Урок з англійської мови у 7 класі з теми "Навчання та школи Великобританії"

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План конспект уроку з англійської мови у 7 класі

Учитель: Багірова Світлана Миколаївна

Сумська класична гімназія

Тема: Навчання та школи Великобританії

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План конспект уроку з англійської мови  у 7 класі

Учитель: Багірова Світлана Миколаївна

Сумська класична гімназія

Тема: Навчання та школи Великобританії


  • семантизація лексичних одиниць з теми « Навчання»
  • практикувати учнів в читанні тексту з повним розумінням
  • практикувати учнів в аудіюванні з повним розумінням
  • практикувати учнів в говорінні за ситуацією висловлювання
  • активізація використання інфінітиву у мовленні учнів
  • розвиток мовленнєвих і інтелектуальних здібностей учнів
  • навчання учнів порівнювати систему навчання у Британії і Україні
  • розвиток навичок спілкування при роботі у парах і групах
  • виховання поваги до культури і традицій країни мова якої вивчається

Обладнання: Підручник Real Life Pre-Intermediate, PowerPoint presentation.

Хід уроку

     І. Підготовча частина.

1. Greeting

Good morning, children! I’m glad to see you. It’s so nice to see all of you today. Take your seats. What date is it today? Who is absent today? Why? Tell me about your mood… Now I see you’re in а good mood and ready to start working. Let’s start our lesson.

2. Introducing the topic

1. Read the poem and guess the topic of our lesson

2. Today we shall discuss Education and Schools in Britain. I hope you go to school to get new information and become smarter. But I think these are not the only reasons why you come to school. You go to school mostly because you like to study. Let’s enlarge your vocabulary, refresh grammar knowledge about the infinitive and get some new information from the text.

 Objectives: we are to find the answer to the questions:

  1. How do schools in Britain differ?
  2. Are foreign languages compulsory in British schools?

3. Warming up

Making Words from Main Letters in a Long Word

Look at the screen. There is a word “SCHOOL”. You should compose different words from all the letters of this word on the topic “School”.

S   C  H  O O  L

E  H   I   P  N  A

C  E   S  E  L   B
O M  T   N I    O
N  I   O      N   R
D  S   R      E   A
A  T  Y            T
R  R                 O
Y  Y                R



ІІ. Основна частина.

  1.            Vocabulary drill

        You are to work in 3 groups.

     Make up The Cinquain on the topic SCHOOL. Follow the steps:


1. The topic

2. 2 adjectives about the topic

3. 3 verbs about the topic

4. A sentence about the topic

5. A synonym of the topic


      So, group 1 let’s check up. .…


2. Presenting new vocabulary. Phonetical warm-up

       So I should admit you know a lot of words on the topic. To speak better it is necessary to learn new ones and to enlarge our vocabulary. Look at the board.

       Pronounce the following words after me.

       Read new words in chain. Name the nouns, verbs and adjectives. Copy them without translation.

A habit [ˈhæbɪt]-звичка

an opportunity [ˌɒp.əˈtʃuːnəti]- a chance

a success [səkˈses] –good results

successful [səkˈsesfəl]- успішний

compulsory [kəmˈpʌlsəri]-must be

to suggest[səˈdʒest]- to offer

to drop smth- to stop doing or planning something, especially an activity

GCSE [ˌdʒiːsiːesˈiː]-General Certificate of Secondary Education: a system of public exams taken in various subjects from the age of about 16

a course [kɔːs] -a set of classes or a plan of study on a particular subject

a career [kəˈrɪə]

Psychology [saɪˈkɒlədʒi]

Let’s guess the translation of the following new words reading a poem.

You learnt such lots of things at school,
And new ones every day;
Suggest you some new names of them
They aren’t too hard to say.

Studying is a person’s habit.
But if you want the best result,

Remember not to lose your pen,
Dictations won’t be dull.

Geography’s about the world,
It’s interesting for me,
Because I have an opportunity
To discover lands and seas.

Suppose history is very nice,
But Algebra is rather useful.
Let’s calculate your smiles

And we shall be successful.

And Learning is compulsory,
It shows us many ways.

It really helps at Chemistry
And brings us a success.


 Make up your own word combinations/ sentences with our new words


3. Writing

 We’ll try to improve our knowledge about the infinitive and use our new words. What do you know about the infinitive? What is it used for? -To show our intention and goal.

          Let’s complete the following sentences using the infinitive. Do it in written form.

  1. Students attend libraries… .
  2. At many secondary schools in Britain it is compulsory… .
  3. In a school canteen boys and girls have an opportunity… .
  4. He has a wish … .
  5. … to become a successful person.
  6. Tom proposed his friend … .


4. Pre-reading activities

           So as you see we will speak about  secondary school in Britain. Look at handouts...

Підручник Real Life Pre-Intermediate

  1. Ex.1, p.28 Describe the photo. What are the students doing?

      2. Answer the questions

      a) What subjects are the most popular in our school?

      The least popular ones? What are you good\bad at?

      b) Is it different for boys and girls?


5. Reading Comprehension

         Now you will read the fact file to answer the following questions.

Do English pupils study how to drive at school?

Are foreign languages compulsory in American schools?

Підручник Real Life Pre-Intermediate

Ex. 2.6, p.28

6. After-reading activities/Dialogues

 You will work in pairs. Look at Ex. 2 on p.28. підручник Real Life Pre-Intermediate

There are some questions. Read them.

Your task is to make up short dialogues discussing them.

Ask and answer, prove your point of view.

7. Pre-listening activities

Complete the following sentences.

1.Prosperitas is not a public school, it’s a ….. one.

2.Our gymnasia is a …. school.

3.We study ….. for GCSE.

4….. are compulsory in our gymnasia.

5.To be successful you should …

6.I would like to drop … because….

7. I’m good at….

8. I’m keen on….


8. Listening activities

Ex. 4, p.28 Підручник Real Life Pre-Intermediate

Match the subjects with the statements, ICT-Information Technology


9. After-listening activities


Work in groups and discuss the questions:

  • Are you terrible at any subjects? Which subjects would you like to drop?
  • Do you study any subjects that are not very useful, in your opinion?
  • What would you like to study instead?

e.g. I’d like to drop Music because I’m terrible at it.


ІІІ .Заключна частина.

  1. Hometask

So it should be said that now you have some information about schools in Britain. Am I right?

  • Imagine that you are in London visiting your penfriend. Write a letter to your granny about Schools in Britain. Don’t forget to use new vocabulary
  1. Summing up

Do you remember the following questions?...Let’s answer them.

How do schools in Britain differ?

Are foreign languages compulsory in British schools?

 Our lesson is over, your marks are…

  1. Saying good-bye


До підручника
Англійська мова (7-й рік навчання) 7 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
27 листопада 2018
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