Сценарій позакласного заходу " The more we get together the happier we are"

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Сценарій позакласного заходу з англійської мови .Tolerance party " The more we get together the happier we are "
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Тема:The more we get together, the happier we’ll be

Мета: Ознайомити  учнів  з поняттям «толерантність», виявити основні риси толерантності,  сформувати правильне уявлення щодо толерантної поведінки.

Сприяти розвитку у вихованців самосвідомості, яке допомагає дітям побачити себе та інших такими, які вони є насправді. Розвивати у вихованців терпимість до відмінностей між людьми.

Виховувати почуття поваги один до одного, до звичаїв, традицій і культури різних народів;  комунікативну культуру у спілкуванні та взаєморозуміння.

Обладнання:  комп'ютер, мультимедійний проектор, екран, презентація «Party of tolerance» ; пісня ‘’A Random Act of Kindness’’by Glenn Colton ,   Friends are quiet angels  ’’, short film trailer by Neil Triffett  ‘’ Emo (the musical)'’, відеокліп "Don't Laugh at Me" - Peter Yarrow,  Matthew West - Forgiveness (Lyrics), a beautiful video about tolerance, відео‘’Help Each other and share your love’’.













Pupil 1: Good afternoon  Ladies and Gentelmen .Welcome to  our party ‘’ The more we get together, the happier we’ll be’’

Pupil 2: Do you know that in 1996, the UN General Assembly  invited UN Member States to observe the International Day for Tolerance on 16 November, with activities directed towards both educational establishments and the wider public.
This action followed on the United Nations Year for Tolerance, 1995, proclaimed by the UN General Assembly in 1993 at the initiative of UNESCO, as outlined in the Declaration of Principles on Tolerance and Follow-up Plan of Action for the Year.

Pupil  1  :What does tolerance mean  in the modern world?  

Pupil 2: Well, first of all, tolerance means accepting that someone is different than you, and because everyone is unique in this world, it means accepting that everyone else on this planet is different, allowing some freedom to move within limits                   -13-638.jpg

Pupil 3: Tolerance is the appreciation of diversity and the ability to live and let others live.

Pupil 4:  It is the ability to deal with something unpleasant or annoying, or to continue existing despite bad or difficult conditions.

Pupil 1: It is the ability to exercise a fair and objective attitude towards those whose opinions, practices, religion, nationality and so on differ from one's own.

 Pupil 2 :As William Ury notes, "tolerance is not just agreeing with one another or remaining indifferent in the face of injustice, but rather showing  love, kindness, forgiveness, caring and respect for the essential humanity in every person.



Pupils recite the poem ‘’What Makes Us Different’’


What makes us different?

Let us count the ways.

Our gods and our religions,

Our language or our age.


What makes us different?

Let us count the ways.

The clothes we wear,

Our skin or hair, an accent or a phrase.


What makes us different?

Let us count the ways.

The food we eat,

The friends we meet,

The way we spend our days.


What makes us different?

Let us count the ways.

Age or youth or in between,

Or just our football team.

Although we are so different,

Inside we are the same,

Respect traditions and beliefs,

Respect all hopes and dreams.


Lets link together,

And learn from all around,

No need to fight or criticise,

Hand in hand let’s harmonise.


Watching the short film trailer by Neil Triffett  'Emo (the musical)'’


Pupil 1:’’Dont  laugh at me’’

Pupil 2 : Why have I to laugh at you?

Pupil 1:"Don't Laugh at Me" is a song written by Allen Shamblin and Steve Seskin, Allen Shamblin was inspired to write the song after his daughter came home from school one day, telling him that she was being teased by other children at school because of her freckles. The song is a ballad in which various characters, such as children who have been teased or a homeless man begging on a street corner, ask for acceptance from others.

Wills has received letters from teachers and students who have said that they can identify with the song's story. According to him, "everyone can relate to [the song]…Everyone at some point in their life has been picked on, made fun of or put down." He told Billboard magazine that the song is "one of the strongest songs I've ever recorded in terms of dealing with life in general.

Pupil 2: Let’s listen to this song  "Don't Laugh at Me" by  Peter Yarrow

Pupil 1:Sometimes, in our relationships, we become defensive, irritated, and say something that hurt others. We do not realize the importance of patience and end up making hasty decisions. Whenever you feel defensive against the person, try to be patient enough to take time to think over another person’s positive qualities.

Pupil 2  : One moment of patience may ward off great disaster. One moment of impatience may ruin a whole life ~ Chinese Proverb

Pupil 3:Patience is power.               

   Patience is not an absence of action;
                    rather it is "timing"
                    it waits on the right time to act,
                    for the right principles
                    and in the right way.”

Pupil 4: A waiting person is a patient person. The word patience means the willingness to  stay    where we are and live the situation out to the full in the belief that something hidden there will manifest itself to us.” 
 Henri J.M. Nouwen

Pupil 1: Let’s watch a beautiful video about tolerance. Father and son are sitting on a bench. Suddenly a sparrow lands across them…  ( Watching the video)


 Pupil 1 : Kindness .What  is a beautiful word?


Kindness is like spring
If you let her grow
you're gonna get
some flowers.


Every drop of kindness
That you give away,
Returns to you to bless your life one day!

 Author: Beverly F. Walker


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Pupil 3 :People misunderstood the meaning of kindness 

Pupil 4:  When we're kind to people we know it strengthens our connections with them and provides a source of support. Research shows that we may benefit from giving support more than those receiving it - and we're also more likely get support in return when we need it. This may not be like-for-like support, or even from the same person, but being kind to others builds a wider support network which increases well-being all round.

Pupil 1: See how a single help makes others to help. If it continues every where then there will not be a single problem in the world. Help Each other and share your love

Video ‘’Help Each other and share your love’’

Pupil 2 : Doing kind things for strangers helps build co-operation, trust and a sense of safety in our communities. It also helps us to see others more positively and empathise with them. These are the foundations of a thriving local community and a flourishing society - one which builds well-being all round.




Pupil sing the song  ‘’A Random Act of Kindness’’by Glenn Colton, teaching ways to be kind, helping friends unexpectedly.


A Random Act of Kindness

It’s perfect and it’s free

It’s happened when we help a friends…



You were in a hurry when you saw me all alone

You told me not to worry

I’ll help you to find your way home


A Random Act of Kindness

It’s perfect and it’s free

It’s happened when we help a friends…



You wrote me a letter

When  I was feeling blue

It sure made me feel better

To know I’ve a good friend like you



A Random Act of Kindness

It’s perfect and it’s free

It’s happened when we help a friends…



Remember when you said to me

That I was your best friend

The words  you spoke so beautifully

Helps me to smile once again

Once again


A Random Act of Kindness

It’s perfect and it’s free

It’s happened when we help a friends…



A Random Act of Kindness

It’s perfect and it’s free

It’s happened when we help a friends…



Pupil 1:Do  any  act of kindness if you see someone who looks upset or down,              just simply smile and say hello to them.

 Pupil 2: Be kind and compassionatejesusyunanena.jpg

            To one another, forgiving each other

           Just as in Christ God forgave you


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Video Matthew West - Forgiveness (Lyrics)


Pupil 1: Friendship is extremely important for every person because everyone needs communication and understanding. A friend is one with whom you spend your free time, share your thoughts and interests, who keeps your secrets, whom you trust and who is always ready to help.

Pupil 2: There is nothing on this earth more to be prized than true friendship.

Thomas Aquinas

Pupil 3: True friendship multiplies the good in life and divides its evils. Strive to have friends, for life without friends is like life on a desert island... to find one real friend in a lifetime is good fortune; to keep him is a blessing.

Baltasar Gracian




                       Pupils sing the song “ FRIENDS ARE QUIET ANGELS ’’


Friends are quiet angels 
Who lift us to our feet 
When our wings have trouble remembering how to fly 
They stand by us and give us 
the strength to try 

Friends are quiet angels 
Who somehow make you see 
The light that's in the darkness 
before the dawn 
All at once the journey’s not so long 

But it's the laughter and the fun 
Sometimes the feeling that we're one 
All the tears we cry together you and I 
That will keep us heart to heart 
as time goes by 

Friends are quiet angels 
Who fill your life with grace 
Thrilled to share your joy 
when a dream comes true 
And on my wedding day* 
I'm blessed 'cause I can say 
I've found a quiet angel 
You're a special angel 
I found a quiet angel in you



Pupil 1: If you want  to have friends, if you want to be likable, then it's a case of being tolerant.

Pupil2: Be kind and compassionate  to one another

Pupil 3 : Help Each other  unexpectedly and share your love’’

Pupil 4 : Try to be patient and forgive each other

Pupil 1:See the good in people and accept individuality

Pupil 2: Make people comfortable around you, and allow them to be themselves with you. You will gain a lot of friends, and gain respect from the friends you already have.

Pupil 3:Stand up for others! Don't allow negative joking about the group you belong to. Encourage your tolerance with everyone around you.

Pupil 4: Practice tolerance .Every day you have so many opportunities to practice it. If you change yourselves there will be harmony in the world.






Пов’язані теми
Англійська мова, Сценарії
30 липня 2019
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