Урок "Як написати лист – запит інформації"

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Конспект заняття на тему «Лист – запит інформації.»

The Subject: Formal letters requesting information.

The Objectives:

  •       to teach students to write a formal letter requesting information using appropriate vocabulary and style;
  •       to develop listening skills;
  •       to develop skills of unprepared dialogue speech.




Teacher: Today you are going to learn to write formal letters asking for information. Do you often write letters? Have you ever written a formal letter?

Do you think it is easy to write a formal letter requesting information? What should we know to cope with the task? What should a good letter consist of?

Students: A good letter should consist of:

  •       an appropriate greeting;
  •       an introduction clearly stating the reason you are writing;
  •       a main body in which the subject is developed;
  •       a final paragraph in which you sum up the topic or express your wish for something to be done;
  •       an appropriate ending.



1. There are various types of letters. Which of them are usually formal (informal)? Which can be both?

  • letters of complaint (formal);
  • letters asking for or giving information (formal and informal);
  • letters of request (formal and informal);
  • letters asking for or giving advice (informal);
  • letters of invitation (formal and informal);
  • letters accepting or refusing an invitation (formal and informal);
  • letters expressing congratulations, thanks, regret, sympathy (informal);
  • letters giving news (informal);
  • letters of apology (formal and informal);
  • letters of application for a job (formal);
  • letters to the editor providing solutions or suggestions (formal).


2. Listen to four letters. Which letters are formal and which are informal? What is the reason for writing each letter?

Letter One

Dear Jane,

It was lovely to hear from you again. I received your letter this morning and I thought I'd write straight away. I've got so much to tell you. Quite a lot has happened since we last met.

My new school is great. I've made a lot of new friends already. The teachers are very friendly and helpful. So I don't feel at all strange or lonely here. Sometimes being a new girl is frightening. But everyone's being so kind.

My biggest news is winning a competition. I entered one in a magazine and won a holiday for two in Venice.

What are you doing in July? And how's your Italian? Let me know if you fancy a free trip to Venice. We could catch up on lost time and have a really nice holiday together.

Hope to hear from you very soon.



Students: It is an informal letter. It is a letter giving news. Sally tells about her new school and about winning a holiday for two in Venice. She offers Jane a free trip to Venice.


Letter Two

Dear Sir/Madam,

I'm writing to complain about the dreadful service at the Golden Goose fast food restaurant in Stone Street.

I took my two young children there last Sunday as a special treat and I was very upset by the service we received. To begin with, we waited at the counter for over fifteen minutes before our order was taken.

Then they gave us something completely different to what we'd ordered. And the assistant got very angry when I pointed this out.

When we sat down, the table was full of empty cartons and dirty plates. And again we waited another ten minutes before someone came to clear the table.

I was very disappointed and so were my two children who had been looking forward to their meal. I feel very strongly that something should be done to make sure that customers who are paying for the service receive a little respect.

Yours faithfully,

 Jane Wells.

Students: It's a formal letter. It's a letter of complaint. Jean Wells complains about the dreadful service at the fast food restaurant she visited with her children. The service was slow, the table was dirty and the waiters were rude.


Letter Three

Dear Mark,

I'm writing to invite you to the barbecue we are having at the rugby club next weekend.

As it's the end of the rugby season, we've decided to celebrate it by holding a barbecue. The club's an ideal place, it's got plenty of room outside where we're going to put up a tent for refreshments. This was the coach's idea. He says if it rains we could cook the barbecue in the tent. Each club member is invited to bring a guest. And knowing how much you love barbecues, I've thought of asking you to join us as I'm sure there will be music and dancing later on, too.

It starts at 7:30 on Saturday and you are welcome to spend the weekend at my place if you like.

Let me know if you can come.

Best wishes,


Students: It's an informal letter. It's a letter of invitation. John invites Mark to the barbecue at his rugby club and to spend the weekend at his place.


Letter Four

Dear Mr. Evans,

I'm writing to apply for the post of personnel manager as advertised in Monday's Daily Herald.

I studied business and management at OxfordUniversity and I also have a certificate in media studies. I've been working as a department manager for a large store for the past three years. And I am responsible for the general running of my department. My duties include staff training and supervision. I therefore feel I have the experience required for the position you advertised.

Please, contact me regarding any questions you might have. I enclose my CV and look forward to meeting you should you require me to attend an interview.

Yours sincerely,

Caroline Edwards

Students: It's a formal letter. It's a letter of application for ajob. Caroline Edwards applies for the post of personnel manager.


3. Find characteristics of formal style and informal style in letters.

  1.     The greeting (Dear Mrs. Lee, Dear Sir/Madam)
  2.     The greeting (Dear Alex, Dear Dad)
  3.     Frequent use of the passive
  4.     Formal language (complex sentences, non-colloquial English)
  5.     Informal language and style (idioms, colloquial English)
  6.     No abbreviated forms
  7.     Abbreviated forms
  8.     The ending (Yours sincerely/Yours faithfully + full name)
  9.     The ending(Yours/Love/Best wishes/Regards + first name)
    Formal style: 1, 3, 4, 6, 8.

Informal style: 2, 5, 7, 9.


4. Analyze the letters.

Read the advertisement and the two letters and decide which model is good and which is bad.

Dog obedience classes

Train your dog in our special classes.

Register now for the autumn course.

For more information write to

Smart Dogs

3, Longhill Green


Model A

Dear Sir I Madam,

I am writing to inquire about your advertisement in the September issue of Favourite Pets magazine. I am interested in dog obedience classes but I would be grateful if you could send me further details.

Firstly, I would like to know what breeds of dogs are accepted for the classes and whether the dog must be a certain age in order to take part. I have a six-month-old male cocker spaniel which I am anxious to train. He is very excitable and especially needs to learn how to walk without pulling on his lead.

I also require information on the cost of the course, when it will commence and how long it is likely to last.

I look forward to receiving details about the dog obedience classes. Thank you in advance for your help.

Yours faithfully,

Kristen Miller


Model B

Dear Sir/Madam,

I was reading the September issue of Favourite Pets magazine when 1 saw an ad for your dog-training school, so I decided to drop you a line. I need some information, you see.

My puppy is only six months old. Will you accept him at this age, or is he too young? He's really sweet. It would be great if you could let me know about this. I'm sure that after taking your course my dog will be much easier to control, so I can't wait it to start. When exactly do classes begin and end? I'm looking forward to your reply. Thanks a lot.

Best wishes John Riley.

Students: Model A is good because it's written in formal style. The first sentence in model B is inappropriate because it's informal language. The phrases "to drop you a line", "you see" and "it would be great" are colloquial English.

In Model B the author uses abbreviated forms. Also there are no passive structures. The ending "Best wishes" is inappropriate.



1. Arrange the sentences in logical order.

  •       First of all, your advertisement states that the price includes a return flight from Heathrow
  •       Dear Sir/Madam,
  •       Finally, regarding sightseeing, what sights will we visit on the daily sightseeing tours?
  •       I am writing regarding your advertisement in the Times on the 1 of May.
  •       Yours faithfully, Darren Barnet.
  •       Will there be time to go shopping?
  •       I'm interested in visiting Sri Lanka,
  •       Also will the guide speak English?
  •       I would be grateful if you could answer a few questions.
  •       Thank you for assistance.
  •       Will the flight leave in the morning?
  •       I look forward to hearing from you.
  •       The advertisement also mentions that the price includes ten nights in five-star accommodation.
  •       In addition regarding the meals, will vegetarian dishes be available?
  •       Will I have to share the room or will I have my own room?


Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing regarding your advertisement in the Times on the 1 of May. I'm interested in visiting Sri Lanka and would be grateful if you could answer a few questions.

First of all, your advertisement states that the price includes a return flight from Heathrow. Will the flight leave in the morning, afternoon or evening? The advertisement also mentions that the price includes ten nights in five-star accommodation. Will I have to share the room or will I have my own room? In addition, regarding the meals, will vegetarian dishes be available? Finally, what sights will we visit on the daily sightseeing tours? Will there be time to go shopping? Also, will the guide speak English? Thank you for assistance. I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,

Darren Barnet.

2. Teacher: How many paragraphs does the letter consist of? What is the purpose of each paragraph?

Students: The letter consists of three paragraphs.

In the first paragraph the author gives the reason of writing. In the second paragraph the author asks questions. In the third paragraph he thanks the travel agency for help.

Teacher: What does the author do before he asks a question?

Students: The author mentions the facts he learnt from the advertisement.

Teacher: What linking words are used in the letter?

Students: Such linking words as "First of all", "Also", "Finally" are used in the letter.



1. Teacher: You've come across an advertisement for a package deal. You're going to telephone the travel agency to find out more information. What will you ask about?

Students: We will ask about:

  •       Accommodation;
  •       Transportation;
  •       Boarding;
  •       Price;
  •       Sightseeing tours.

2.Group work.

Group A asks questions in direct speech, Group B refers the questions to indirect speech.

Group A

  1.     How much does the tour cost?
  2.     What does the price include?


  1.     Does the price include the services of your representative at the resort?


  1.     Will I live at a 5-star hotel?


  1.     What facilities are provided in the hotel?
  2.     Is vegetarian food available?


  1.     What sightseeing tours are organized at the hotel?


Group B

  1.     I wonder how much the tour costs.
  2.     I would like to ask what the price includes.
  3.     I want to know if the price includes the services of your representative at the resort.
  4.     I wonder if I will live at a 5-star hotel.
  5.     I would like to ask what facilities are provided in the hotel.
  6.     I want to know if vegetarian food is available.
  7.     I wonder what sightseeing tours are organized at the hotel.

3.Look through the advertisement and decide what else you would like to know about the hotel. Telephone to the hotel to find out more details.


Sunnysands Hotel

Come and stay at our glorious hotel, situated right on the sea front!

  •        tennis courts, swimming pool and gym facilities
  •        beautiful rooms with gorgeous sea views
  •        wonderful cuisine
  •        downstairs bar open
  •        friendly staff

Our two-week package includes:

Transport to and from the airport, accommodation, buffet breakfast and three-course evening meal.


Write to:

 Sunnysands Hotel

 25, Longside Place,



Example dialogue

Receptionist: Sunnysands Hotel. Can I help you?

Tourist: I'm calling regarding your advertisement in the Sun on 15th May. I'm very interested in visiting your hotel and would be very grateful if you could answer a few questions.

Receptionist: You're welcome.

Tourist: First of all, your advertisement mentions that the hotel has tennis courts, a swimming pool and gym facilities. I would like to know if I can rent sports equipment at your hotel or I need to bring my own.

Receptionist: You can rent any sports equipment right here.

Tourist: Also your advertisement states that the rooms at your hotel are just wonderful. I wonder if the rooms are equipped with computers and if there is access to the Internet.

Receptionist: Unfortunately, there are no computers in the rooms, but there is the Internet cafe at the hotel.

Tourist: Oh, I see. Also, regarding cuisine is vegetarian food available?

Receptionist: Of course, it is.

Tourist: Finally, regarding the staff, is there a doctor at the hotel?

Receptionist: Certainly, there is.

Tourist: Thank you for assistance. You've been a great help. Can I make a reservation right now?


  1.                WRITING.

Write a letter requesting information to Sunnysands Hotel.


  1.             HOME ASSIGNMENT

Read the advertisements, choose one and write a letter requesting information.

Use the prompts to make questions.



(21st- 24thJUNE)


  •        RAFTING EQUIPMENT – waterproof clothing?
  •        FOOD & CAMPING EQUIPMENT – sleeping bags?
  •        PROFESSIONAL GUIDES – How many per group?
  •        TRANSPORTATION TO & FROM THE RIVER FROM DENVER – journey – how long?






TEL.: (405) 978 - 1792


Collingbury Farm is looking

for fruit pickers for

this summer

The right people for the job

  •        will be able to work 40 hours/week 
  •        stay on the farm for the fruit-picking 


  •        be young and fit
  •        have previous experience


For further information, contact:

Martin Ellis

Collingbury Farm

NN4 9YL Tramford




  1.     Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley (2008).  Enterprise 2.  Express Publishing.
  2.     Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley (2009). Wishes. Level В 2. Express Publishing.
  3.     Virginia Evans (2009). Successful Writing. Upper-intermediate.  Express Publishing.








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