Урок в 10-му класі на тему Злочин

Про матеріал

Розробка уроку на тему ЗЛОЧИН. Конспект містить завдання для закріплення вивчених ЛО, та опрацювання нових; розвитку навичок ацдіювання та говоріння; тема і завдання стимулюють учнів критично мислитита відстоювати свою громадянську позицію.

Перегляд файлу

Form: 10th

Topic:  CRIME

Learning outcomes: By the end of the lesson students will be able to:

-  know the topic vocabulary and use it in their speech;

-  read authentic texts and understand what they are reading about; 

-   develop their speaking skills to speak freely on the current topic;

- evaluate information critically ant use it for their own purpose;

- give deliberate assessment of features of life in a democratic society;

- express thoughts and opinions on the topic of social problems in their own country;

Equipment:   handouts,  CD player

Type of the lesson; Development Lesson


  1. Introduction
    1.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Greeting and Aim

Good morning, pupils! How are  you? Today we continue to speak about crimes.

  1.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Warming up


  • Think of and name as many crimes as you can.
  • How do you think why do some people commit crimes?
  • Is crime a serious problem where you live?

Now let`s play WHO AM I? You remember that your questions can be answered only


(Possible characters for the game)








  1. Main part
  1. Vocabulary revision (cards)

Let`s remember what we`ve learnt previously.

 Write the person and the crime next to each description.

Example: He killed someone.

 person: murderer

crime: murder

1 She carried drugs illegally from one country to another.

person: .................. 


2 He stole some clothes from a department store.

person: ......................

crime: .......................

3 She broke into the house and stole some jewelry.

person: ...................

crime: .......................

4 He entered the bank and told them to fill a bag with money.

person: ...................

crime: ........................

5 She stole some money from another student at school.

person: ...................

     crime: .........................or.......


  1. Reading (group work, cards)
  • Before-Reading

There are 3 reasons for committing crimes

Unemployment             TV violence           Social pressure

Do you agree or disagree? Why?

  • While-Reading

You are going to read an article about crime. Six sentences have been removed from the article. Choose from the sentences A-G the one which fits each gap (1-6). There is one  extra sentence which you do not need to use.

Clever criminals?


  •  A Sometimes the criminal docs the police’s job for them.
  •  B A lot of criminals never get caught.
  •  C On the form, she wrote her name, address and phone number. 
  •  D It contained his name and address.
  •  E They plan their crimes very carefully.
  •  F He obviously wasn’t the most intelligent man in the world, because he forgot   to cut holes for his eyes.
  •  G It wasn’t real money.

What kind of people do you imagine when you think of criminals? If you watch lots of crime programmes and films on TV, you probably imagine people who are very intelligent but bad. (I)___Which means its difficult for the    police to catch them.

These people do exist, of course, but many criminals are not as intelligent as they often seem on TV. There are many stories of real-life crimes where the police don’t have to do very much to catch the criminal. (2)___For these people, crime definitely does not pay!

For example, a man and a woman were robbing a shop in Texas, in the USA. The man was pointing a gun at the shop assistant, who was putting the money from the till into a bag. While this was happening, the woman noticed an entry form for a competition on the counter.The prize was a lot of money, so she entered the competition. (3)___As you can imagine, it didn't take   long for the police to catch them!

Also in the United States, a man walked into a bank and told the cashier that he had a gun and that he was going to rob the bank so no one would recognize him. He put a paper bag over his head. (4)___He couldn’t see the

security guard, who came up to him, knocked the gun out of his hand, and arrested him.

In Britain, a 22-year-old man broke into an office in London to see what he could steal.   You can imagine how happy he was when he found thousands and thousands of pounds on  a desk. When he tried to put the money into his bank account, the bank manager immediately called the police. (5)___The man had robbed a theatre. He stole fake money which had been used in a play!


Also in Britain, a gang of thieves stole several cars from a garage in Manchester. Unfortunately for the criminals, one of the thieves dropped his wallet at the scene of the crime. (6)___It didn’t take the police long to find the cars and arrest the whole gang.



  • After-Reading

Make 5-7 T/F sentences to this text

  1. Presenting new vocabulary(on the blackboard)

Get off – виходити ( з тюрми)

Go off – вибухати

Let off – відпускати

Make off – тікати

Take off – знімати (одяг); злітати (літак, гелікоптер)

Turn off – вимикати

Now let`s have some practice with new phrasal verbs (cards)


Replace the word or phrase in hold with the correct form of a phrasal verb from the box.

get off go off let off

turn off take off make off

  1. The shoplifter escaped with an expensive  leather jacket 
  2. I’ll give you no punishment this time.
  3. Could you make the burglar alarm stop working?
  4. I realized someone had stolen my wallet when I left the train
  5. The plane’s going to leave the ground in a few minutes.
  6. The bomb didn’t explode, did it?




Complete the text using phrases from ex.1

Adam Fenton, aged 32, was arrested last night shortly after he (1)______an airport bus at Bristol Airport. Fenton was attempting to (2)___with £3 million he had stolen from a local bank. He broke into the bank on Tuesday evening and (3)___the security alarm before stealing the money. Fenton had been planning to fly to Manchester, but was arrested before the plane (4)___The police let him think he was safe until he reached the plane because they believed there was a chance he was carrying a bomb. They did not want the bomb to (5)___in the airport terminal.


  1. Listening/Speaking (CD 1 Track 4)

(The resourses are taken from Laser B1, ,Workbook,Malcolm Mann, Macmillan publishing, 2013)



  • Before-Listening

All criminals should sit in prisons.

Do you agree or disagree? Why?

  • While-Listening

Look at the 5 sentences. You will hear a conversation about prison. Decide if the statements are correct A or incorrect B.


  • (on the blackboard)
  1. At 1st, Davina says that prison teaches criminals how to be good.
  2. Alec says that life in prison is often very comfortable and pleasant.
  3. Alec and Davina agree that only some criminals should go to prison.
  4. Davina believes that some criminals need medical help.
  5. Alec says that prisons never provide enough medical help.


  • After-Listening

Now in pairs you should discuss the following statement

Some prisoners learn in prison how to commit worse crimes.


1. Summarizing

So, today we`ve spoken about criminals and discussed the problems of           prisons. Also we`ve increased our topic vocabulary.

2. Marking

3. Home task

 Make sentences with new phrasal verbs; be ready to discuss the following

//Any student caught stealing at school should be immediately and

 permanently excluded. //



12 листопада 2018
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