Урок "The World of Cinema and Theatre"

Про матеріал
Дана розробка уроку буде корисною для опрацювання лексичних одиниць з теми, повторення вживання граматичних структур ‘TO BE FOND OF’, QUESTION TAGS, DEGREES OF COMPARISON.
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Практичні цілі:

-Активізувати, тренувати у мовленні учнів лексичні одиниці з теми, що вивчається.

-Ввести вислів з теми.

-Розвивати навички читання мовчки з подальшим використанням отриманої інформації.

-Розвивати навички письма, аудіювання, говоріння.

-Повторити вживання граматичних структур ‘TO BE FOND OF’, QUESTION TAGS, DEGREES OF COMPARISON.


Розвиваюча, освітня, виховна цілі:


-Виховати повагу до товариша, вміння його уважно слухати.

-Розвивати пам’ять, уяву, увагу, швидкість мовленнєвої реакції.

-Розвивати комунікативні та творчі здібності учнів.

-Розвивати зорову пам'ять.

-Використовуючи програмний матеріал про види фільмів, розвивати та стимулювати розумові здібності учнів.

























1.Початок уроку. Оргмомент.

-You feel like one million dollars, don’t you?

-You are as fid as a fiddle, aren’t you?

-Are you in a good mood?

-Who is as cool as a cucumber?

-What are you good at?

-Are you good at guessing things?

-What is there? It is connected with food. Ask questions using ‘It is…, isn’t it?

 Right you are, it’s pop corn.

 -People usually eat pop corn when they watch films, don’t they?


2.Ознайомлення з темою та завданнями уроку.

 It’s a pity, but we we’ll neither watch a film nor go to the cinema, we’ll continue our work at the   topic ‘The world of cinema’. At this lesson we’ll read an interesting text, listen to the dialogue, learn a new quotation, check if you are really fond of watching films.


3.Опрацювання лексики.

-Are you good at defining the meanings of the words?

I’ll read you the definition of the film and your task is to name the kind of film and write it at the board.

  • It has a serious story.(a drama)
  • It has cowboys in it.(a western)
  • It makes you laugh. (a comedy)
  • It often has an exciting story about crime and police. (a thriller)
  • It has lots of exciting action. (an adventure film)

-You know many other kinds of films, don’t you? Let’s write them.



Comedy                        thriller                         western                              soap opera



Nature                    adventure                                                     drama                feature



 documentary                         horror                          musical                         educational



-Are you fond of watching films?

Now we’ll check who is a real film addict. (quiz)


5.Опрацювання структури ’to be fond of doing smth.’

-You like going to the cinema, watching films, don’t you? Give arguments why you like watching this or that film.

Model: I’m fond of watching comedies because they make me laugh.


6.Робота з текстом.

You are fond of watching films, so you must know a lot about films, their directors. I’ve prepared some questions. Your task is to guess answers, using I THINK.., IN MY OPINION…, TO MY MIND…

  • Who is the most popular film character?
  • How long did the longest film last?
  • What is the most expensive film?
  • Who was the funniest and the most famous film actor?
  • Who was the most successful film director of all time?
  • What was the least successful film in history?

You have two minutes to read the text and check if you were right.


7.Введення вислову, повторення  римівки.

-What makes people famous? Does hard work make people famous? Does an optimistic rhyme help us to become celebrities?





-Would you like to be a celebrity?

Now your task is to continue the quotation of one celebrity: ’Everyone wants to be famous… (until they are).(work in groups).



-Who is your favourite film star?

-Are there any films with your favourite film star in the leading role at the cinema tonight?

-What’s on  at the cinema?

Before listening to the dialogue you must fill in the gaps with the words.

Now let’s listen to the dialogue and check the answers. Don’t forget to say what’s on tonight.


9.Підсумок уроку. Оцінки.

Time passes very quickly, our lesson is coming to its end, let’s say what we’ve done today.


10.Домашнє завдання.

-Are you tired?

-Would you like to go to the cinema with your friends after lessons?

I think before going to the cinema you should do your homework.

Your home assignment is to complete the text with the giving words and write a similar story about any Ukrainian actor or actress.

Have a good day!






Burova Vita
27 лютого 2019
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