Урок за темою "School Life"

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Урок за темою "Шкільне життя" для учнів 3-го класу шкіл з поглибленим вивченням англійської мови. Головна мета уроку - формування комуникативноъ компетентності учнів. До урока створена презентація.

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уроку з використанням навчальної презентації


За темою:School Life







вчитель англійської мови

Лисенко М.В.








Тема уроку: “School  Life”.

Цілі уроку:

  • практична: практикувати учнів в усному діалогічному та монологічному мовленні,  узагальнити лексичний матеріал до темі;
  • розвиваюча: розвивати навички та вміння всіх видів мовленевої діяльності, сприяти розвитку пам’яті, уваги та творчого потенціалу учнів;
  • освітня: забезпечити закріплення лексико-граматичного матеріалу за темою, яка вивчається;
  • виховна: виховувати любов до своєї школи; культуру спілкування й колективної співпраці.

Тип уроку: комбінований

Методи: словесний, наочний, практичний, пізнавальний.

Прийоми: показ, демонстрація, пояснення.

Обладнання: мультимедійна установка, презентація, картки.

Хід уроку

  1. Початок уроку. (5 хв.)

(Slide 0)

  1. Організаційний етап.

T: Good morning, children!

Ps: Good morning, teacher!

T: Nice to see you!

Ps: Nice to see you too!

T: How are you?

Ps: We are fine thank you!


T: Very well! Sit down, please. I am glad that you are fine today. I think it is because you are at school now, your friends are here, you like to study English and you like to sing English songs. Am I right?

Ps: Yes, you are.

That’s great! So let’s start our lesson with a song about our school life. Are you ready?

Ps: Yes, we are.

(Slide 1 “School is great!”)




School is great! (song)

You’re getting older every day

The time will come you’ll be on your way

To a place where you will learn and grow

How exciting!

In a classroom you will be

New children you will see

With a teacher always by your side

Oh, don’t be so shy…

Cos I’ll tell you why…


School is great, school is fun

You get to read, write, play and run!

You’ll make new friends

And hear some stories too…

So much to do!


School is great, school is fun

You get to read, write, play and some!

You’ll make new friends

And tell some stories too…

So much to do!



  1. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку.

T: Oh, yes, we have so much to do at school! Because school is the place where you can make new friends, play, do sports and of course learn different subjects. But what are these subjects? What are your favourite lessons? Why do you like or dislike them? We’ll try to answer all these questions today.


So the theme of our lesson is “School Life” and I want to know who is on duty today in your group.

P: I’m on duty today.

T: Tell us please, what day is it today?

P: It is Thursday today.

T: Well, what date is it today?

P: It is the twelfth of February.

T: And what was your home task for today?

P: Our home task was to write our timetable.

T: Thank you. Sit down, please. And you, kids, prepare the sheets with your timetables and be ready to answer my questions. But first of all let’s recollect the names of school subjects. Look at the board and repeat after me, please.


(Slide 2 “School Subjects”)


T: Now we can talk about your timetable.


(Slide 3 “School Timetable”)


  1. Основна частина. (28 хв.)
  1.                 Перевірка домашнього завдання.  

T: Look at it and answer my questions:

Do you go to school 5 or 6 days a week?

P1: I go to school 5 days a week.

T: How many lessons have you got on Monday?

P2: I have got 5 lessons on Monday.

T: What lessons have you got on Monday?

P3: I have got Reading, Maths, English, Ukrainian and PE on Monday.

T: How many lessons have you got on Tuesday?

P4: I have got 5 lessons on Tuesday.

T: What lessons have you got on Tuesday?

P5: I have got Reading, Russian, Maths, Nature Studies and Health Studies on Tuesday.

T: How many lessons have you got on Wednesday?

P6: I have got 5 lessons on Wednesday.

T: What lessons have you got on Wednesday?

P7: I have got English, Ukrainian, Maths Reading and Music on Wednesday.

T: Have you got Swimming lessons?

P8: No, I haven’t.

T: Have you got Computer Studies?

P9: Yes, I have.

T: When have you got Maths?

P11: I have got Maths on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

T: How many English lessons have you got a week?

P11: I have got 3 English lessons a week.

T: When have you got English?

P12: I have got English on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.


  1. Усне  мовлення.

T: Thank you for your answers. They were perfect.  But now tell me about your favourite subjects and lessons you don’t like very much.


(Slide 4 “Speaking”)


Look at the board and use these examples. You can say: “I like Music. Because I can sing well”. Etc.



I like Music.

I like Music best of all.

My favourite lesson is Music.

Music is a very interesting lesson.

I don’t like Music.

Music is a boring lesson for me.

Then say why you like or dislike them.


I can sing well.

I am good at singing.

I like to sing very much.

I can't sing well.

I am not good at singing.

I don't like to sing.


  1. Фізкультхвилинка.

Well! You worked a lot.  So let’s have a short rest. Stand up and move!

(Slide 5 “Take a break”)

  1. Читання

(Slide 6 “Exercises”)


Let’s continue our lesson. Today we talked a lot about your timetable. But now we’ll read some e-mails from English children. They will tell you about their favourite schooldays, lessons and teachers. Open your books at page 133, find exercise 1. Now listen, read and be ready to make a test after reading.

P1: Reads text 1.

P2: Reads text 2.

P3: Reads text 3.


Now take the sheets with Task 1. Read the sentence, the words below and circle the correct word. You may use the text. You’ve got 4 minutes for this task.

(Task 1 “Choose and complete”)

  1. Karen’s favourite day at school is… .
  1. Monday
  2. Thursday
  3. Friday
  4. Tuesday
  1. Karen’s favourite lesson is… .
  1. English
  2. Handicraft
  3. Computer Studies
  4. Music
  1. Dan’s favourite lesson is… .
  1. Nature Studies
  2. PE
  3. Maths
  4. English
  1. Mister Brown’s lessons are … .
  1. boring
  2. interesting
  3. long
  4. not interesting
  1. Kate loves her … teacher.
  1. Russian
  2. French
  3. German
  4. English
  1. Miss Clark is very … .
  1. nice
  2. clever
  3. kind
  4. angry

Now let’s check your answers. Come to the board, read the text and push the button with the correct answer.

(SN Task 1 “Choose and complete”)


 (SN Task 2 “Make a text”)

Make a text from the sentences. Exercise 4 will help you to put them in the correct order. Then we’ll check and read the text.

Now read and translate the text.


  1. Закінчення уроку. (7 хв.)
  1. Підведення підсумків та коментоване оцінювання учнів.

T: That’s a pity but our lesson comes to the end. Your work was perfect! Now you can speak about your favourite lessons and you can write a short e-mail about your school life.

 (Slide 7 “Well done”)

So your marks are:

(вчитель коментує отриманні учнями оцінки)


  1. Домашнє завдання.

(Slide 8 “Home task”)

T: Your home task for the next lesson will be:

Ex.3, p.134

Please, look through your timetable once again and orally answer the questions.

Ex.4, p.134

Using the pattern, write a short letter to your penpal about your favourite lesson.


Open your daybooks and write down your home task, please.


T: Now our lesson is over. Thank you very much for your job. Good bye!

До підручника
Англійська мова для спеціалізованих шкіл з поглибленим вивченням англійської мови 3 клас (Ростоцька М. Є., Карпюк О. Д.)
26 жовтня 2018
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