Урок "Travelling around the world"

Про матеріал
Розробка відкритого уроку для поглибленного вивчення англійської мови до підручника On Screen 2, V.Evans, J.Dooley, Express Publishing, 2019.
Перегляд файлу

Тема уроку: Travelling around the world

Клас: 7-Б


Очікувані результати:

  • активізувати вживання тематичної лексики у мовленні учнів, вдосконалити навички аудіювання, читання та письма, розвивати комунікативну та мовну компетентність учнів;
  • розширити кругозір учнів, розвивати їх критичне мислення, творчі здібності, уміння співпраці у команді, навчити організовувати свої подорожі;
  • сприяти вихованню поваги до власної думки кожного та захисту навколишнього середовища, яке є основним джерелом наших подорожей та відпочинку.


Обладнання: підручники, комп’ютер, медіа-проектор, програмне забезпечення до підручника, відео та аудіо матеріали, роздатковий дидактичний матеріал, дошка, аркуші паперу, ножиці, малюнки, клей та фломастери.




Хід уроку


Вступна частина уроку


  1. Організаційний момент. Привітання


  • Good morning, dear pupils! How are you? I’m very glad to see you!


  1. Пояснення теми та цілей уроку


  • To start with, I propose you to watch a short video and guess the topic of our today’s lesson. (Перегляд відео фрагменту та відповіді учнів)
  • Yes, you are quite right. Today we are going to talk about travelling and particularly about types of travelling, activities, means of transport and possible holiday problems. We’ll have a lot of different activities, so I wish you to be active and very attentive.


  1. Мовленнєва розминка


  • Now, please, answer my questions:


  1. What is your favourite place to visit and why?
  2. What is travelling for you?
  3. Do you like travelling around Ukraine or abroad?
  4. Who do you like travelling with?

(Відповіді учнів на питання)


Основна частина уроку


4. Активізація тематичної лексики


  • Look at the board, please. You can see a word map. Let’s complete it and remember different types of holidays:



-Which is your favourite type of holiday and why? … (Відповіді учнів)


- Now I propose you to remember what activities can you do on holiday. Look at the interactive board and fill in  is, stay ,go on, travel, go, go to, rent:


  1. Stay in a hostel/hotel/cabin/cottage/guest house/B&B/apartment/with friends


  1. Go on  a boat trip/holiday/a tour


  1. Go to the beach/a museum/an art gallery/an aquarium


  1. Go skiing/dog sledding/camping/sightseeing/windsurfing/


  1. Rent a car/a bicycle/a boat/a house/ a seaside cottage


  1. Travel by car/coach/plane/train


  1. It is warm and sunny/cloudy/windy/freezing cold/foggy/hot/cold.

(Відповіді учнів)


  • Now I would like you to revise which means of transport do you know:



  • List these means of transport under the heading:
  1. Land
  2. Air
  3. Sea


  • Which of the means of transport do these sentences match?


  1. Please keep away from the edge of the platform. Train
  2. Passengers for flight AB216 to Manchester, please go to Gate 12 as the flight is ready to board. Plane
  3. 12 Beckon Street, next to the Hilton Hotel, please. Taxi


  • Travelling is a great way of spending free time. However, you can face different problems on holiday as well. Brainstorm your ideas and let’s name some of them:
  1. Heavy traffic
  2. Awful weather
  3. Crowded beach
  4. Polluted sea
  5. Long queues
  6. Expensive hotels
  7. Dirty room
  8. Noisy people


  1. Складання діалогів у парах


-Now I want you to work in pairs and make up dialogues about unusual holidays. Student A brainstorm as many advantages as possible. Student B brainstorm as many disadvantages as possible. You should discuss all your ideas with each holiday and agree to go on this holiday:

1. mushroom picking

2. Antarctic exploration

3. swimming with sharks

4. cheese making

5. murder mystery weekend

6. battle re-enactment

7. walking in the jungles


  • Use the useful language in the box:


Expressing your opinion

  • In my opinion, ……………………
  • To my mind, ………………………
  • I (truly) think/believe that ………….
  • The way I see it, ……………………


  • I (totally) agree with you.
  • You’re (completely) right. Also, ………
  • Yes, I think that too.
  • I agree to a certain extent, but ………….


  • I (completely) disagree.
  • But don’t you think ………..?
  • On the other hand, ……………..
  • I don’t really agree with you because ………


  1. Перегляд відео “A trip to Prague”


  • Now I invite you to travel to Prague. Look at the whiteboard please and watch a short video. After watching you will have to do the task to it.
  • Fill in the blanks with the words below:


Years       attractions      musical       perform         hour          sculptures          surprises



One of Prague’s must-see tourist 1)         is the astronomical clock in the Old Town Square. The designs of the 2)                                            and the colours on the clock changed over the 3)                                            , but its purpose remained the same. The clock rings every 4)                                            and tells people the time in a (n) 5)                                            way. When the clock strikes, the doors open and the statues 6)                                            their routine. It is a show with no 7)                                           , but a beautiful one nevertheless. And the tourists seem to 8)                                           . Year after year, the Astronomical Clock is their favourite tourist attraction.


7. Проектна робота у групах


  • I propose you in groups of four imagine yourselves in the role of tour agents and to make posters giving some tips and information for your potential tourists how to arrange their particular type of holiday and present them to the class.  By the way there is a list of matters you should think about. You may use pictures, paper, glue, scissors and markers on your tables. (Учні створюють та презентують свої постери):


Ideas to think over


  1. The type of holiday
  2. Possible destinations
  3. Means of transport
  4. Activities
  5. Its advantages and disadvantages
  6. Holiday problems and how to escape them
  7. The cost and expenses.


Заключна частина уроку


  1. Підведення підсумків уроку


  • Has the information in the lesson been helpful for you to know more about travelling and how to arrange it properly? Should you protect the environment and nature to be able to enjoy it wherever you go on holiday? (Відповіді учнів)


9. Пояснення домашнього завдання. Виставлення оцінок


- Your home task is to write down a short paragraph on the topic “My ideal travelling: what it is like” and express all your thoughts on it.



Лазарева Олена
10 квітня 2020
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