Урок за темою Підготовка до екзаменів

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Цікавий урок з дослідженнями для учнів 11 класу за підручником Карпюк О. Використано різні методи роботи.Мета урок:узагальнити вивчений матеріал, заохочуючи учнів до креативного спілкування

-відпрацювати вживання змішаного типу умовних речень

-вдосконалювати навички учнів в спонтанному говорінні, аудіюванні, читанні, письмі


-розвивати креативне мислення, логіку, пам'ять і увагу


-заохочувати інтерес учнів до історії культури англомовних країн та України. Ознайомити з історією боротьби жінок за рівні права з чоловіками


-виховувати культуру спілкування, повагу до протилежних точок зору


-підручник, , ноутбук, роздатковий матеріал, наочність

Перегляд файлу

11-А Урок №7   18.09

Тема: Підготовка до екзаменів . Гендерний фактор у навчанні.


-узагальнити вивчений матеріал, заохочуючи учнів до креативного спілкування

-відпрацювати вживання змішаного типу умовних речень

-вдосконалювати навички учнів в спонтанному говорінні, аудіюванні, читанні, письмі


-розвивати креативне мислення, логіку, пам’ять і увагу


-заохочувати інтерес учнів до історії культури англомовних країн та України. Ознайомити з історією боротьби жінок за рівні права з чоловіками


-виховувати культуру спілкування, повагу до протилежних точок зору


-підручник, , ноутбук, роздатковий матеріал, наочність


 (хід уроку)

I. Greeting

T.: Hello, pupils. I hope you are fine today. Let’s begin our lesson. First look and try to guess the topic of our lesson.

                   - an extract from “Friends”.

Ss.: About how different men and women are,

T.: That’s right. We are going to speak about gender gap (roles) and family gender traditions. We’re going to sum up the material we’ve been working with lately, revise grammar and develop our speaking, writing, listening and reading skills. And I hope we will have some fun.

                   - warming up. 

T.: Look and  Match the words which are associated with men or women.



strong, aggressive, confident, career, promotion, fixing a car


calm, weak, patient, cooking

T.: Thank you. These are, of course, stereotypes. So let’s go on discussing them. Now you can see some words on the screen. Use them to compare men and women.

Career   housework  children   going shopping     driving a car discussion cooking

getting ready for a date

Ss.: 1. Men are considered to have more opportunities to be well-educated and successful at work.

 2. Usually women look after the children and do the housework, while men just go to work.

 3. Women usually speak about their emotions while men speak about bare facts.

 4. When a woman comes home, she always does a lot of housework, while man watches TV and drinks beer.

 5. It takes a lot of time for a woman to get ready for a date and she is usually late for it, but men don’t worry about such things. 


II.  Main part

  1. Перевірка домашнього завдання
  2. Розвиток навичок говоріння.

T.: Very creative! Thanks. Now let’s dream a little. Please, write down the qualities you’d like your future partner to possess. And what house chores you’d like them to do. 1 minute.

Ss.: write

Now share your ideas with us.

Ss.: 1. My future husband will be kind, smart, wealthy and will do the cooking.  2. My future partner will be confident, successful and loving. I hope he’ll help do everything about the house.

 3. My future wife will be kind, beautiful, caring and she’ll be a housewife. 4. My partner will be tender, supportive, will share my interests.

T.: Thank you for cooperation. And now to relax, I suggest watching a cartoon and comparing your ideas to what other people think.

we can’t live without each other.

       2. That we are created for each other.

       3. And we have similar ideals.

T.: Good. So we’ve talked about stereotypes and ideals. Now let’s speak about some real figures. Some pupils of our group have conducted the survey among the pupils of our class to find out about the gender roles in Ukrainian families.

Sveta and Kate are going to comment on it.

          - діаграма і коментарій див. додаток 2

Thank you, girls. What conclusion can we make?

Ss.: In Ukrainian families men and women help each other and share the house chores.

T.: There have always been women who break the conventional rules and stand out trying to change the world.

. Now look at the screen and match the women to the events.

       - див. додаток 3а

Ss.: Answer.

T.: So many of these women were doing men’s jobs. What other masculine jobs you can think of?

Ss.: Combat soldier, plumber, weightlifter and builder.

T.: Thank you. Look at the board, read the statement please.

The woman was made out of a rib, out of the Adam’s side, neither out of his head - to rule over him, nor out of his feet – to be trampled upon by him, but out of his side, to be equal with him, under his arm – to be protected and near his heart - to be loved. So are we equal?

Ss.: - Yes, we are.

       - No, we aren’t

III. Робота в парах. Ех.1 р.29

II. Письмо. Повторення умовних речень р.27-28


T.: So, the lesson is coming to the end. We’ve done a great job: revised and discussed many issues. We’ve been talking, listening, reading and writing. Which part of lesson did you especially like?

T.: Thank you. You’ve been very active, cooperative and helpful, so all of you receive good marks. And now write down your home-task.

T.: So the lesson is over. Good bye.

Ss.: Good bye.    


Додаток  2

Who wears pants in the family?


This bar chart represents the difference in percentage between men and women in doing house chores.

It’s shown that such things as cooking (the difference is 24%), looking after children (16%), washing dishes (21%), washing clothes (25%), cleaning (25%), shopping (4%) are done mostly by women.

Meanwhile chores like driving (difference is 26%), fixing things (28%), bread-winning (2%) are men’s responsibilities in the family.

The only chore that men and women share equally is making decision (0%).


Oprah Winfrey - in 1986 formed her own television production company

Marie Sklodowska-Curie – was a Polish physicist working mainly in France

Marlene Dietrich – used to dress for herself, not for the image

Coco Chanel – appeared on Time magazine’s list of yhe 100 most influential people of 20th century

Margaret Thatcher - was the Iron Lady

Valentina Tereshkova  - was the first woman to have flown in space

IV. Підведеня підсумків.

V.Домашнє завдання слова р.23,30


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Англійська мова (10-й рік навчання, рівень стандарту) 11 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
21 жовтня 2018
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