Урок: Великобританія. Геграфічне положення

Про матеріал
Objectives: - to train using of the lexical material on the topic; - to train and practise using of question forms; - to teach students to express their opinion; - to develop pupils’ knowledge, logical thinking, to improve reading, writing, speaking, listening comprehension skills through doing a lots of tasks; - by the end of the lesson students will revise the material about the USA and the UK.
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Англійська мова


5 клас

з поглибленим вивченням англійської мови


Тема: Великобританія. Геграфічне положення.


Побєдіна Олександра Рафаелівна

Вчитель англійської мови

ЗОШ №1,

м. Славутич, Київська обл.


Topic of the lesson: Great Britain. Geographical position. (5th form)



  • to train using of the lexical material on the topic;
  • to train and practise using of question forms;
  • to teach students to express their opinion;
  • to develop pupils’ knowledge, logical thinking, to improve reading, writing, speaking, listening comprehension skills through doing a lots of tasks;
  • by the end of the lesson students will revise the material about the USA and the UK.


Materials and aids: Notebook, flashcard, paper cards, multimedia equipment.



I. Introduction: 

T: Good morning, everyone!  I am glad to see you, today we have an extraordinary lesson – it’s a competition. We have two teams, they are The Britons and The Americans. They will show us their knowledge of the UK and the USA. We’ll speak about the sights, literature, capitals and interesting facts. We’ll have different tasks at the lesson which children haven’t got ready for. I hope our competition will be fun. At the end of the competition our honorable jury’ll give the score to each team. The winner will be the team with the highest score. The pupils who will show the best knowledge of the UK and the USA will receive a prize. Let’s start our competition and introduce the teams.

II. Warming-up:

T: You can see the map on the blackboard, do you know what it is.

III. Checking up the home task:

T: Your homework for today was Ex.6 p.36. Please open your workbooks and show me your h/w. Ihor, will you read it please? All the others check your answers please.

IV. Main part of lesson

T: Please dear participants present your teams:

  1. Presentation of teams:

Good morning, dear Ladies and Gentlemen. We are Britons!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qwirm13tX_4 (the children sing the anthem of the UK)

Hallo, everyone! We are Americans!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8uBDhA9tN78 (the children sing the anthem of the USA)


  1. Sightseeing presentation:

T: Name as many sights as you can, the team who will have more names will get 5 points, the other team will get 3 points. You have 3 minutes.











T: Time is up. Please let’s speak up the names in turns. Students call the names of  the sights and get the scores.


  1. QUIZ time:

T: So many places of interest you know! It was such a great job! And now you have to answer the questions to show your knowledge on the theme. Please be attentive. For each correct answer you will get one point. Are you ready? Presentation.

1. What are the four parts of the UK?

2. What is the capital of the UK?

3. What is the population of the UK?

4. What is the territory of The UK?

5. What are the capitals of England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland?

6. What are the symbols of England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland?

7. Where are the British monarchs crowned?

8. What are the best universities of the UK?

9. What is the residence of the Queen Elizabeth II?

10. What is the most famous clock of the UK?

11. What is the capital of the USA?

12. What is the population of the USA?

13. What is the territory of The USA?

14. How many states are there in the USA?

15. Who was the first president of the USA?

16. What is the largest city of the USA?

17. When did the USA become a country?

18. Who is the current president of the USA?

19. Where does the president live?

20. What is the longest river of the USA?

T: Excellent! You have coped with the quiz perfectly. And now let’s turn to our honorable jury. What is the score? Thank you! Both teams are gorgeous!


  1. Listening Presentation.

T: Well, now it’s a high time for listening task. You will see and hear the story about London. After that you should do tasks on separate sheets of paper. Hope you will do everything correctly. You have 3 minutes for it. One correct answer equals one point.

T: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WFRR0zC70-0


  1. What is the height of the Millennium Wheel?
  2. When was it opened?
  3. Palace of Westminster is also known as…
  4. Where can you find the largest area for sports in Central London?
  5. Where is Nelson Column situated?
  6. What is converted old power station?
  7. What time does the Changing of the Guard take place?
  8. How long does the traffic have to stop while the bridge is open?


The teacher gives the paper sheets and after completing the jury checks and announce the score.


  1. Writing and answering questions:

T: Each team has a great number of points. You went through lots of tasks and the last one will determine the winner. That is a writing task. You have to write 5 questions for the contestants, if they answer your question and the question is correct you will get 1 point, if they don’t you will get 2 points. You have 3 minutes.


V. Homework:  

Students should write about the sights of London or any other British or American city.


VI. Summing up

T: Your work at the lesson was fantastic. You were very active. And the winners get a special prize. Let’s congratulate them. Your marks are… Tell me please if you have learnt something new?  What was interesting or boring?

Thank you very much and good-bye!










English lesson

on the theme

“The USA and the UK”

7-th form


До підручника
Англійська мова (7-й рік навчання) 7 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
9 квітня 2019
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