Урок у 7 класі "У лікаря"

Про матеріал
Розробка уроку у 7 класі загальноосвітньої школи. Мета: Вдосконалити навички вживання нових лексичних одиниць; навички аудіювання, читання й усного мовлення; розвивати мовну здогадку й мовленнєву реакцію учнів; підвищувати загальну культуру здорового способу життя.
Перегляд файлу

Form 7


Вчитель: Добриніна Марина Михайлівна

Тема: У лікаря

Мета: Вдосконалити навички вживання нових лексичних одиниць; навички аудіювання, читання й усного мовлення; розвивати мовну здогадку й мовленнєву реакцію учнів; підвищувати загальну культуру здорового способу життя.

Обладнання: підручник, флеш-картки, мр3-програвач, роздатковий матеріал



І Підготовка до сприйняття


  1. Look at the pictures, listen to the problem and say if it is true or false. Correct the wrong statements.


  1. Описание: D:\різна робота\English\уроки\7\хвороби\headache.jpg I’ve got a toothache
  2. Описание: D:\різна робота\English\уроки\7\хвороби\cough.gif  I’ve got a temperature
  3. Описание: D:\різна робота\English\уроки\7\хвороби\aid700887-728px-Treat-a-Hand-Burn-Step-17.jpg  I’ve burnt my hand
  4. Описание: D:\різна робота\English\уроки\7\хвороби\how-to-make-a-sore-throat-5-steps-with-pictures-wikihow-cHzbsm-clipart.jpg I’ve got a sore throat
  5. Описание: D:\різна робота\English\уроки\7\хвороби\temperature.jpg I’m coughing
  6. Описание: D:\різна робота\English\уроки\7\хвороби\stomachache.jpgI’ve got a headache
  7. Описание: D:\різна робота\English\уроки\7\хвороби\toothache.jpgI’ve broken my arm
  1. Match the problem and its solution


  1. I’ve got a headache
  1. Give up smoking
  1. I’ve got a toothache
  1. Have it x-rayed
  1. I’m coughing
  1. Apply some ointment
  1. My nose is blocked
  1. Consult a surgeon
  1. My nose is running
  1. Use some gargle
  1. I’ve got a temperature
  1. Take some aspirin
  1. I’ve broken my arm
  1. Stay in bed for a while
  1. My stomach aches
  1. Take some medicine
  1. I’ve burnt my hand
  1. Go to the dentist
  1. I’ve cut my finger
  1. Lie in the sun for a day or two
  1. I can’t move my leg
  1. Use nasal drops
  1. I’ve got a sore throat
  1. Use some antiseptic


 Key: 1f, 2i,3a,4k,5j, 6g, 7d, 8h, 9c,10l,11b, 12e


ІІ Основна частина уроку

Speaking Make a short dialogues using the problems and solutions from the table.


-  I’ve cut my finger.

- Use some antiseptic.



Ex. 1, p.119

  1. Listen to the conversation and answer the question “What’s the problem”?
  2. Read the questions from the exercise and put them in the order they come up.
  3. Answer the questions.
  4. Listen again and say what does the girl tell his friend to do?
  5. Act the conversation.



Look at the tables on your desks. How do you think where you can see them? (in the hospital)

Who can fill them in? (the doctor)

So, you can imagine that you are in the hospital. One of you is a doctor and the other one is a patient. What must the doctor do to fill the table in? (ask the questions)

  1. I give the badges to the doctors. And his or her partner is the patient. Work togather to fill in the table.






How long?




Next visit



  1. Role-play your conversation.


Relax and learn the rhyme (Ex 5, p.120)




Read the text and say if the statements are true or false.


Once an old gentleman came to consult a doctor.

"What do you complain of?" asked the doctor.

"You see, doctor, my nervous system is in a bad state. I have a heartache, often headache and my sleep isnt good. Sometimes I cannot sleep all night long."

The doctor examined the patient very carefully and said:

"Your treatment will be very simple, in other words it will be a rest-cure. You should go to a quiet place in the village for a month and have an active rest there: get up early, do morning exercises, have breakfast and go for a walk. You should walk much, go to the forest for fresh air, eat much fruit and vegetables and drink milk before going to bed. And you can smoke one cigarette a day."

A month later the gentleman came to see the doctor again.

"How are you?" asked the doctor.

"I am quite well now," answered the patient "I’ve done everything that you recommended me, doctor. I strictly followed all your orders. I walked much, ate much fruit and vegetables and drank milk before going to sleep. But one cigarette a day almost killed me."

"But why?" asked the doctor.

"It’s not a joke to begin smoking at my age. I had never smoked before." answered the gentleman.


a rest-cure – лікування відпочинком

strictly – суворо


True or false

  1. The man was old.
  2. The man complained of only the headache.
  3. The doctor advised him to have an active rest.
  4. The man came back in a month.
  5. After the rest the man felt bad.
  6. The man enjoyed smoking.


Fill in the gapes with the suitable words:


Recommended, examined, nervous system, consult treatment, strictly

  1. The gentleman wanted to ………. a doctor.
  2. His …………was in a bad state.
  3. The doctor ……………the patient.
  4. The doctor prescribed very simple …………  .
  5. The man did everything that the doctor had ……………..him.
  6. The man ……………followed all the doctor’s orders.


ІІІ Зключна частина уроку


Do you visit a doctor sometimes?

When was your last visit?

What was your problem?

What did the doctor prescribe?

Did you have to stay in bad?

Why do the doctors rcommend their patients to stay in bed?



  1. Ex. 5,p. 120 – learn the poem 2)Write about your last visit to the doctor


Описание: D:\різна робота\English\уроки\7\хвороби\aid700887-728px-Treat-a-Hand-Burn-Step-17.jpg


Описание: D:\різна робота\English\уроки\7\хвороби\cough.gif


Описание: D:\різна робота\English\уроки\7\хвороби\how-to-make-a-sore-throat-5-steps-with-pictures-wikihow-cHzbsm-clipart.jpg


Описание: D:\різна робота\English\уроки\7\хвороби\stomachache.jpg


Описание: D:\різна робота\English\уроки\7\хвороби\temperature.jpg


Описание: D:\різна робота\English\уроки\7\хвороби\toothache.jpg







How long?




Next visit








How long?




Next visit








How long?




Next visit








How long?




Next visit







How long?




Next visit







How long?




Next visit







How long?




Next visit







How long?




Next visit







How long?




Next visit







How long?




Next visit




  1. I’ve got a headache
  1. Give up smoking

2.I’ve got a toothache

  1. Have it x-rayed

3.I’m coughing

  1. Apply some ointment (нанесіть мазь)

4.My nose is blocked

  1. Consult a surgeon

5.My nose is running (нежить)

  1. Use some gargle (полоскання)

6.I’ve got a temperature

  1. Take some aspirin

7.I’ve broken my arm

  1. Stay in bed for a while

8.My stomach aches

  1. Take some medicine

9.I’ve burnt my hand

  1. Go to the dentist

10.I’ve cut my finger

  1. Lie in the sun for a day or two

11I can’t move my leg

  1. Use nasal drops

12.I’ve got a sore throat

  1. Use some antiseptic


I’ve got a headache

  1. Give up smoking

2.I’ve got a toothache

  1. Have it x-rayed

3.I’m coughing

  1. Apply some ointment (нанесіть мазь)

4.My nose is blocked

  1. Consult a surgeon

5.My nose is running (нежить)

  1. Use some gargle (полоскання)

6.I’ve got a temperature

  1. Take some aspirin

7.I’ve broken my arm

  1. Stay in bed for a while

8.My stomach aches

  1. Take some medicine

9.I’ve burnt my hand

  1. Go to the dentist

10.I’ve cut my finger

  1. Lie in the sun for a day or two

11I can’t move my leg

  1. Use nasal drops

12.I’ve got a sore throat

  1. Use some antiseptic


  1. I’ve got a headache
  1. Give up smoking
  1. 2.I’ve got a toothache
  1. Have it x-rayed
  1. 3.I’m coughing
  1. Apply some ointment (нанесіть мазь)
  1. 4.My nose is blocked
  1. Consult a surgeon
  1. 5.My nose is running (нежить)
  1. Use some gargle (полоскання)
  1. 6.I’ve got a temperature
  1. Take some aspirin
  1. 7.I’ve broken my arm
  1. Stay in bed for a while
  1. 8.My stomach aches
  1. Take some medicine
  1. 9.I’ve burnt my hand
  1. Go to the dentist
  1. 10.I’ve cut my finger
  1. Lie in the sun for a day or two
  1. 11I can’t move my leg
  1. Use nasal drops
  1. I’ve got a sore throat
  1. Use some antiseptic


  1. I’ve got a headache
  1. Give up smoking
  1. 2.I’ve got a toothache
  1. Have it x-rayed
  1. 3.I’m coughing
  1. Apply some ointment (нанесіть мазь)
  1. 4.My nose is blocked
  1. Consult a surgeon
  1. 5.My nose is running (нежить)
  1. Use some gargle (полоскання)
  1. 6.I’ve got a temperature
  1. Take some aspirin
  1. 7.I’ve broken my arm
  1. Stay in bed for a while
  1. 8.My stomach aches
  1. Take some medicine
  1. 9.I’ve burnt my hand
  1. Go to the dentist
  1. 10.I’ve cut my finger
  1. Lie in the sun for a day or two
  1. 11I can’t move my leg
  1. Use nasal drops
  1. I’ve got a sore throat
  1. Use some antiseptic


Once an old gentleman came to consult a doctor.

"What do you complain of?" asked the doctor.

"You see, doctor, my nervous system is in a bad state. I have a heartache, often headache and my sleep isnt good. Sometimes I cannot sleep all night long."

The doctor examined the patient very carefully and said:

"Your treatment will be very simple, in other words it will be a rest-cure. You should go to a quiet place in the village for a month and have an active rest there: get up early, do morning exercises, have breakfast and go for a walk. You should walk much, go to the forest for fresh air, eat much fruit and vegetables and drink milk before going to bed. And you can smoke one cigarette a day."

A month later the gentleman came to see the doctor again.

"How are you?" asked the doctor.

"I am quite well now," answered the patient "I’ve done everything that you recommended me, doctor. I strictly followed all your orders. I walked much, ate much fruit and vegetables and drank milk before going to sleep. But one cigarette a day almost killed me."

"But why?" asked the doctor.

"It’s not a joke to begin smoking at my age. I had never smoked before." answered the gentleman.


a rest-cure – лікування відпочинком

strictly – суворо






Once an old gentleman came to consult a doctor.

"What do you complain of?" asked the doctor.

"You see, doctor, my nervous system is in a bad state. I have a heartache, often headache and my sleep isnt good. Sometimes I cannot sleep all night long."

The doctor examined the patient very carefully and said:

"Your treatment will be very simple, in other words it will be a rest-cure. You should go to a quiet place in the village for a month and have an active rest there: get up early, do morning exercises, have breakfast and go for a walk. You should walk much, go to the forest for fresh air, eat much fruit and vegetables and drink milk before going to bed. And you can smoke one cigarette a day."

A month later the gentleman came to see the doctor again.

"How are you?" asked the doctor.

"I am quite well now," answered the patient "I’ve done everything that you recommended me, doctor. I strictly followed all your orders. I walked much, ate much fruit and vegetables and drank milk before going to sleep. But one cigarette a day almost killed me."

"But why?" asked the doctor.

"It’s not a joke to begin smoking at my age. I had never smoked before." answered the gentleman.


a rest-cure – лікування відпочинком

strictly – суворо






Fill in the gapes with the suitable words:

Recommended, examined, nervous system, consult treatment, strictly

  1. The gentleman wanted to ………. a doctor.
  2. His …………was in a bad state.
  3. The doctor ……………the patient.
  4. The doctor prescribed very simple …………  .
  5. The man did everything that the doctor had ……………..him.
  6. The man ……………followed all the doctor’s orders.


Fill in the gapes with the suitable words:

Recommended, examined, nervous system, consult treatment, strictly

  1. The gentleman wanted to ………. a doctor.
  2. His …………was in a bad state.
  3. The doctor ……………the patient.
  4. The doctor prescribed very simple …………  .
  5. The man did everything that the doctor had ……………..him.
  6. The man ……………followed all the doctor’s orders.


Fill in the gapes with the suitable words:

Recommended, examined, nervous system, consult treatment, strictly

  1. The gentleman wanted to ………. a doctor.
  2. His …………was in a bad state.
  3. The doctor ……………the patient.
  4. The doctor prescribed very simple …………  .
  5. The man did everything that the doctor had ……………..him.
  6. The man ……………followed all the doctor’s orders.


Fill in the gapes with the suitable words:

Recommended, examined, nervous system, consult treatment, strictly

  1. The gentleman wanted to ………. a doctor.
  2. His …………was in a bad state.
  3. The doctor ……………the patient.
  4. The doctor prescribed very simple …………  .
  5. The man did everything that the doctor had ……………..him.
  6. The man ……………followed all the doctor’s orders.


Fill in the gapes with the suitable words:

Recommended, examined, nervous system, consult treatment, strictly

  1. The gentleman wanted to ………. a doctor.
  2. His …………was in a bad state.
  3. The doctor ……………the patient.
  4. The doctor prescribed very simple …………  .
  5. The man did everything that the doctor had ……………..him.
  6. The man ……………followed all the doctor’s orders.


17 січня 2021
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