Урок "Здоровий спосіб життя"

Про матеріал

МЕТОДИЧНА РОЗРОБКА УРОКУ З АНГЛІЙСЬКОЇ МОВИ. ТЕМА «ЗДОРОВИЙ СПОСІБ ЖИТТЯ/ HEALTHY LIFE STYLE". Удосконалення навичок вживання Present Simple: Affirmative/ Negative/ Interrogative/ Imperative sentences.

Перегляд файлу


Швецова Вікторія Савеліївна,

викладач іноземної мови

спеціаліст вищої категорії

 педагогічне звання «старший викладач»



Мета уроку:


  1. Розвивати монологічне та діалогічне мовлення учнів по даній темі.
  2. Розвивати навички аудіювання та навички мовної здогадки.
  3. Розвивати навички читання з безпосереднім розумінням.
  4. Вчити виражати свою думку.
  5. Систематизувати вивчений матеріал.


  1. Розвивати аудитивні вміння та навички.
  2. Розвивати пам'ять та увагу учнів.
  3. Розвивати логічне та критичне мислення.
  4. Розвивати в учнів такі компетентності, як: соціальна і громадянська, спілкування іноземною мовою, загальнокультурна грамотність, екологічна грамотність і здорове життя; компетентність особистісного самовдосконалення - уміння навчатися впродовж життя.


  1. Розвивати вміння ілюструвати ідеї, думки, висновки.
  2. Виховувати дружнє ставлення один до одного.
  3. Формувати бажання дотримуватись здорового способу життя і піклуватись про власне здоров'я, бажання позбутися шкідливих звичок, піклуватися про навколишнє середовище.
  4. Стимулювати і підтримувати інтерес до вивчення англійської мови.

Тип уроку: комбінований

Форма проведення: дискусія, гра.

Обладнання: комп`ютер, мультимедійна дошка.

Оформлення: відеоролик про здоровий спосіб життя, прислів’я про здоров′я, вислови видатних людей про здоров’я; роздавальний матеріал: пам`ятки, картки з завданнями, 3 ватмани, маркери, кольорові стрічки; таблиці; мультимедійна презентація.

    Хід уроку

І. Оргмомент. (2 хв.) (Слайд 1)

Good morning, students! Nice to see you in good health today. How are you?

(Students` answers) 

Dear students, today we continue speaking about healthy lifestyle and I am delighted to inform you that this lesson will be quite unusual for you because we are going to play reporters’ game you have never played before.  Now you will be divided into 3 teams. Come to me in turns and take a strip out of this bag. Then bind it around your wrist and sit down to the desk according to the colour of your strip. Let`s do it very quickly!

II. Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу. Актуалізація знань. (3 хв.)

Take your seats. Are you ready to begin? Before we start our serious game listen to the rules: 1) raise your hand before speaking. If I say the team`s colour: green, blue, yellow, each of the team can answer; 2) never interrupt; 3) respect each other’s opinions; 4) for each correct answer your team will get a candy-point; 5) for each attempt to break the rules the team loses 2 candies in favour of the other teams; 6) when I tell you repeat after me you must repeat without raising your hand.

At the end of the lesson we will count the candies and all the members of the team who will have more candies will get additional mark 12 and the captain will get 2 twelves.

So, let`s begin. First let`s warm up and practice how the rules work! The first task to get candy-points, I think, will be the easiest for you. Do your best. I want to make you a compliment: You look wonderful! Let’s say more compliments to each other. What synonyms of the word «wonderful» do you know? Don`t forget to follow the rules.

(Students` answers)

Thank you. It`s so pleasant that you know so many compliments! Good job!

Before we speak about the theme of our lesson, let`s remember the date. What date is today/ was yesterday/ will be tomorrow?

(Students` answers) 

Who can prove that today`s really Tuesday, the 13th of March?

(Students` answers) 

Excellent answer! Take your candy-points! And now it`s time to get down to the theme of our lesson.

III. Повідомлення теми, мети уроку. Мотивація. (2 хв.) (Слайд 2)

Now imagine that you are the representatives of different television channels (BBC one London; BBC one West/East)!After the training course your task is to make a report on what you have learnt for your TV program on the channel you represent to encourage your television viewers to lead a healthy lifestyle. Is the task clear?

Now my congratulations, you are lucky to have a chance to live 100! Because you are invited to the training course on the theme «Healthy lifestyle. How to live up to 100» and you will know the right way how to live long and healthy.

In front of you there is whatman paper where you have to write down everything you will need for your report. So, be as much attentive as possible and don`t forget to make all necessary notes to write the rules of healthy lifestyle. Is everything clear? Any questions? So, we go on.

IV. Розвиток навичок усного мовлення. (23 хв.)

Good health is a great gift. And we must take care of it!

The English proverb says, «Health is not valued till illness comes».

Those people are healthy who lead healthy lifestyle. Would you like to be healthy and live up to 100?

(Students` answers) To live to 100 years old you must have strong health. (Слайд 3)

What does it mean «Healthy Way of Life?» The dictionary says that this expression means to be fit, that is to be in a good physical form. What do you need to be fit? Let`s see what doctors say. Doctors explain that several things are important:

 what food you eat

 how you take care of your body and your clothes

 what daily habits you have

 how often you exercise

So, do you agree with it? What do you know about it? What must you do to be healthy?

(Students` answers)

Brilliant work! I am happy you know how to keep fit. Thank you for your answers. Let`s check them. (Слайд 4)

Look at the mind map, Let`s repeat what we must do to be healthy?(Students` answers)


Now you may copy out all necessary information for your report. You have 1 minute and a half, work together using felt-tip pens/markers you have on the desk.

Now, take your evaluation card, write down your name and tick how often you do these things? Then, begin your answer with: “As for me, I always/often… have…”


Evaluation card of  __________________________________; date:__________


I have

enough sleep

good habits

regular physical exercises

positive thinking

healthy food

to take  care of your body

a strict daily plan & stick to it

regular active rest, play outdoor active games

to take care of the place you live

In total

every day


































































once a week











once a month























P1 – I do physical exercises regularly every day.

P2 – As for me, I always have healthy food.

P3 – I usually drink clean water.

P4 – Sometimes I sleep 8 hours.

P5 – I walk a lot with my friend every day.

Now, tell us about yourself. How many hours is it enough to sleep/ to stay healthy? Why? How often do you have enough sleep/healthy food…?

(Students` answers)

If we speak about doing sports - what kinds of sports do you know? Look at the screen and name the kind of sports!

(Students` answers)

What other sports do you know?  Begin your answer with the following words: I know such kinds of sports as…

 (Students` answers)

So, we can go running, play football or do athletics in our free time to keep fit.

Let`s check how you remember English grammar. Now, prepare to note the examples of doing sports. Write «go», «play», «do» in the section «do sports». Now on the count three you begin to write down what words can you use with verbs «go», «play», «do». Show who is ready. The first and second team will have a candy-point. Ready? 1-2-3 Start!: Swimming, chess, jumping, golf, running, aerobics, athletics, fencing, handball, skiing, skating, tennis, basketball, volleyball, horse riding, sailing, gymnastics, dancing, karate, skateboarding, football, judo. Add your own words.

 (Students` answers)

Now you can see how many things people can do in their free time to be healthy.

Now look at the board and tell which of these products are healthy and which of them are not? (dairy products, milk, hot dog, meat, junk food, fast food, fruits, vegetables, crisps, chips, fish, juice, lemonade, cheese, rice, chupa-chups, seafood, pepsi-cola, coca-cola, eggs, fizzy drinks, butter).

(Students` answers)

Great! I didn`t doubt that you know all about healthy food. Make notes for the report. Copy out all healthy food into your whatman paper.

It`s time to speak about good & bad habits. Have a look at the list of habits. Are they all healthy? Read and tell the number of the picture.

(Students` answers)

Now look at the next list of things and circle «healthy» or «unhealthy». You have 1 minute to fulfill the task. Begin.

D:\Irregular Verbs, Grammar Tasks\WORKSHEETS\healthy-or-unhealthy-habits.jpg

(Students` answers)

What other things are people destroying their health with? (Bad habits, smoking, alcohol, drugs, junk food). (Students` answers)

Let`s discuss what harm smoking does to people. Find the English equivalents:

The truth about smoking will just kill you

1. Smoking impairs your vision

а) це пусте марнування часу та грошей

2. It takes your breath away and gives you emphysema

в) воно забруднює повітря та відштовхує від вас друзів, котрі не палять

3. It causes lung cancer and cancer of the throat

с) воно ослаблює ваш зір

4. It turns your teeth and fingers yellow and gives you ugly skin

d) ваші зуби та пальці жовтіють та шкіра виглядає жахливо

5. It makes your breath stink and your hair

and clothes smell awful

є)ви втрачаєте сексуальну привабливість

6. It wastes your time and empties your pockets

f) воно викликає рак легенів і рак горла

7. It pollutes the air around you and makes

your non-smoking friends avoid you

g) від вас тхне, як від старої попільниці

8. It ruins your sex appeal

h) ви набуваєте неприємного запаху з роту й ваші речі жахливо пахнуть

9. It makes you smell like an old ash tray

і) воно викликає задишку та призводить до емфіземи


Now you know how much smoking ruins your health and smoking just makes your life shorter and causes lots of diseases. So, first think before you try.

IV. Розвиток навичок аудіювання. (5 хв.)

  1.     Watch the video, listen to the dialogue very attentively and be ready to answer the questions: 1) What are the men speaking about? 2) What does the man in a grey T-shirt do to be healthy? 3) What does the man in a white T-shirt do in his free time? 4) What bad habit do they discuss? 5) Do they smoke?

(Students` answers)

  1.     Complete the English proverb and tell its Ukrainian equivalent: Write down the proverbs which suit you to your reports as a motto.1. It`s never too (late to learn). 2. No pain, (no gain). 3. You can`t make an omelet (without breaking eggs). 4. An apple a day (keeps the doctor away). 5. We are what we (eat and drink). 6. A sound mind (in a sound body). 7. We live not to eat, (we eat to live). 8. Better late (than never). 9. Practice makes (perfect). 10. Don`t trouble trouble (until trouble troubles you). 11. Health is the best (wealth). 12. Health is not valued (till illness comes). 13. When in Rome, (do as Romans do). 14. If you can`t fly, then run. If you can`t run, then walk. If you can`t walk, then crawl. But whatever you do, (you have to keep moving forward).

(Students` answers)

So, remember health is above wealth. You should take care of your health. It is in our hands either to be healthy, active and happy or to ruin our health by bad habits. You choose.

V. Заключна частина уроку. Рефлексія. Розвиток навичок монологічного мовлення. (6 хв.)

Now it`s time for you to present your reports on the theme “Healthy lifestyle”. Which channel will be the first to encourage their television viewers to lead healthy lifestyle? Begin your answer with the following words: If you want to live to 100, you must have healthy lifestyle and it means: (e.g. the most important thing to stay healthy is to always have positive thinking because…, )

(Students` answers)

VI. Домашнє завдання. Hometask. (1 хв.)

Write your personal rules of healthy life style and make up a plan for your daily routine.

VIІ. Підсумок. Виставлення оцінок. (3 хв.)