Урок з англійської мови 10 клас " How techy you are"

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Познайомити та опрацювати в мовленні учнів лексику з теми " Технології".Вчити учнів вести розмову пронайкорисніші винаходи,зокрема - мобільний телефон. Ознайомити учнів з мовою написання СМС( text language). Розвивати в учнів навички усного мовлення з теми " Технології" та аудіювання коротких діалогів
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                                       Lesson 3

                               HOW  TECHIE ARE  YOU?

Suggested level –B1


-to widen students’ knowledge on the topic;

-to develop students’ speaking and reading skills;

-to develop students’ logical and creative thinking;

-to practice listening;

Equipment: a coursebook “Solutions” Pre-Intermidiate, Smart Board, slide show ,CD, CD player.



I .Greeting. Warming-up.

T: Good morning, children! I’m glad to see you! How are you? I hope you’re fine. Let’s start our lesson. Look at the screen.

(Students watch a video about different gadgets)

T: Why have we watched this video?

S1: This video is connected with the topic of  our lesson.

S2: I think our life isn’t impossible without these gadgets and we’ll talk about               them.

T: Welcome to our unusual lesson that is connected with modern communication technologies. Do you agree with words of  Bernard  Shaw?

“Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot  change their minds cannot change anything.” ( Slide 1)

Students’ answers.

T: OK! It can be the motto of our lesson!

II.Main part

1.Vocabulary revision

(Slides 2-3)

T: Look at these gadgets and name them.

( Digital radio, digital camera, smartphone, calculator, camcorder, digital photo frame, ebook reader, games console, HD TV, MP3 player, notebook, satnav, satellite TV, tablet PC)

T: Look at the sentences and say what electronic devices these people should buy:

I like books but they take up too much space. ( ebook reader)

I want to listen to music while I’m walking to school. (MP3 player)

I want to make a film of my granddad’s 80th birthday. ( camcorder)

I love watching films on television. But I want a really clear and high-quality picture. ( HD TV)

My mum is always getting lost in her car. (satnav)

My laptop is a bit old and quite heavy. ( tablet PC)

I’ve got a lot of photos but  it’s inconvenient  to store them in my laptop. (digital photo frame)

My best friend presented me a new computer game and I’d like to play it. (game console)

T:What is the most popular devise among you -  young people? Let’s begin with the most widespread  ones. What are they?

S1: Computer.

S2:The Internet.

S3: Smartphone.

S4: Tablet PC. etc

T: As we know , one of the most popular gadgets is a mobile phone or smartphone. So, try to complete the sentence.

I cannot live without a mobile phone because….( Slide 4)

Students’ answers


T:Great! So, you don’t  see any negative influence of mobile phones on our life, do you? Let’s read and disscuss the text of ex.2p.56

After-reading activity

T: What advice can you give people who spend a lot of time and money on text messaging?

Students’ answers

3. Listening

T: Now I want you to listen to four teenagers talking about how they use a mobile phone. Answer the questions:

1. Who  loves texting?( Cindy)

2. Who loves ringtones? (Darren)

3.Who has got a 3G phone? (Paula)

4. Who talks for a long time on the phone?  (Ethan)

      T: Listen again. Complete the phrases with nouns in the box.



    Mobiles: verb + noun phrase

        1.upgrade a __________                   4. dial a ______________

        2. make a ____________                   5. download a__________

        3. use a _____________                     6. send a _____________



T: Technology takes an important place in our daily routine. Now I want you to complete the sentences about its role.( Slide 5)

Technology will make the world a better place because…

With the help of computers we can….

With the help of the Internet we can…

With the help of mobile phones we can…

Some nanotechnology can help to….


III. Summing-up. Home assignment.

T:Today we’ve talked a lot of information about gadgets and their place in our life.You were very active and skillful ,you’ve got marks…

  Your home task is to write a composition about advantages and disadvanteges of such modern wonders as a computer or mobile phone.




















3. Reading.

Pre-reading activity

T:What other device do you often use at home or at school?

Ss: Computer, tablet PC, etc.

T: Look at these icons . Can you recognize them?

    Answer the questions:

How many social networking sites can you name?

What do people use them for?

How often do you visit social networking sites?

How long do you usually stay on trhem?

Do you think teenagers spend too much time on social networking sites? Give your reasons.

Can you become addicted to social networking sites?

T: a) Read the text “ Facebook and me”. Answer the questions.

How often does Bethany go on Facebook?

What activities does she do on Facebook?

What made her realize that she might have a problem?

How did her friends react when she left Facebook?

What aspects of her life improved after she left Facebook?

In her opinion, what are the advantages of Facebook?


b)Complete the phrases in the chart with the wards below. Then find them in the text.

Create    reactivate( deactivate)    log on     post     update     upload


Websites: verb + noun phrases

1.___________to a website               4.___________a message

2.___________a photo                      5.___________an account

3.___________a profile                     6.___________an account


4. Speaking

T:  I’ve got an email from the girl. She complains:

“ My parents  don’t want to buy a computer for me. My father says it’s too expensive and that’s possible to study without it.

Help me ,please, to persuade my father that computerse very important!”

T: Let’s try to help this girl! Suggest your ideas

Ss answers:

you can’t do your  homework without a computer;

you can’t listen  to English texts or  use educational programmes;

you can’t write any research works;

you can’t make your own presentations on various topics;

you want your future profession to be connected with computers;

you can’t play your favourite computer game;

you can show the advantages of using the Internet;

you will be able to find information, communicate with friends and relatives, do shopping and so on!

T: Thank you , children! Let’s sum up!

      Computers are used for…       - sending letters.

                                                       - communicating.

                                                       -  searching the information.

                                                       - playing games.

                                                       - listening to music.







                                         Lesson 1

                                 Electronic Devices


to develop students’ speaking and listening skills;

to activate the vocabulary on the topic “ Technology”;

to teach students to talk about the most useful devices;

to promote broadening of general outlook of students;

Equipment: coursebook “ Solutions Pre-Intermidiate”, CD, CD player, students’ multimedia presentations, handout materials;




T:Good morning, children! I’m glad to see you. Today we’ll speak about electronic devices that you use regularly.


Making a Survey

T: To start with , I suggest making a survey. Your task will be to find out what your classmates use their gadgets for. Ask as more students as possible and after that discuss the answers with the class.

( Students are getting survey cards, going around the class and collecting the information. Then they are discussing the answers)

                                              A Survey Card

      What do you use your gadgets for?


to do research work


for web surfing


to send e-mails


to chat with friends


to meet new people


to play games


for audio and video downloads


for shopping


to read the news


     10)to watch your favourite TV programmes and films


      11)to check the weather


      12) other uses



2.Practising the vocabulary


T: We are going to identify the gadgets on the photos with words from the list below. Which devices are not illustrated?

Electronic devices

Camcorder, digital photo frame, digital radio, ebook  reader, games console, HD TV, hard disk recorder, MP3 player, notebook, satellite  TV, smart phone, tablet PC.

( Students watch video presentation and name the gadgets they see)


 T: Complete the sentences with words from ex.1

  1. I can carry hundreds of  books around with me on my ____ and I don’t need a bag.
  2. We can record over 100 hours of television programmes on our ____.
  3. We’ve got _____ at home. There’s a choice of more than 100 channels.
  4. My dad takes his ___ with him on the train so that he can work.
  5. I can do anything on my ____ - play music , record video, send emails and make phone calls ,of course.
  6. The picture on our new ____ is amasinglyclear.

III. Main Body

  1. Listening and speaking

Pre-listening activity

T: Which of phrases below might appear in adverts for devices?

         charge the battery                                   find the way

        pick up email                                             make a call

       record/rewind/pause a programme             play music

      store photos                                                 surf the Net

      watch films

a   mobile phone                                             d    digital radio

b    hard disk recorder                                     e    satnav

c    MP3 player

  1. Listening

T: Listen to four advertisements. Match each advertisement with a device  from ex.5p. 55


  1.        New , from SuperSound- the 40 gigabyte  TrackMate. It can hold more than

Voice          5,000 songs and is smaller than a cassette. When you’re travelling,working or

                   just relaxing- have 5,000 songs in your pocket with the new TrackMate.


  1.         The new F17G is the only gadget you need. You can take photos with it.

Voice           You can play games on it. You can listen to your favourite music. You can even               

                    record video pictures. Oh yes—and you can make calls.

Woman      Hi! Maggie! I simply must tell you about the F17G. Yes, it’s new.Yes, you can

                   take photos.


         Imagine-you’re watching TV – it’s your favourite programme.


  Man          Great! My favourite programme is starting!

Voice          And then…

Man           Oh…no! I don’t want to miss my favourite programme.

Voice          Why don’t you  record it?

 Man           I can’t find a video!

Voice         You don’t need a video cassette-or a DVD. You just press “record”!

Man            Really? That’s easy!

Voice           Yes! The HDR-360 can record six hours of TV programmes-without a video       

                     cassette or a disk!


Radio          And here are the football results.

Man             Come on Arsenal. Come on Arsenal!

Radio           Liverpool 1, Chelsea 1.

Man             Come on Arsenal.

Radio          Arsenal 2, Manchester United ….

Man            What? I didn’t hear the result!! What was the result?

Voice           Don’t worry! Because it’s digital. You can stop the programme, rewind it,and

                    listen to that part again.

Man            Really? It’s amazing!

Man            OK, now be quiet! Shh.

Radio          …football results. Liverpool 1, Chelsea 1.

Man             COME ON ARSENAL!

Radio           Arsenal 2, Manchester United 7.

Man             Oh…

T: Imagine you have won two of these devices from exercise above in a competition.

Which would you choose? Why?

IV.Home Assignment

T: Write a short story about three gadgets you usually use. Say what  do you      use them for.








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