Урок: "ЗМІ: переваги та недоліки"

Про матеріал
Детальний план-конспект уроку для 8-го класу загальноосвітніх шкіл, форма - робота з текстом в групах з використанням елементів рольової гри.
Перегляд файлу

Клас: 8

Тема: ЗМІ в нашому житті: переваги та недоліки.



 Практична: розвиток мовної здогадки, навичок читання і слухання; тренувати учнів в монологічному, діалогічному мовленні; удосконалювати вміння логічного викладення думки, вираження своєї власної, робити висновки: удосконалювати вміння вживати зв’язних конструкцій; відокремлювати ключову та другорядну інформацію.

 Розвиваюча: розвивати увагу, логічне мислення, світогляд учнів за рахунок інформації, здобутої за допомогою англійської мови, розвивати уміння працювати в групах та брати участь у обговоренні, поважати один одного;

 Виховна: виховувати свідоме ставлення до навчання, вдосконалювати англійську мову, формування норм і правил поведінки.

Повторення: вживання дієслова ‘be’, вставних конструкцій висловлювання власної думки групи: We think/In our opinion/ We believe that/We are sure that/ As for us.

Очікувані результати: учень знає значення, правопис і вимову тематичної лексики активного вжитку; уміє правильно вживати тематичну лексику в типових комунікативних ситуаціях і контекстах, висловити і обґрунтувати власну думку, погляди, почуття щодо переваг та недоліків ЗМІ.


Обладнання: дошка, роздатковий матеріал, комп'ютер/телевізор, видео матеріал, зошит, геометричні фігурки для об’єднання в групи, підручник О.Карпюк.




Схематичний план уроку:

І.    Організаційний момент  1 хв.

II.   Введення в іншомовне становище 2 хв.

III. Повідомлення теми уроку 2 хв.

IV. Основна частина 35 хв.

V.  Підведення підсумків уроку 2 хв.

VI.   Домашнє завдання 2 хв.

VII.  Завершення уроку 1 хв.











Хід уроку

І.    Організаційний момент. Перед початком уроку учні беруть одну з фігурок: квадратик, трикутничок або кружечок, на партах наклеєні стікери.

T: Good morning students. Take your seats. Milana, make a report, please. Today we are going to read, speak and write about Media, to the end of the lesson you will the advantages and disadvantages of different kinds of it. For this purpose we are going to revise some vocabulary on the topic and have fun.

II.   Введення в іншомовне становище

T: You know what? Yesterday I came across with the same news on TV and the radio on the bus. Then I saw something equal on the billboard. The news was about upcoming St.Valentane’s Day. And so I asked myself “Where else would I see this news about hat holiday? What format would it be?”

Possible pupils’ answers: In the magazines, newspapers, bulletins. In the format of articles, adverts, comic scripts, pictures and photos.

T: What kind of media would it be?

Possible pupils’ answers: Locals and tabloids.

T: Yes, that’s right. And you know we can also classify them all as traditional and new. Let’s watch a short video and find out some more information.

(Перегляд відео, коротке доповнення про типи ЗМІ)

IV. Основна частина 

  1. Активізація лексики.

T:  Well done! I wonder, how well do you know the media? What kind of media is:

  1. The Guardien
  2. Rada Chanel
  3. Belle
  4. Speed Info
  5. Bihudi
  6. Holos Ameryky
  7. Chervonyi Hirnyk
  8. Burda Moden
  9. Za Rulem
  10. News 24
  11. The Times
  12. Silski Visty
  13. Piznayko
  14. Forbes
  15. Espresso
  16. NLO
  17. Den’
  18. Cosmopoliten
  19. Deutsche Welle
  20. Shkilnyi Visnyik

(Дефініції назв професій та об’єктів ЗМІ: підручник)

  1. Робота в групах з текстом.

T: I’m shocked how good you are! Enough playing, let’s join into groups. Each of you got a different geometric figures. Now find the company.

(Students join into 3 groups)

T: All right. Are the media always good? Are they always bad? We are going to find it out today. We will work with the text about the advantages and disadvantages. Your task is to read the text carefully and match the missing sentences in it, which are on the blackboard, the walls and shalves, all over the classrom. There are only three missing sentences in each text, but the text is the same (one variant for every group) and the missing sentences are different. So we have 1 text, 3 missing sentences different in each group. But it would be too easy if you all could see the missing sentences. Only one person of your group can come up, find the proper sentence, go back to the group and dictate it. You CANNOT take the papers with you, you CANNOT take photos of the sentences, just find, memorize and dictate. But you can go to them as many times as you need.

(The teacher shows the texts and the place of the sentences)

T: Isn’t it an intrigue? On the sheet of paper you should write the missing sentences. Well, now you have some time to decide which in your group a speaker is/ a writer is/ a runner is/ a timekeeper is. And you have 7 minutes to do the task. (The roles are on the board).

T: And again. What do you do with the texts?

Who is the speaker?

Who is the writer?

Who is the timekeeper?

Who can come up to the missing sentences, find, memorize and dictate them?

What do you write?

How much time do you have to do the task?

T: Are there any questions? No? Time to work!

(While the students working, the teacher comes up to each group and helps if necessary).

T: Ready? Please, speakers of the groups come here and read out your full sentences. Other groups check if they are correct.

The group “ TV

The group “ Radio

The group “ Newspaper

(the papers are hang out on the board)

  1. Робота в групах: обговорення.

T: Good job! Now the groups get a sheet of paper where you must write 3 advantages and 3 disadvantages of your kind of the media. Do it after discussion. Groups, what constructions can help you to express your opinion?

Possible pupils’ answers: We think/In our opinion/ We believe that/We are sure that/ As for us (Pupil who names writes on the board).

T: You have 5 minutes to do this task in your exercise-books. And again. What do you write? How much time do you have to do the task?

(While the students working, the teacher comes up to each group and helps if necessary).

T: Who wants to read the result? …… you are welcome. The rest of the class listens and decides which of the media is the best now. (The student reads).

T: Very nice! You have stickers on your desks. Please, think and write on the sticker one word about the media you think is the best. One by one go to the blackboard, stick it and comment. For example, I believe TV is the best because it’s visual.

(Students reflect)

T: So we can see that …… has more stickers that other two. ……. wins!

V.  Підведення підсумків уроку.

T: Well, what did we do today? What did we speak about? What did we read about? What did we write? What would you like to do next time? You all were great today. But you should read aloud more.

VI.   Домашнє завдання

T: For the next time choose one of the media and write about it. The structure of it is in the Google Classroom:


Kind of media: traditional/new, quality/tabloid, national/local



VII. Завершення уроку

T: Thank you and see you next week.





















Advantages and Disadvantages of Mass Media


The most common forms of mass media today are radio, internet, newspapers and television. As with everything, mass media we use also has its advantages and disadvantages. Let’s start with the advantages.

  1. It helps us learn new things. So whether you are looking for the best pizza recipe or you are looking to understand a Math lesson that you didn’t understand at school. Mass media gives resources to learn new things.
  2. It helps us spread news and information quickly and easily. So if you heard on TV that there was a big storm coming, you should share information about whether or not there will be school the next day with your friends.
  3. It helps people around the world understand each other and accept their differences. So without leaving your home you can learn about other countries, their culture, their food and their music through different forms of mass media.

Now let’s look at the disadvantages:

  1. It can spread false information about people and events which can be extremely dangerous especially if you think of cyber bullying and other people spreading rumors about each other which can really hurt other people.
  2. It distracts you from studying, working, and spending time with your family. So instead of focusing on schoolwork or talking to the people at your dinner table or the people at work many people just stare into their phones all day playing games or reading the news.

So what does this all mean? Should we stop using mass media altogether? Of course not! You couldn’t do that if you wanted to. The answer is to be smart, don’t believe everything you see or hear on mass media. Also be safe, don’t share personal information over mass media.







Advantages and Disadvantages of Mass Media (TV)


The most common forms of mass media today are radio, internet, newspapers and television. As with everything, mass media we use also has its advantages and disadvantages. Let’s start with the advantages.

  1. It helps us learn new things. So whether you are looking for the best pizza recipe or you are looking to understand a Math lesson that you didn’t understand at school. _________________________________________________________________
  2. It helps us spread news and information quickly and easily. So if you heard on TV that there was a big storm coming, you should share information about whether or not there will be school the next day with your friends.
  3. It helps people around the world understand each other and accept their differences. So _______________________________________________________________, their culture, their food and their music through different forms of mass media.

Now let’s look at the disadvantages:

  1. It can spread false information about people and events which can be extremely dangerous especially if you think of cyber bullying and other people spreading rumors about each other which can really hurt other people.
  2. It distracts you from studying, working, and spending time with your family. So instead of focusing on schoolwork or talking to the people at your dinner table or the people at work ________________________________________________________ or reading the news.

So what does this all mean? Should we stop using mass media altogether? Of course not! You couldn’t do that if you wanted to. The answer is to be smart, don’t believe everything you see or hear on mass media. Also be safe, don’t share personal information over mass media.







Advantages and Disadvantages of Mass Media (Radio)


The most common forms of mass media today are radio, internet, newspapers and television. As with everything, mass media we use also has its advantages and disadvantages. Let’s start with the advantages.

  1. It helps us learn new things. So whether you are looking for the best pizza recipe or you are looking to understand a Math lesson that you didn’t understand at school. Mass media gives resources to learn new things.
  2. It helps us spread news and information quickly and easily. So if you heard on TV that there was a big storm coming, _________________________________________ about whether or not there will be school the next day _________________________________.
  3. It helps people around the world understand each other and accept their differences. So without leaving your home you can learn about other countries, their culture, their food and their music through different forms of mass media.

Now let’s look at the disadvantages:

  1. ________________________________________________________________ which can be extremely dangerous especially if you think of cyber bullying and other people spreading rumors about each other which can really hurt other people.
  2. It distracts you from studying, working, and spending time with your family. So instead of focusing on schoolwork or talking to the people at your dinner table or the people at work many people just stare into their phones all day playing games or reading the news.

So what does this all mean? _______________________________________________ Of course not! You couldn’t do that if you wanted to. The answer is to be smart, don’t believe everything you see or hear on mass media. Also be safe, don’t share personal information over mass media.






Advantages and Disadvantages of Mass Media (Newspaper)


The most common forms of mass media today are radio, internet, newspapers and television. As with everything, mass media we use also has its advantages and disadvantages. Let’s start with the advantages.

  1. It helps us learn new things. So whether you are looking for the best pizza recipe or you are looking to understand a Math lesson that you didn’t understand at school. Mass media gives resources to learn new things.
  2. It helps us spread news and information quickly and easily. So if you heard on TV that there was a big storm coming, you should share information about whether or not there will be school the next day with your friends.
  3. __________________________________________________________________ and accept their differences. So without leaving your home you can learn about other countries, their culture, their food and their music through different forms of mass media.

Now let’s look at the disadvantages:

  1. It can spread false information about people and events which can be extremely dangerous especially if you think of cyber bullying and other people spreading rumors about each other which can really hurt other people.
  2. _______________________________________________________________ and spending time with your family. So instead of focusing on schoolwork or talking to the people at your dinner table or the people at work many people just stare into their phones all day playing games or reading the news.

So what does this all mean? Should we stop using mass media altogether? Of course not! You couldn’t do that if you wanted to. The answer is to be smart, don’t believe everything you see or hear on mass media. Also be safe, ________________________________________________________________________.





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Англійська мова (8-й рік навчання) 8 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
8 лютого 2022
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