Урок . Tема: School. Підтема уроку: Perfect school.

Про матеріал

Тема: School.School life.

Підтема уроку : Perfect school.

Задачі уроку:


активізувати вивчені лексичні одиниці з теми «Школа. Шкільне життя»

практикувати учнів у читанні тексту з вилученням необхідної інформації (scanning and skimming reading)

організувати аудіювання автентичного матеріалу з теми

удосконалювати навички говоріння з теми


залучати учнів до іншомовного спілкування

стимулювати учнів до складання власних висловлювань з теми

розвивати пам'ять, логічне мислення, мовленнєву реакцію та мовну здогадку


формувати шанобливе ставлення до іноземної мови як засобу міжкультурного спілкування

виховувати повагу до оточуючих

залучати учнів до колективної співпраці


підручник для учнів з поглибленим вивченням англійської мови ( Карпюк О. Д., English 7)

Power Point презентація до уроку

Handouts (Додаток 1, 2)

Магічна скринька,лист учениці

Хід уроку:

І. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення.


T: Good morning ,dear pupils! It's nice to see you and I think we'll try to do our best. Oh I see you are in a good mood today so me too. Because I'm glad to see you, my dears! And what about you , Ann?


II Повідомлення теми та мети уроку.

T:OK.Thankyou very much for your answers. As you know our topic today is'' My perfect school''(Слайд№1). During our lesson we are going to speak about schools, we'll try to find out the importanceof school life, you'll present us your project works, we are going to read an interesting letter from my pupil. And now look at the picture ( Слайд №2).What can you say about this school?


T: Thank you. And what about our school? (Слайд №3)


T:1) Do you like going to school?2) What are you favorite subjects?3) How many lessons do you have every day?4) What extra school activities do you have?5) Do you have to wear a school uniform?6) What is good in your school? 7) What are your classmates look like ? 8) Do you realize that good knowledge is important nowadays? Prove it!

T: Thank you. It's perfectly well! And now our work is aboutproverbs. As you know people of different nations haveproverbsabout schools which underline the importance of them. Let's remember some of them.( Слайд№4).

  • 1.Live and learn.2.Knowladge is a great power. 3.It's never too late to learn. 4. Soon learnt, soon forgotten.

T: It's excellent! Who can add some proverbs about schools or knowledge?What does it meanin Ukrainian?

P1: Like teacher-likepupil.

P2: School is our second home.

T:OK! It's super work. Dear children do you remember our Queen ofKnowledge? Today she has prepareda surprise for you. You can see a magic box on the desk. Sasha, come up to me , please, and take a secretmassage from this box. What can you see? Numbers? It will be a next task for you.( Слайд№5). You can see the alphabet. Each letter has got its own number. For example : A is one, B is twoandso on and so for. You have to match the letters to the numbers and write the secret message. Are you ready?

T: So, Аnn , what have you found?

P1: To know everything is to know nothing.

T: What does it mean in Ukrainian?

P1: Знати все – не знати нічого.

T: Absolutely right! It's a good work! Can you name the place where we can get knowledge? It's a school. Everything startswith a school. Now let's have a little relaxation. Let's watch how the children from all over the world go to school and study at school. ( Слайд №7 )

T: What is school for you?


P4: And what is school for you, teacher?

T: Oh! Frankly speaking school is my work, my hobby, my life .Most of my time I spend with you, my dears. Besides some days ago I meet my pupil Ann. We talked a lot. And now she lives in another country and she wants to tell you about her school life. She gave me a letter for you. Ira come up to me, please, take the letter and read it.

P1: Dear pupils!

Слайд № 8

Слайд № 9

Слайд № 10

T: Did you catch the letter? And here you can see a task for you. There are some statements from the letter. Please, say, they are True or False.

Слайд № 11

T: Thank you. You are so active today. And after a difficult workWelcometo the Great School. I have a video for you. I suppose you will have a great time. Let's watch a short video and listen to a song. Be attentive! After finishing we' will do some task.

Слайд №12(відео)

T: Did you like it? Ok. What is this song about?

P: About our school life.

T: Now, you can see some tasks. Firstly, you should match the word combinations with their definitions.

Слайд № 13

T: The next task is to complete the right column with the left column according to this song.

Слайд № 14

T: You have learnt a lot about our school life. And now imagine that we are in a Perfect School. I give you the names of some school facilities. You should stick the names of school facilities with the right school.

My schoolmy Perfect School


Answers: There is….in our school.

I should like to have a … in a Perfect School.

T:OK Lena, go to the blackboard and read the statements according to our school.

OK Yana, go to the blackboard and read the statements according to our perfect school.

T: Thank you. And at the end of our lesson let's check up your homework. You had to prepare the project works. Every pupil had his or her own presentation about the theme of our today's lesson.

Have you ever thought how the school of the future will look like? And now we shall try to imagine an ideal school. Who wants to be the first?

III Підведення підсумків уроку. Мотивація оцінок. Домашнє завдання.

T: I hope you liked this lesson. You have learnt useful and interesting things today . We did all aims at the lesson. I'd like mansion all of you were active and tried to work hard. Your marks are:

Open your daybooks and write your homework for tomorrow. To write an e-mail letter to your pen-friend about your school life.

I'm proud of you and your work. The lesson is over. Bye!

Перегляд файлу

Тема: School.School life.

Підтема уроку : Perfect school. Відмінна школа.

Задачі уроку:


  • активізувати вивчені лексичні одиниці з теми «Школа. Шкільне життя»
  • практикувати учнів у читанні тексту з вилученням необхідної інформації (scanning and skimming reading)
  • організувати аудіювання автентичного матеріалу з теми
  • удосконалювати навички говоріння з теми


  • залучати учнів до іншомовного спілкування
  • стимулювати учнів до складання власних висловлювань з теми
  • розвивати пам’ять, логічне мислення, мовленнєву реакцію та мовну здогадку


  • формувати шанобливе ставлення до іноземної мови як засобу міжкультурного спілкування
  • виховувати повагу до оточуючих
  • залучати учнів до колективної співпраці


  • підручник для учнів з поглибленим вивченням англійської мови ( Карпюк О. Д., English 7)
  • Power Point презентація до уроку
  • Handouts (Додаток 1, 2)
  • Магічна скринька,лист учениці

         Хід уроку:

 І. Підготовка до сприйняття  іншомовного  мовлення.


 T: Good morning ,dear pupils! It’s nice to see you and I think we’ll try to do our best. Oh I see you are in a good mood today so me too. Because I’m glad to see you, my dears! And what about you , Ann?


 II Повідомлення теми та мети уроку.

T:OK.Thank  you very much for your answers. As you know our topic today is’’ My perfect school’’(Слайд№1). During our lesson we are going to speak about schools, we’ll try to find out the importance  of school life, you’ll present us your project works, we are going to read an interesting letter from my pupil. And now look at the picture ( Слайд2).What can you say about this school?


 T: Thank you. And what about our school? (Слайд3)


T:1) Do you like going to school?         2) What are you favorite subjects?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  3) How many lessons do you have every day?              4) What extra school activities do you have?              5) Do you have to wear a school uniform?  6) What is good in your school? 7) What are your classmates look like ? 8) Do you realize that good knowledge is important nowadays? Prove it!


 T: Thank you. It’s perfectly  well!  And now our work is about  proverbs. As you know people of different nations have  proverbs  about schools which underline the importance of them. Let’s remember some of them.( Слайд№4).


1.Live and learn.  2.Knowladge is a great power. 3.It’s never too late to learn. 4. Soon learnt, soon forgotten.

T: It’s excellent! Who can add some proverbs about schools or knowledge?  What does it mean  in Ukrainian?

P1: Like teacher-like  pupil.

P2: School is our second home.

T:OK! It’s super work. Dear children do you remember our Queen of  Knowledge? Today she has prepared  a surprise for you. You can see a magic box on the desk. Sasha, come up to me , please, and take a secret  massage from this box. What can you see? Numbers? It will be a next task for you.( Слайд№5). You can see the alphabet. Each letter has got its own number. For example : A is one, B is two  and  so on and so for. You have to match the letters to the numbers and write the secret message. Are you ready?

T:  So, Аnn , what have you found?

P1: To know everything is to know nothing.

T: What does it mean in Ukrainian?

P1: Знати все – не знати нічого.

T: Absolutely right! It’s a good work! Can you name the place where we can get knowledge? It’s a school. Everything starts  with a school. Now let’s have a little relaxation. Let’s watch  how the children from all over the world go to school and study at school. ( Слайд №7 )

T: What is school for you?


P4: And what is school for you, teacher?

T: Oh! Frankly speaking school is my work, my hobby, my life .Most of my time I spend with you, my dears. Besides some days ago I meet my pupil Ann. We talked a lot. And now she lives in another country and she wants to tell you about her school life. She gave me a letter for you. Ira come up to me, please, take the letter and read it.

P1: Dear pupils!

Слайд № 8

Слайд № 9

Слайд № 10

T: Did you catch the letter? And here you can see a task for you. There are some statements from the letter. Please, say, they are True or False.

Слайд № 11

T: Thank you. You are so active today. And after a difficult work  Welcome  to the Great School. I have a video for you. I suppose you will have a great time. Lets watch a short video and listen to a song. Be attentive! After finishing we will do some task.

Слайд №12(відео)

T: Did you like it? Ok. What is this song about?

P: About our school life.

T: Now, you can see some tasks. Firstly, you should match the word combinations with their definitions.

Слайд № 13

T: The next task is to complete the right column with the left column according to this song.

Слайд № 14

T: You have learnt a lot about our school life. And now imagine that we are in a Perfect School. I give you the names of some school facilities. You should stick the names of school facilities with the right school.

                My school                                       my Perfect School


Answers: There is….in our school.

I should like to have a … in a Perfect School.

T:OK Lena, go to the blackboard and read the statements according to our school.

OK Yana, go to the blackboard and read the statements according to our perfect school.

T: Thank you. And at the end of our lesson lets check up your homework. You had to prepare the project works. Every pupil had his or her own presentation about the theme of our todays lesson.

Have you ever thought how the school of the future will look like? And now we shall try to imagine an ideal school. Who wants to be the first?

III Підведення підсумків уроку. Мотивація оцінок. Домашнє завдання.

T: I hope you liked this lesson. You have learnt useful and interesting things today . We did all aims at the lesson. Id like mansion all of you were active and tried to work hard. Your marks are:


Open your daybooks and write your homework for tomorrow. To write an e-mail letter to your pen-friend about your school life.

Im proud of you and yours work. The lesson is over. Bye!



12 січня 2019
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