Урок з англійської мови у 8 класі на тему: «Lights, Camera,Action! »

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Урок з англійської мови у 8 класі на тему: «Lights, Camera,Action! »

Мета уроку

Створювати умови для розвитку комунікативної компетенції учнів. Удосконалювати мовні уміння по темі «Кіно»

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ТЕМА: «Lights, Camera,Action! »

Цілі уроку:

Практична: Створювати умови для розвитку комунікативної компетенції учнів. Удосконалювати мовні уміння по темі «Кіно»

Навчальна:  Розвивати уміння монологічного та діалогічного мовлення. Повторити та активізувати вивчених лексичних одиниць та мовних зворотів; розвитк сприйняття іншомовного мовлення на слух; уміння систематизувати і узагальнювати отримані знання. Формувати навики говоріння, письма, читання і аудіювання. Навчити писати рецензію на фільм.

Розвиваюча: Розвиток творчої  уяви та мислення; формування уміння колективної мовної взаємодії; формування міжпредметних навичок та умінь.

Виховна: Формування лінгвістичної та соціокультурної компетенцій; виховання культури учнів засобами іноземної мови. Виховувати поняття раціонального використання часу. Поняття цікавого та здорового способу життя та відпочинку.


Очікуваний результат: на кінець уроку учень може активно використовувати лексику по темі в усному мовленні та на письмі, також може написати рецензію на фільм.


Змістова лінія:громадянська відповідальність;. здоров»я і безпека.

Мовний інвентар: лексика по темі «Кіно», рецензія на фільм.

Засоби та обладнання: підручник та робочий зошит “New Destinations” (автор      H. Q. Mitchell), роздатковий матеріал (картки з завданнями), мультимедійний проектор , ноутбук, презентація, програвач,диск.

ВИД УРОКУ: комбінований





І. Початок уроку. Організація класу.

 Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення.


Т: Hello, pupils! Sit down, please. I’m glad to see you. How are you? Are you fine?

Ps: Yes, we are!

T: Let’s start!

T: Say me, please. What is the weather like today? Do you like it?

Ps: (…)

Aim Повідомлення теми та цілей уроку.

T: Today at the lesson, we are going to continue speaking about films, we’ll review different kinds of films, we’ll practice talking about your favorite actors and films, we’ll learn how to write a film review, we’ll develop your listening ,reading and writing skills

Warming up.(brainstorming)

Do you like watching movies?

 Where do you usually watch them? 

What kind of films do you prefer?

II. Основна частина уроку

Vocabulary Ex.1 p 84 sb

Look on the blackboard. Please read the words. Your task is to match the words with TYPE OF FILMS and PEOPLE IN FILMS.




Leading actor

Film critic


Romantic comedy





Game “Snowball”

Let’s name more genres playing game ‘snowball’


When we speakabout films we use a lot of adjectives. Let’s write what can films be.


Reading (Domino)(Pair work) find your partner according to antonyms that are on your cards

And now to know what happens in different types of films I’ll give you cards, your task is to match them like in domino.


are spy stories that are similar to adventure films, but often spy rings trying to find out secrets about each other. 

Action films

are films in which the heroes have lots of battles, do incredible stunts and drive fast. 

Horror films

feature lots of monsters such as Frankenstein, or Dracula. The object of these films is to make you scream and be afraid.

Science-fiction films

are set in the future and might be about other planets.

Romantic comedies

are sweet films that include romance, but also lots of funny moments as well. 

Drama films

are often sad stories about difficult situations in life such as fighting cancer or difficult love stories.

Biographical films

focus on someone's life story. These films are usually about very famous people.


Speaking (Group work) (according to shape)  Ex.2. p. 84, ex.C p.61 wb

Gr 1-diamonds- Harry Potter

Gr 2- ovals- Home alone

Gr 3- triangles- Pirates of the Caribbean

Complete the table and present the information in class.

Title of film


Type of film


Leading actor




Your opinions about:



Special effects






Physical warming up  To be physically healthy is very important for young people, so let’s dance. Song “Because I’m happy

Checking up Homework Speak about your favourite actor or actress.

Listening    Ex 3 p. 84 sb

Listen to the text and be ready to answer the questions of ex B,C p 84-85 sb

Writing     (A Film Review) Ex 4 p 85

Our task today is to learn how to write a film review . we have an example,let’s read it exA p. 61 wb

Introduction General information about the film

Main Part Setting and plot

Conclusion Writer’s opinion

The film was directed by Peter Jackson. I

The leading actor tries to solve the world. M

This film is a romantic comedy. I

The film is set in the unreal city. M

It is suitable for both children and adults. C

Nicole Kidman stars in this film. I

I was very disappointed by the film. C

III.Заключна частина уроку

Summing up the results of the lesson. Marks.

  1. Домашнє завдання.

T.: ---- Thanks for your excellent work during the whole lesson. Open your daybooks and write down your homework.

Your homework for the next time is to write  a review of a film you’ve recently seen. Here are some tips that will help you. P. 85

  1. Підсумки, оцінки.

T.: ---- What was our lesson about?

    ---- What activities did you like best of all?

Your marks are……….

Thank you for your work. Have a nice day. Good bye!





































are spy stories that are similar to adventure films, but often spy rings trying to find out secrets about each other. 

Action films

are films in which the heroes have lots of battles, do incredible stunts and drive fast. 

Horror films

feature lots of monsters such as Frankenstein, or Dracula. The object of these films is to make you scream and be afraid.

Science-fiction films

are set in the future and might be about other planets.

Romantic comedies

are sweet films that include romance, but also lots of funny moments as well. 

Drama films

are often sad stories about difficult situations in life such as fighting cancer or difficult love stories.

Biographical films

focus on someone's life story. These films are usually about very famous people.




are spy stories that are similar to adventure films, but often spy rings trying to find out secrets about each other. 


Biographical films

are films in which the heroes have lots of battles, do incredible stunts and drive fast. 





feature lots of monsters such as Frankenstein, or Dracula. The object of these films is to make you scream and be afraid


. Action films

are set in the future and might be about other planets.




Horror films



are sweet films that include romance, but also lots of funny moments as well. 



Science-fiction films


are often sad stories about difficult situations in life such as fighting cancer or difficult love stories.



Romantic comedies

focus on someone's life story. These films are usually about very famous people.



Drama films



are spy stories that are similar to adventure films, but often spy rings trying to find out secrets about each other. 

Action films

are films in which the heroes have lots of battles, do incredible stunts and drive fast. 

Horror films

feature lots of monsters such as Frankenstein, or Dracula. The object of these films is to make you scream and be afraid.

Science-fiction films

are set in the future and might be about other planets.

Romantic comedies

are sweet films that include romance, but also lots of funny moments as well. 

Drama films

are often sad stories about difficult situations in life such as fighting cancer or difficult love stories.

Biographical films

focus on someone's life story. These films are usually about very famous people.


are spy stories that are similar to adventure films, but often spy rings trying to find out secrets about each other. 

Action films

are films in which the heroes have lots of battles, do incredible stunts and drive fast. 

Horror films

feature lots of monsters such as Frankenstein, or Dracula. The object of these films is to make you scream and be afraid.

Science-fiction films

are set in the future and might be about other planets.

Romantic comedies

are sweet films that include romance, but also lots of funny moments as well. 

Drama films

are often sad stories about difficult situations in life such as fighting cancer or difficult love stories.

Biographical films

focus on someone's life story. These films are usually about very famous people.








Leading actor

Film critic


Romantic comedy






Похожее изображениеКартинки по запросу harry potter film

Title of film





Type of film





Leading actor










Your opinions about:




Special effects



















Main Part


Writer’s opinion

General information about the film

Setting and plot









The film was directed by Peter Jackson.

The leading actor tries to solve the world.

This film is a romantic comedy.

The film is set in the unreal city.

It is suitable for both children and adults.

Nicole Kidman stars in this film.

I was very disappointed by the film.


3 листопада 2018
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