Урок з англійської мови для 8 класу "Література"

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Конспект уроку з англійської мови для 8 класу за темою "Письменники.Література" за підручником А.М. Несвіт(Видавництво :Генеза) .Урок складений з використанням інтерактивних технологій,спрямованих на розвиток мовленнєвих навичок учнів.

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                                                                                                    “Choose an author as you choose a friend”

Nadiya Schastna

A teacher of English

Specialised School №1, Schostka



II.Warming up


IV.Running Dictation

V.Debate “Books”

VI.Presantation of students` reports


VIII.Activity” Interview”

IX.Students` dialogues

X.Work with newspapers` articles

XI.Summing up

XII.Home Assignement


To expend students` knowledge about English literature

To learn vocabulary and spelling

To identify writers and poets visually

To develop students creative imagination

To improve listening comprehension and oral speech skills

To develop students` reading skills

To stimulate students` thinking.


Pictures, collages, posters, portrets of writers and poets.


I  Introduction. Greeting.

Good morning! Nice to meet you! Today we have an unusual lesson.   It`s an open lesson.There are many guests present at it. I hope you`ll enjoy it and speaking about English famous writers and poets will be interesting. So, let`s go on with our travel to the wonderful country of English literature. You will revise the topic words and practice in using them, write a dictation, retell information you`ve got from the texts and express your opinion about it.

II. Warming-up

Teacher:   Let`s warm-up.There is a tongue-twister “She sells sea-shells by the sea-shore.The shells she sells are sea-shells, I`m sure”. Look at the poster and read it all together.Now repeat it without the poster.

   And I want you to learn a proverb” Choose an author as you choose a friend” which is connected with the topic of our lesson. Try to learn it by heart for the next lesson.

T:   I`d like to remind you who we are going to speak about at our lesson. But oops! What can I see? Something is wrong with the words! Who can help me to rearrange the letters so that we correct names?Are there wolunteers? (On the board there are words written in disorder:)






Keys: Byron,Shakespeare,Kipling,Marshall,Burns.

  T:   Oh, you`ve done a good job. Thank you, you were active.

   So, today we`ll speak about George (children altogether:Byron),William…(Shakespeare),Rudyard…(Kipling),Alan…(Marshall) and Robert…(Burns)

III.   The    Main   Part

  1. Activity» Who is Who»?

T:    OK! But do you know who is who? You can see the portrets of many famous people in our classroom.  Now I  ask you to tell the names of these writers and poets.  

  1. Activity»Match the Pairs»

T:     In order to keep the conversation on the given topic you had to learn many new words.I tell you a Ukrainian word and you should tell us the correct translation. So, start, please.

    Teacher says the words:


Studens pronounce their translations.

IV Running  Dictation

T:      And now you will write an unusual dictation. It will be a running dictation. So, some of you come up to the door and read a sentence from your dictation. These sentences are written on a sheet of paper on our door. So ,come up in turn,read,try to remember and dictate to other students.

V Dispute

T:      And now let`s discuss our problem and speak about the role of reading in people`s life. I know that there two groups of students in your class: those who likes to read books and those who doesn`t like to do it. I like to read very much too. So, our task is to prove that reading is interesting and to help others to get to know more about reading and English literature especially. Well, let`s start. Who wants to tell smth. about the role of books in our life?

P :  Books play a very important part in our life. They are a great school of life because are full of information about the real events.

P:  I don`t like to read. As for me I prefer to play football.

P:  But books can give you more knowledge about playing football and many other kinds of sports.

P:  I don`t like to read either. As for me I prefer going for a walk or to communicate with my friends.

Р:  But there are many books which us how to communicate with people and to make friends. Among them I want to name Dale Karnegy`s books, that are easy to read and highly successful because they make a deep impression on a person.

VI   Reports

Т:     To convince those who doesn`t like to read books that reading is interesting, captivating and useful let`s speak about your favourite writers and poets, but don`t tell their names. You, who doesn`t like to read try to guess their names, listening to the facts from their biographies.

( Students present their reports about famous writer`s lives and activities, their books, plays and verses.)

  1.     Activity True or False

T:      I feel a bit tired and sometimes I can tell you some false statements. When I`m right hold up the green card and I`m wrong hold up the green card. OK?

(Students are given two cards of green and red.)

        VI.      Listening comprehension

T:       Now  I propose you to relax a bit. It will be a kind of game. You will listen to a song. While you hear the line of the song, written on the sheet of paper you have in your hands you put it on the board. OK?

Be very attentive!

        VII.     Activity “Interview”

T:        Would    you like to make a journey through time and to meet one of the greatest dramatist of Renaissance W. Shakespeare? (Yes!) So, get ready! Now you are journalists of the local newspaper  “Chance” ( music is played). Close your eyes and use your imagination. You are in time machine that carries you back into the 16-th century .Students can see “William Shakespeare”. It`s a pupil dressed a beret with a feather and a long cloak.

T:       So, you are in the 16-th century now. Here`s W.Shakespeare himself. You can make a great interview. Be sure that it will be a real sensation. ( Students ask all kinds of questions to the playwrit.)

        IX.      Dialogues


T:      And now I want you to present your dialogues about your favorite English writer or poet. (Students dramatize their dialogues in pairs.)

        X.        Work with newspapers` articles


T:        Would you like to get more information about G.G.Byron and W.Shakespeare? I`ll give you some newspapers` articles about these famous writers. Try to find information about their lives and activities.(Students are given the newspapers` articles.)

        XI.        Summing-up

T:        In conclusion I`d like to thank everyone. You have improved your speaking skills, developed your listening, reading and writing skills. You have done your best to show your knowledge, skills and concern about the problem. You were great!

         XII.       Home assignment 

T:        Have you enjoyed our lesson? Your homework is to make a report  “ My favorite Ukrainian (English) writer or poet”. The lesson is over. Good bye!

13 травня 2018
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