Тема: Будинок
Практична: розвиток навичок монологічного і діалогічного мовлення, активізація лексичного і граматичного матеріалу в усному мовленні, розвиток навичок опису будинку, квартири, кімнати.
Навчальна: повторення лексичних одиниць з теми «Дім, квартира», закріплення навичок використання граматичної структури there is/there are та прийменників місця у мовленні.
Розвиваюча: розвиток пам’яті та уваги.
Виховна: виховання любові до свого дому, цікавості до життя інших людей
Хід уроку
І. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення
1. Лексична розминка
Вчитель: Hello everyone. Let’s start our lesson with the greeting song.
Пісня “Every day I go to school”
Фонетична розминка
My name is Emily.
I live with my family
And a big white cat.
In a three-room flat.
2.Повідомлення теми та мети уроку
Today we are going to speak about the house. We shall speak about the house, repeat the words and grammar material, do different exercises.
Вчитель: You’re great singers! Sit down, please. Look at the screen.
3. Самооцінювання за допомогою стікерів
You know much about the house and now let’s assess yourself with stickers. Take please yellow stickers and put them on the scale from 1 to 10.
4. Робота з Google Земля
Who lives in that house? There live our main heroes – Ben and Lucy. They live in London. Look at their house. How many floors does it have? Ben and Lucy sent a letter to us. They want to tell about their house. If we want to understand this letter we must repeat the rooms and the furniture (words)
Основна частина
When we enter the house we can see there many rooms. The first one is a hall. What are the next? You must guess (open the door, read the riddles and guess what room is it)
We sleep here. What is this? (a bedroom)
We eat there (a dining room)
We usually cook here. (a kitchen)
We usually take a shower there, wash our hands and face (a bathroom)
A room where all the family usually watch TV in the evening (living-room)
You know rooms very well. In the rooms we can find furniture. Let’s repeat some of them. Look at the screen, you know this game. You must be attentive. If you understand what it is, please ring the bell.
Гра у групах у Wordwall
And now we can read the letter.
Find and underline the unknown words
We live in a big city, in London. We have got a big house. There are three floors in the house. Three bedrooms and a bathroom are upstairs. There is a living-room, a kitchen and a dining room downstairs.
There are 3 beds, 2 wardrobes, many toys in the bedrooms. There is a table, a sofa and TV in the living room. There is a sink, a mirror, a bath in the bathroom.
We like our house very much. Our family says, "East or West home is best".
Find in the text: rooms, furniture.
Оцінювання цеглинками Лего
Робота в групах
Ben and Lucy send a message where they described their favourite rooms in the house.
Робота у liveworksheet
Р1. Hello!
P2. Hi!
P1. Do you live in a house or in a flat?
P2. In the house
P1. What’s it like?
P2. Well, it’s small. There are 2 bedrooms, a living room, a kitchen, a bathroom and a toilet. And what about you?
P1. I live in the flat
P2. Is it big?
P1. Yes, it’s big. There are 3 bedrooms, a living room, a kitchen, a dining room and 2 bathrooms.
P2. O, your flat is very big.
ІІІ. Заключна частина