Семестрова контрольна робота з перевірки навичок письма з англійської мови (7 клас)

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Семестрова контрольна робота з перевірки навичок письма у учнів 7 класу (за матеріалами підручника "Англіська мова" 7 клас. Карпюк О.Д.)

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  1. Choose the word from the box and complete the text.

Cold, headache, fit, doctor, healthy, flu, felt, care, medicine.

 Once Nick … ill. He was hot and had a … . he was lucky – it wasn’t …. . he caught a … .

The doctor gave some … and said the boy should stay in bed. Then the doctor told that Nick should take a special … of his health when it is winter. Nick should keep … : do morning exercises and eat … food.


  1. Complete with the correct question tags. 
  1. Little Donna  doesn’t go to school yet, … ?
  2. You visited this museum last month, … ?
  3. He is from Great Britain, …?


  1. Complete the sentences.
  1. I … lost because I didn’t have a … .
  2. We … on tour of the centre of the city.
  3. Look – a … tourist. With a guidebook and camera.


  1. Translate from Ukrainian into English.
  1. Сюжет фільму був захоплюючим. Фільм має видовищні спецефекти.
  2. Цей путівник дуже корисний.
  3. Олімпійські ігри проходять кожні 4 роки.


  1. Give some recommendations about the film which you have seen recently (7-8 sentences).





  1. Choose the word from the box and complete the text.

Cold, headache, fit, doctor, healthy, flu, felt, care, medicine.

 Once Nick … ill. He was hot and had a … . he was lucky – it wasn’t …. . he caught a … .

The doctor gave some … and said the boy should stay in bed. Then the doctor told that Nick should take a special … of his health when it is winter. Nick should keep … : do morning exercises and eat … food.


  1. Complete with the correct question tags. 
  1. Little Donna  doesn’t go to school yet, … ?
  2. You visited this museum last month, … ?
  3. He is from Great Britain, …?


  1. Complete the sentences.
  1. You should … the British Museum in London .
  2. I ... lots of photos yesterday.
  3. I … … so I asked for help.


  1. Translate from Ukrainian into English.
  1. Гра акторів була переконливою, але сюжет нудний та занадто довгий.
  2. Мій тато хотів оглянути місто .
  3. Найважливіша  річ щодо Олімпійських ігор – це брати участь.
  1. Give some recommendations about the film which you have seen recently (7-8 sentences).


9 квітня 2019
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