Урок з англійської мови для учнів 7 класу.

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Узагальнюючий урок за темою "Food". 7 клас. Мета уроку: удосконалювати навички читання, аудіювання, письма, говоріння. Розвивати творчу уяву учнів, їх мислення шляхом розв’язання поставлених цілей.
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    Приходько Т.П., Дігтярівський НВК, Новгород-Сіверський район, Чернігівська область

Theme: food  (7 form)

Objective: to practice speaking, to develop reading : writing and listening, to extend students’ knowledge about British meals and food; to focus their attention on specific words and words- combinations;  to develop students’ ability to express their thoughts logically.

Equipment: notebook, cards of exercises, books, listening .


  1. Introduction


Good morning, pupils.

How are you?

Aim of the lesson

T. The topic of our lesson is “Food ”. Today we are going to do different activities at the lesson: play games, listen to stories, speak and write. Sure, you will do your best to improve your knowledge and speaking skills on the topic “Food”. So, let’s start.

  1. The main part of the lesson.
  1. Phonetic drills













  1. Let’s remember words and words - combinations on the topic.

Imagine that you are in a magic garden. You can see different kinds of food everywhere. Please, divide into three groups: Fruit, Vegetables, Meals.

Cake, egg, cucumber, apple, onion, sandwich, orange, lemon, bread, peas, milk, cabbage, juice, tomatoes, plum, water melon, coffee, potatoes, carrots, macaroni.

  1. Listen to a group of words and identify an odd word.

Porridge, apple, cheese, butter, a blender.

Apricot, plum, potatoes, lemon, banana.

Lemonade, milk, juice, water, bacon.


  1. Read the text and complete it with the sentences. Give the title to the text and write it down.
  1. In Britain there is also a tradition of afternoon tea.
  2. A traditional English breakfast consists of any or all of the following bacon, sausages, grilled or fried potatoes, mushrooms, eggs, toast.
  3. The evening meal is called dinner.
  1. The midday meal is usually called lunch.


  • Kippers (smoked herring) or black pudding (blood pudding) may also appear on the menu. However, fewer people now eat a cooked breakfast every day, more people prefer various combinations of cereal, toast, juice or fruit, tea or coffee.
  • Some people take a packed lunch of sandwiches, fruit, biscuits, but many people have lunch in a café or a canteen.
  • The afternoon tea usually includes tea, biscuits and cakes at about 4 p.m.
  • Dinner is usually eaten around 6 or 6.30 p.m. It is usually a cooked meal with meat or fish , or a salad, followed by a sweet course.

From the text write down the food items for each of the meals.


Midday meal (lunch):

Afternoon tea:

Evening meal (dinner):


Write down the answers to the questions.

  1. How many meals a day do the English generally eat?
  2. What kind of breakfast do more English people prefer nowadays?
  3. What is the midday meal usually called?
  4. What do people in Britain traditionally have at about 4 p.m.?
  5. What is evening meal usually called?
  6. What does evening meal usually include?


  1. I have got a very funny rhyme for you. We will finish the lines like real poets. Are you poets. Let’s see.

I am Sam.

I like …. .

I am Bruce. Like …

I am Sophie. Like … .

He is Tony. He likes … .

She is Betty. She likes … .

He is Lea. He likes … .

  1. Complete the sentences with the words from the box


Bowl, fork, knife, plate, spoon                                        


We eat soup with a  … .

We serve chicken on a … .

We serve soup in a  … .

We cut bread with a  … .

We eat steak with a  … .

  1. Divide the sentences into two columns: the recipe of a banana dessert and the recipe of a strawberry shake.
  1. Take two bananas, peel and slice them.
  2. Take some strawberries and then freeze them in the fridge.
  3. Put the slices into a bowl.
  4. Cut two oranges inti halves and squeeze some orange juice.
  5. Add some cream and nuts.
  6. Put the strawberries, yogurt and orange juice into a blender and mix them until smooth.
  7. Pour your dessert with chocolate.
  8. Enjoy your meal.
  9. Your shake is ready!


Banana dessert                                          Strawberry Shake


8). Match the dishes to the ingredients.

a) Greek salad

b) Sandwich

c) Omelette

d) Cake

1) Butter, nuts, flour, eggs, fruit, chocolate

2) Sweet pepper, cheese, olives, onion, olive oil, tomatoes, cucumbers, salt, parsley

3) Bread, butter, sausage, lettuce

4) Butter, milk, eggs, salt, pepper


9) Listening

Listen to the story and write down the recipe of the vegetable soup.

Today it is Sunday. My mother is cooking. I would like to help Mum to cook a vegetable soup.

 She is glad that I want to help her. She says  “Kate, please, take some potatoes and wash them. Then give me some carrots, a cabbage and an onion.”

Mother washes meat and puts it into the port. Kate begins to cut the vegetables.

 Then Mother puts some salt into the soup.

Now it’s time for dinner. The family is having dinner. Father says, “The soup is very tasty. Who cooked the soup?” and mother says   “Kate helped me to cook it. Kate is happy. She says  “Tomorrow I am going to cook porridge” .

Answer the questions

  1. What day of the week is it today?
  2. What dish do they cook?
  3. What vegetables do they take?
  4. Is the soup tasty?


III Summarizing




Evaluation of achievements

T. Friends, our lesson is coming to the end. Thank you for your work. The most active at the lesson were … They deserve … Have a nice day.

















  1. Phonetic drills

Ham, juice, café, canteen, candy, smooth, serve, shake, flour, olives, parsley, lettuce


  1. Divide into three groups: Fruit, Vegetables, Meals.

Cake, egg, cucumber, apple, onion, sandwich, orange, lemon, bread, peas, milk, cabbage, juice, tomatoes, plum, water melon, coffee, potatoes, carrots, macaroni.

3. Read a group of words and identify an odd word.

1) Porridge, apple, cheese, butter, a blender.

2) Apricot, plum, potatoes, lemon, banana.

3) Lemonade, milk, juice, water, bacon.

  1. Read the text and complete it with the sentences. Give the title to the text and write it down.
  1. In Britain there is also a tradition of afternoon tea.
  2. A traditional English breakfast consists of any or all of the following: bacon, sausages, grilled or fried potatoes, mushrooms, eggs, toast.
  3. The evening meal is called dinner.
  4. The midday meal is usually called lunch.


In the United Kingdom people usually eat three meals a day.

1) Kippers (smoked herring) or black pudding (blood pudding) may also appear on the menu. However, fewer people now eat a cooked breakfast every day, more people prefer various combinations of cereal, toast, juice or fruit, tea or coffee.

  1. Some people take a packed lunch of sandwiches, fruit, biscuits, but many people have lunch in a café or a canteen.
  2. The afternoon tea usually includes tea, biscuits and cakes at about 4 p.m.
  3. Dinner is usually eaten around 6 or 6.30 p.m. It is usually a cooked meal with meat or fish , or a salad, followed by a sweet course.

From the text write down the food items for each of the meals.


Midday meal (lunch):

Afternoon tea:

Evening meal (dinner):

Answers to the questions.

  1. How many meals a day do the English generally eat?
  2. What kind of breakfast do more English people prefer nowadays?
  3. What is the midday meal usually called?
  4. What do people in Britain traditionally have at about 4 p.m.?
  5. What is evening meal usually called?
  6. What does evening meal usually include?



  1. Finish the lines like real poets. Let’s see

I am Sam. I like …. . I am Bruce. Like …

I am Sophie. Like … . He is Tony. He likes … .

She is Betty. She likes …  He is Lea. He likes … .


  1. Look at the picture and complete the sentences.

We eat soup with a ….   We serve chicken on a ….   We serve soup in a ….

We cut bread with a ….  We eat steak with a …..


  1. Divide the sentences into two columns: the recipe of a banana dessert and the recipe of a strawberry shake.
  1. Take two bananas, peel and slice them.
  2. Take some strawberries and then freeze them in the fridge.
  3. Put the slices into a bowl.
  4. Cut two oranges intо halves and squeeze some orange juice.
  5. Add some cream and nuts.
  6. Put the strawberries, yogurt and orange juice into a blender and mix them until smooth.
  7. Pour your dessert with chocolate.
  8. Enjoy your meal.
  9. Your shake is ready!


Banana dessert                                          Strawberry Shake

8). Match the dishes to the ingredients.

a) Greek salad     b) sandwich      c) omelette       d) cake

1) butter, nuts, flour, eggs, fruit, chocolate

2) sweet pepper, cheese, olives, onion, olive oil, tomatoes, cucumbers, salt, parsley

3) bread, butter, sausage, lettuce

4) butter, milk, eggs, salt, pepper


9. Listening.

 Answer the questions

  1. What day of the week is it today?
  2. What dish do they cook?
  3. What vegetables do they take?
  4. Is the soup tasty?


15 грудня 2020
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