Конспект уроку "Christmas Characters"

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Розробка уроку для навчання усного мовлення для початкового рівня. Закріплення вживання структур has got , He/she can...., he/she is... Опис персонажів
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Christmas Characters



Teaching speaking


Learning outcome

Learners will be able to speak and to write about Christmas characters, using the structures “He has…” “He/she can…”  “She/he is…” Pupils will apply vocabulary  from the topic “Personalities and  appearance”  they have learned during their previous lessons. All these will improve and reinforce students’ integrated language skills (using listening, writing and speaking)

Materials and references (attach worksheets)

The textbook English 5  by O. Karpuik, posters on the walls,  a laptop,  bilingual dictionaries, worksheets,  flashcards “Christmas”,  a ball, the video with subtitles “Rudolf , The Red-Noised Reindeer” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jG3jPfz8V6Y


Anticipated problems – 75 words maximum

Pupils may feel difficulties to remember the vocabulary of the lesson.

Pupils may feel difficulties to produce the statements.

The new activity (“Ball throwing game”) may be misunderstood.

Boys  may be distracted and might behave inappropriately


Proposed solutions – 75 words maximum

I will use some activities to help them remind the taught vocabulary

I will  give wordlists  to  help weaker pupils.

I will  give instructions  to the activities as clear as possible for being done easily and the material should be understandable for them I will seat the boys next to the girls.







Teacher activity

Learner activity


Stage aim

1 min

 Greet the learners

Greet each other

 T-S, S-S

To start the lesson and initiate communication

2 min

 T puts a little Santa on the table, sticks the flashcards “Santa” “Rudolf” and asks  students to guess  the  topic  of the lesson  they  are  going  to  have. Then T presents the lesson topic and tells pupils that they will learn how to describe the most famous Christmas characters in the world.

Individual work. Listen to the teacher and give the ideas, trying to guess the topic


To seize pupils` attention and get them interested in studying English.

5 min

  1.            Warm up Game "Disappearing cards"

Stick some flashcards on the blackboard and make learners do choral repetition, then remove  card  by card, until there are no cards on the blackboard.

Attachment “Christams”

 Individual work. Pupils do choral repetition of the words. After the removing of one card, they repeat the whole sequence of the words, including the missing one. Continue the same until they say all the words from the memory.


To encourage the pupils to use previously taught vocabulary (Christmas).





2 min

 T explains unknown words, words –combinations ( shiny, it glows, go down, call it names)

 Pupils listen to teacher and pronounce the words, do  choral repetition of them.


To make sure pupils have no any difficulties while watching the video.

8 min

Watching the video. Ask pupils to watch and listen to the video and  tell what is the video about

Going round helping weaker pupils especially to read and work out meaning


Individual work. Pupils watch and listen to the video, read the subtitles  and answer teacher`s questions.



To promote interest in the culture, to seize pupils` attention and to introduce them one of the most famous song in the world, using video For pupils to develop listening  and reading subskills

10 min

T divides pupils into two teams Santas and Rudolfs and give them worksheets asking to describe their characters  using the prompts. Going round helping weaker pupils especially to  produce and write their ideas

 Attachment 2

Attachment 3

Santa Claus

Group work   Pupils  discuss their ideas about the chosen  character  and write  them  on the worksheets and then read their  sentences .


For pupils to develop writing sub-skills, to develop their imagination


10 min

  Ball throwing game.  T  gives the instructions to the game T throws the ball to a pupil from Santa team and say “Santa is…” and he has  to complete the sentence.

 Going round helping weaker pupils especially to produce the sentences.  To monitor for pronunciation and correct if necessary .


Then the first pupil  throws the ball to someone from the Rudolf team  and says “Rudolf  is…”  and  she/he has to say a sentence about Rudolf. They have to listen to others  in the order not to repeat  the same sentences.

This continues until everyone has had a chance to say something


To give the students the opportunity to speak in   turn.

For pupils to practice in speaking different structures, like Santa/Rudolf is…”   “Santa/Rudolf has…”   “Santa/Rudolf can…”   

To develop speaking skills – fluency

3 min

Conclusion. T asks pupils what they have learned at the lesson and what was interesting/ difficult/new for them.

Explain how to do the homework.


Pupils give feedback on the lesson.


 Listen to the teacher how to do homework and write down into their diaries.


To receive feedback.

   For learners to understand what they`ve learned and what was interesting/ difficult/new for them





Перегляд файлу

Task 1. Choose one of the character. Fill in the table using words from the box (you can add your ideas). Then write 6-9 sentences about a Christmas character

  1. Santa

Funny      a white beard          give presents         not tall       a red Christmas costume   make presents                 kind           a bag with presents         bring       joy       plump




























  1. Santa is________________
  2. Santa has _______________
  3. Santa can______________


  1. Rudolf

Sad          a red  shiny nose                 fly           playful         big  antlers

Play                 happy                 four legs           jump                     famous    nice eyes

















1) Rudolf is________________

2) Rudolf has _______________

3) Rudolf can______________

Task 2. Choose one of your favorite character and write 6 sentences about him/her/it.Tell about him/her your relatives or friends.



Funny      a white beard          give presents         not tall       a red Christmas costume   make presents                 kind           a bag with presents         bring       joy       plump




Sad          a red  shiny nose                 fly             playful          nice tall antlers

Play                 happy                 four legs           jump                     famous    nice eyes



Перегляд файлу

Rudolf the red-nosed reindeer

     is                                                            has                                       can







Перегляд файлу

Santa Claus

      is                                                          has                                        can







27 грудня 2020
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