урок з теми "Робота і професії"

Про матеріал
Робота пропонує різноманітні форми та методи роботи для формування лексичних та мовленнєвих навичок здобувачів освіти під час вивченняї теми "Робота і професії"
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          Бердичівська міська гуманітарна гімназія №2

                                                                                    Вчитель:  Букавина Н.Г.


          Розробка уроку англійської мови у 10 класі на тему:

                              « Робота  і  професії»


Мета уроку: сприяти розвитку в учнів навичок усного продукування по темі на базі вивчених ЛО


Очікувані результати:  на кінець уроку учні вміють ввічливо відповідати на питання, висловлювати власні думки, згоду чи незгоду  під час співбесіди щодо працевлаштування.


Обладнання: відеофільм, аудіозапис, роздаткові картки










                                          Хід уроку:

1.Початок уроку. Задачі.


Which words do you associate with the theme of our lesson?

 2. Мовна  зарядка

Have you decided what profession to choose yet?

Who influenced your choice?

Why did you choose this profession?

Where can people work nowadays?

When can we work?

What can our work be like?

3. Закріплення  раніше вивченого  матеріалу:

a) Активізація ЛО  по темі:

  1. Group work:    To suit the job  you have to possess definite features of character. What are they?

Possible answers: active, ambitious, co-operative, creative, disciplined, efficient, reliable, talented, tolerant, punctual, honest, energetic, intelligent, sociable, responsible, hospitable…

b) Now read the quotation and tell us how you understand it:

“For many people a job is more than an income – it’s an important part of who we are”            ( Paul Clitheroe)

c)  Match the questions and the answers:


Do you think people work too hard nowadays?



In my opinion, you should do something that is rewarding.



What do you think is important when choosing a career?




I think it’s becoming much more competitive these days. You need good qualifications.


What problems do the unemployed face?



I’m not sure, but I suppose it must be nice not to have to travel to work every day.



What do you think it would be like to work from home?




I haven’t really thought about that. I suppose they do, really.



How do you think the world of work is changing.




I imagine that not having a lot of money could be difficult.


 d)  Choose the right variant of the word:

         (children work with special cards)

                                         FINDING A JOB

The traditional way to find ­­­­­­( to employ)  with a company is to look at job (to advertise) in newspapers. Then, you have found one you are interested in and which you have the right (to qualify) for, you write off to the company. They might then send you an (to apply) form to fill in, or they might request (to inform) about your interests and experience in the form of a CV. If the company thinks you are suitable, you’ll be called for an interview, where they’ll ask you questions and tell you more about (to pay). However, it’s important to remember that the (major) of jobs are never advertised in newspapers. If you are (ambition) and really want to work for a particular company, it’s often much (good) not to wait until they advertise. Contact them anyway, giving a detailed (to explain) why you want to work for them. It’s quite possible that they’ll contact you if a position arises.



    e)   Listening Comprehension:

         Now listen to the speakers and guess what profession they speak about.

    f)  Watching the film.

   It’s a well-known fact that nowadays it’s really difficult to find a job because of the economic crises. It’s a common practice for companies to have individual interviews with applicants. Now I want you to watch a video and write down the rules for a successful interview.

Possible answers:

  •  have a good rest before the interview;
  •  be dressed formally;
  •  ask questions to find out more about the company and your duties;
  • be punctual – be on time;
  • be honest – don’t make up things about yourself;
  • keep eye contact during the interview.

And remember: first impression is the most important.


   g) Group work:

Now you will work in two groups. Your task is to write the advertisement for a job given. Each group must guess what jobs are being advertised.

Each advertisement will begin with “We are looking for people who…”

Possible answers:

  • can work in a team;
  • work from helicopters and planes;
  • perform first aid;
  • drive cars, vans and ambulances;
  • are strong and in good health;
  • are ready to work in all kinds of weather;


  • are creative, energetic and generous;
  • tolerant;
  • can socialize with people of all ages easily;
  • love children;
  • have vocation for this work.


Now imagine the following situation:

Six people representing different professions are in the hot air balloon

over the Atlantic. Suddenly the balloon begins to go down. It can carry only one person safely. Five of the passengers have to jump down of the balloon. Each of the six people on board thinks that he or she should be the one to stay.

 Students decide what profession they represent and give a two-minute speech.  Others, in turn, say one sentence in the support of all the professions and think of the possibility to save everybody.


  i)  And now I want you to invent a story with me. Your task is to help me to finish the sentences:

One day a young man was going…(through the forest/ near the river/ …). He was a son of a local…(doctor). Suddenly he heard …(a moan). He decided …(to see what it was). When he came up nearer, he saw that it was … ( an old man ). The man was … ( injured ). He couldn’t walk by himself because … ( his leg was broken). The young man decided …(to help the old man). He took the old man on his back and carried him …( to the hospital). The same day the man was operated on. The man who operated his leg was…(the young man’s father). The old man turned out to be …(very rich). The next day, when the young man came to see him, he asked him who he was. The old man wanted to thank the young man for …(his generosity and help). As the young man was very modest, he said that his father was a local…( teacher). When the old man recovered, he wrote the will and after his death all his money was inherited by the   son …( of the local teacher).

So, we can make the conclusion that modesty is a good trait of character but honesty is even better. And good things must be rewarded.


4. Кінець уроку. Підсумки

Choosing a profession is a difficult thing. It should bring you not only money but also pleasure. I wish you to make the right choice. And I want you to remember that all professions are noble and important.


5. Оцінювання відповідей учнів


6. Домашнє завдання

Write a composition about your future profession. Here are some things that you could write about:

     -    What job do you think you will do and why?

  • What will you do to get this job?
  • What will you do if you can’t get the job you want?