Урок "Визначні місця Лондона"

Про матеріал
Визначні місця Лондона. Назвати основні визначні місця Лондона. Закріпити знання з даної теми.
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Тема: Визначні місця Лондона. Розвиток навичок читання

Тип уроку: урок формування, засвоєння знань

Мета: 1.Активізувати ЛО теми, розповідаючи про визначні місця Лондона, вчити розуміти прочитане та розповідати про плани на майбутнє, використовуючи конструкцію be going to;

2.Розвивати навички читання та говоріння;

3.Виховувати повагу до культури та історії країни, мова якої вивчається;

Обладнання: картинки з зображенням визначних місць Лондона, карта Лондона, картки для роботи в парах та малих групах;

Хід уроку

І Організаційний етап

Good afternoon! How are you?

ІІ Етап підготовки учнів до активного та свідомого засвоєння знань


Yesterday we talked about London sights. Guess, what is the topic of our lesson? What are we going to do today?

Pupils’ ideas

Yes. The topic of our lesson is “London sights”. Today we are going to tell about London sights, read a story of The Great Fire and tell about our plans using “be going to”.

2) Warm-up

Let’s revise the sights of London. Name them: The London Eye, The tower of London, Big Ben, The Monument, Tower Bridge.

II Основна частина


Today we have guests. They are Mr and Mrs Brown.

Mr Brown: Good afternoon. I’m Mr Brown.

Mrs Brown: And I’m Mrs Brown.

Mr Brown: We like travelling. We visited many cities.

Mrs Brown: Where can we go on holiday? Tell us.

Pupil1: You can travel to London.

Pupil2: You can see the clock tower. Inside the tower there is a heavy metal bell. Its name is Big Ben. It’s heavier than two elephants.

Pupil3: The London Eye opened in 2000.It turns very slowly. At the top you can see across the city.

Pupil4: Boats go under Tower Bridge. A red light stops the traffic. The bridge opens and closes again.

Pupil5: You can see The Monument. It tells about the Great Fire of London in 1666. It is 61 metres high.

2) Reading

You said that the Monument tells about the Great Fire of London. Now we are going to read this story.

Read the text and put the pictures under the days of the week.(work in small groups)

  1. A servant woke up and saw the flames. He shouted. Everyone woke up. They threw water on the fire but it did not stop.
  2. The blew and the fire got bigger. It burnt other buildings.
  3. The fire burned hundreds of houses. It burned the old London Bridge.
  4. They pulled down a lot of houses. The fire could not burn them. The wind did not blow.
  5. The fire stopped but thousands of people did not have homes.
  6. The king sent food for the people. He talked to the builders. They are going to build a new city.


You have card on your desk. Read the sentences and say are they true or false (work in pairs). Correct the false sentences:

1.The fire started on Monday. F

2.A servant saw the fire. T

3.People pulled down the stables. F

4.The fire stopped but a lot of people did not have houses. T

5.The king sent wood and water for the people. F



Let’s play the game Simon says



We use “be going to” when we talk about the future. Make up the sentences. Use all the words.

1.going to, I, read a book, am.

2.tennis, going to, he, is, play.

3.are, swim, they, going to.

4.is, rain, it, going to.

5.going to, we, draw, are, a picture.

6.a bike, they, are, ride, going to.



 Guess the words. These are London sights:

1.nodonl   yee     2.werto fo onlond     3.gib neb    4.mentmonu    5.werto dgebri


III Заключна частина


Make up 5 sentences with “be going to”


2.Підведення підсумків та оцінювання учнів

Look at the smiles. What picture do you choose?








The first smile means that you know London sights. You can read them and tell some words about them. It is interesting for you. You can use “be going to”.


C:\Users\Olga\Desktop\гельлак\i.jpegThe second smile means you don’t know all the London sights. It is not easy to tell about them.


C:\Users\Olga\Desktop\гельлак\Smilik_08_enl.jpgThe third smile means you know nothing about London sights.


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