Урок "Traditional Ukrainian Cuisine"

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Конспект уроку англійської мови для учнів 3-4 класів з використанням технології розвитку критичного мислення
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Traditional Ukrainian Cuisine ( 3rd Form)

Objectives:   to revise and practise  vocabulary on the topic of the lesson;

                      to practice the pronunciation of the words;

                      to develop pupils’ skills in listening, reading, speaking and writing;

                      to explore the broad cultural customs and traditions of Ukraine;

                      to  develop pupils’ critical thinking;

                      to provide interactive work in pairs and small groups;

                      to arouse interest of the lesson and to broaden pupils’ outlook.

Equipment: pictures of fruit and vegetables, drinks, traditional Ukrainian food, songs “ I like apples and oranges”, “ Cabbage Field”.




T: Good morning, dear boys and girls!

How are you?

Ps: We are super!

      We’ve got spirits!

      Yes, we do!

      We’ve got spirits!

      And what about you?

T: I’ve got spirits too.



 I’m very glad that we all are all right, healthy and full of energy .   By the way , what keeps your healthy ?  Let’s recollect and sing song “ I like apple and oranges”

Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "фрукти картинки"Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "яблука картинки"I like apples and oranges.
I like apples and oranges.
Apples and oranges are so sweet .
Apples and oranges are good to eat.
I like apples and oranges.
Orange juice is so sweet,
Apple sauce is fun to eat,
Apple pie with ice cream — what a tasty treat.
I like apples and oranges.
I like apples and oranges.                                
Apples and oranges are so sweet .
Apples and oranges are good to eat.
I like apples and oranges.
Orange juice is so sweet,
Apple sauce is fun to eat,
And apple pie with ice cream — what a tasty treat.I like apples and oranges.


  1. Evocation

T: The theme of our today’s lesson is “Ukrainian Traditional Cuisine”. First of all let’s brainstorm the word “Food” What is the word

'Food' associated with?                 plump

                coffee                           apple

        juice                             orange

water                                     lemon


                                                                        pear     banana



                                 hot dog

                  soup                                     tomato


chicken                                   biscuit           potato      cucumber           garlic

                ice-cream             cake                       onion                   cabbage

T:  It’s a nice job. You know many words to this topic . You are clever pupils.  So, the theme of our today’s lesson is …  Can you guess it?  Look at these pictures of the blackboard. Can you name these dishes?

Pupils: Yes,  holodets, mlyntsi, holubtsi, deruny.

T:  We are going to discus our traditional meals.


IV. Realization of meaning


Pre – Reading Activity

Here are some questions about Ukrainian Cuisine.  Think a little and give your answer just in two or three words.




Before reading

After reading

What do you know about Ukrainian cuisine?



What food do you like to eat in Ukraine?



Why do Ukrainian products have natural taste?



What is Ukrainian cuisine famous for?



Why is borsch useful for health?



What are the traditional Ukrainian dishes?




Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "українські страви картинки"Pupils fill in the second column.

While-Reading Activity

T:   -Let’s read the text and make the marks

 X (I didn’t  know that),

V ( I knew that) and

? ( It was interesting to know that).

                    Ukrainian cuisine

       We, Ukrainians, like to eat a lot of good tasty food cooked from fresh products.

       Fruits and vegetables, grown under the hot sun in rich Ukrainian soil have natural taste of real natural products. Since old times our national cooking has been famous for great variety of tasty and useful dishes.  For example, the most popular dish called borsch, has up to 20 components.  A big plate of good borsch gives a person enough energy for a half of working day.

         Bread is a big part of our cuisine. Potatoes, cabbage, fish, mushrooms, pork, beef, chicken and sausage are very common.  Ukrainian cuisine includes a lot of salads made from fresh, boiled or pickled vegetables with some meat  and with the addition of mayonnaise or vegetable oil.    Favourite dishes made of flour are dumplings (“varenyky) with various types of filling: cheese, cabbage, meat, berries.

          Potato pancakes (‘mlyntsi”) are served with sour cream. Cabbage rolls (“holubtsi”) , deruny, holodets and pampushky with garlic are the traditional Ukrainian dishes .

Post –Reading Activities

A) T: As I see you’ve finished reading. Let’s answer the questions in the table and compare them with the previous given ideas.

B) T:  Answer my questions

  • What information you’ve read was new for you?
  • What facts you’ve known?
  • What was interesting to know?
  • What are the traditional Ukrainian dishes?



T: As for me, my favourite Ukrainian dishes are galushky and deruny. And yours?

Pair Work

Making up and dramatizing the dialogue “My Favourite Ukrainian dish”with a help of the following words and word combinations.  They are on the blackboard: I say, favourite, dish, Ukrainian, as for me.



Group Work

T: Excellent. And now you’ll have an unusual task.  You should guess the words which are hidden.  Find them out and write down

Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "українські страви картинки"t a h o l o d e t s f g m l y n t s I l r b

p q v a r e n y k y r s h o l u b t s I t

w x b o r s c h y z u z v a r r k u t I a

c b k u t p a m p u s h k y k g a r l I c



Pre –Listening task

Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "капуста картинки"T: I know that you like to guess the riddles. Am I right? Ok.  Listen to me and try to guess.


                                                 I’m a vegetable.

                                                 I’m round.

                                                 I have got many dresses.

                                                 I live in many Ukrainian dishes.

                                                 I grow in the kitchen-garden and in the field.

                                                 What am I ?

Post- Listening task

Did you guess? You are absolutely right.  It’s cabbage.

Name the Ukrainian dishes where we use cabbage for cooking?

(Answers: borsch, holubtsi, varenyky filled with cabbage etc.)

T: Let’s have a rest and sing a merry song “Cabbage Field”

Cabbage Field” Annie goes

         to the cabbage field,

Cabbage field, cabbage field,

Seeking there some fresh green leaves,

To feed her rabbits fine.


Johnny sees her, ha-ha-ha

Now I’ll catch you, tra-la-la,

Nay, nay, nay, go away,

I’ll not dance with you today.


V.  Reflection


Good work, my dear children. But what is the box under my table?  Yes, it’s a “Magic Box”.  And  there is a  picture in it. Look at this picture and tell me please: What can you see in it ?  Can you guess what the Ukrainian national holiday is in the picture? How many dishes are there on the table? For what holiday do Ukrainians cook 12 dishes? You are right, for Christmas.  Name all the dishes .

Home Assignment

Your hometask is exercise 4 at page 65. You’ll make up the menu of your café or Ukrainian restaurant.