) This is a baby animal. Its mother is a sheep. What animal is it ? ( a lamb)
4) This animal is small. It likes carrots. It can jump.What animal is it ? (a rabbit)
5) This is a baby animal. Its mother is a pig. What animal is it ? ( a piglet)
6) This animal is strong. It has got a long tail. It takes part in sport competitions.
What animal is it ? ( a horse)
7) This animal gives us meat and wool. What animal is it ? ( a sheep)
T.: So , the key word is numbers. What does it mean?
2) Make up the sentence:
I can count from one to ten. --- count/ I / can / from / ten. / to / one
I can see eight mice. --- see / I / can / eight/ mice. /
T.: So the topic is “The domestic animals and numbers” You can count from one to ten. Today you must learn how to count from ten to twenty.
a) 10+ 1 = 1
10+3= 13
10+ 4= 14
10+5= 15
10+ 6= 16
10+10 =20
b) Now listen, then take and show the number card.
c) OK Now let’s learn how to read the new words.
Open your books on page 46ex.1. Listen and repeat.
d) Take the card A .Complete the English words and transcriptions with
Ukrainian words.
e) Colour the numbers.
Are you ready? What number is red/ green / yellow?
4 Have a rest Listen the song.
a) Кого або що рахують у пісні?
b) Listen again complete the text.
c) Sing the song.
Complete the text
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12
13 14 15
16 17 18
19 20
I can count the children in the class
I can count the children _______________
I can count the __________,
I can count the __________,
I can ________ the children in the class .
5) So let’s go to the Tom’s grandpa farm and count animals.
Ex. 2 p.46 You task count and say what you can see. What colour are they?
6) It’s time to watch TV. Watch, listen, then end the sentences.
6) You work hard . Have a rest . Sing song ”Old MacDonald’s got a farm”
Old MacDonald’s got a farm
E-I -E - I- O
On his farm he’s got some cows
E-I -E - I- O
Moo, moo here
Moo, moo there
Here a moo
There a moo
Everywhere a moo, a moo
Old MacDonald’s got a farm
E-I -E - I- O
/Quack, Quack! / / Cluck! Cluck! / Meow, Meow / Neigh, Neigh /
III Summarizing
T.: Well! Our lesson is coming to the end. Today at the lesson we did a lot of work and we did it very well. So you get such marks: … .
Now, children open your diaries and write down the hometask ex.2 p.46
Tom’s cards ( help him to colour animals on the picture, count the animals)
So, it’s time to say good-bye.