Урок в 7 класі "Householding chores"

Про матеріал

Цікавий конспект уроку до теми "Хатня робота" для учнів 7 класу, який поєднує в собі розвиток всіх навичок у вивченні англійської, як іноземної:

  • слухання
  • читання
  • письмо
  • говоріння
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The motto of the lesson:




- to learn New Vocabulary;

- to develop reading skills;

- do develop listening comprehension;

- to develop speaking and writing skills;

- to develop pupils' creative abilities;

- to bring up love to work;

- to revise The Present Perfect Continuous Tense;

- to learn the proverbs. 






























1. Warm - up

A) T. Good morning, children! How are you today? Let's start our today's lesson. Our today's lesson is about householding chores. Look at the blackboard and you can see the motto of our lesson "A woman's work is never done". I hope that at the end of the lesson you'll explain it.

B) Let's make a word map



Householding chores


C) Now let's learn the poem


I got up in the morning

I tried to find my shoes,

My trousers, my coat,

My warm brown boots.

I couldn't find a single thing

But heard a bird who said,

Put all the things in their place

Before you go to bed.


2. Speaking

T. Answer my questions, please.

I know that not all the work at home is favourite for you.

What do you like to do at home?

What don't you like to do?

What do you always do?

What do you never do?

What does your mother do?


3. Reading

A)  Look at the picture at p. 56.

Where is the woman?

Translate the title of the text. What is it about?


B) Presentation of  New Vocabulary

a kettle                                      

a pan

a teapot

a tablecloth


to boil to dry

to fry

to pour

to prefer

to serve

to do chores

to do householding (duties)

Pupils look at the pictures, name them and make up a sentence with the word.


C) While - reading (Pair work)

1. Look through the text and find

- the names of householding duties (1st group);

- the names of the food items (2nd group);

- the names of household appliances (3d group).

2. Read the text and complete the table.






Cooking breakfast




Boiling sausages in a pot




Frying eggs in a a frying pan




Serving breakfast




Cutting bread




Making tea




Making coffee




Washing up




Drying the dishes




Cleaning the table




Taking off the cloth





3. True or false

- Everyone must know he has to do his or her part chores.

- Doing shopping is not a householding duty.

- The elder sister is usually the greatest helping hand for mother.

- We usually boil sausages in a frying pan.

- We usually fry in kettles.

- To make tea we need a kettle, a teapot, cups with plates.

- His father is good at making coffee.

- His elder sister never drinks coffee.

- After breakfast father washes up with a dishwasher.

- Mother cleans the table after breakfast.

- The elder sister stays at home and does lots of things about the house.


4. Continue the sentences:

- Doing a work about the house is called . . .

- Usually each member of a family has a . . .

- Writing notes to each other helps family members to . . .

- Usually mother is the busiest person in . . .

- We can . . . or . . . eggs for breakfast.

- When dish is ready we can . . .

- To make tea we should . . .

- We can wash up and dry the dishes with . . .

- We should put clean dishes . . .

- A woman's work is . . .


4. Logical contest (Group work)

Here comes Cinderella.

C. Hello children! My name is Cinderella. I've heard that your today's lesson is about woman's work. I know what it means. So I decided to visit you. I have prepared for your lesson the text, but my step-mother cut it. May be your teacher will help you with the text and you will be able to read it.

 I am sorry but I must hurry to the ball . . .

Good bye!

Pupils read the text "A woman's work is never done" and put the strip story together according to the plan.



1. The mother is busy all day long.

2. When parents go to work.

3. We clean our house.

4. "The right thing in the right place."

5. Some activities takes a lot of time.

6. "Mother's rest"

   - mending, sewing;

   - supper.

7. A woman's work is never done.


The mother of a family has alot of work to do in the house. All day long she is busy, doing one thing or another.

When father goes to work, Mother goes to work, too. That's why we try our best to help mother.

There is some dust on the floor every day. So we sweep the floor with the broom or clean it with a vacuum - cleaner. There is some dust on the furniture, too, on the tables, armchairs and chairs. We dust the furniture with a duster. we make our beds ourselves, too, and try to keep our rooms clean and tidy.

Mother doesn't like when things are lying all over the place. She often says, "The right thing in the right place." And we try to keep our things in the right places.

Doing the rooms, cooking meals and washing up takes a lot of time.

We want mother to rest. But she remembers: yesterday Tom fell down and made a hole in the trousers! So Mother takes some wool and a long needle and mends the trousers. Then she sees that a button from my coat is gone. She takes some thread and sews on a new button.

Will Mother have a rest now? She looks at the clock 6.30. Father will be home in a minute; she must get supper ready.

There is always something to do, a woman's work is never done. Let's try our best to help our mothers!


T. Answer the questions.

- What does Mother do all day long?

- Who helps Mum?

- What does Mum like to say?


5. Game "Magic puzzle."

T. Take the proverb from this magic box and try to find Ukrainian equivalent to it on the table and stick it there.


1. Business before pleasure.

2. The hardest work is to do nothing.

3. He that would eat the fruit must climb the tree.

4. What is worth doing at all worth doing well.

5. Jack of all trades is master of none.


1. Спочатку справа, потім розвагаю

2. Найважча  робота - нічого не робити.

3. Хто хоче їсти плід, має вилізти на дерево.

4. Якщо вже щось робити, то робити добре.

5. За все братися - нічого не робити.


6. Writing

T. Imagine that we have a binocular. Let's look through it to see what English housewives are doing.

Make up sentences and put them down. Use the Present Perfect Continuous Tense.


All morning



Mrs. Smith

to cook lunch

Mrs. Wilson

 to wash up

Mrs. Davis to fry fish

Mrs. Anderson to clean the room

Mrs. Miller to walk the dog

Mrs Brown to lay the table


T. Can you make these sentences negative and interrogative?


7. Summing up

T. Our lesson comes to the end. Let's sum it up. Explain the motto of our today's lesson "A woman's work is never done."

I wish you to help your mums, grandmothers, sisters and remember the words "Put all the things in their place before you go to bed."


8. Homework

ex. 5 - p. 57

Write a paragraph about householding duties of your family members.







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Англійська мова (7-й рік навчання) 7 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
22 грудня 2018
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