Урок-знайомство "Get started! Meeting friends! School is cool!"

Про матеріал
матеріал містить онайомчу першу зустріч з учнями 5 класу, також містить цікаві інтерактивні завдання, які покликані зацікавити учнів у вивченні англійської мови
Перегляд файлу


Тема: Get started! Meeting friends. School is cool.




     повторити раніше вивчені лексичні одиниці, граматичні структури,

     повторити мовні вирази знайомства та вітання;

     формувати уявлення про мову як засіб спілкування між людьми;


       розвивати навички аудіювання та діалогічного мовлення; вміння вести бесіду, слухати співрозмовника,

       удосконалювати фонетику та артикуляцію звуків, навички письма латинськими буквами;


       викликати в дітей бажання вчитися; допомогти їм бути розкутими у спілкуванні при вивченні іноземної мови;

       виховувати інтерес до вивчення мови;

       виховувати дисципліну та звичку до систематичної розумової праці.


ОБЛАДНАННЯ: екран, ноутбук.


Хід уроку


     1. Greeting and Aim.


 “Hello boys and girls! I’m happy to see you! My name is …….. and it’s very pleasure for me to be your teacher this year. I want to ask you to travel with me to a magic world of English.  We’ll visit different interesting  places,  we’ll learn many interesting facts, we’ll improve our skills, we’ll read a lot, we’ll learn poems, we’ll sing songs, we’ll make different exercises and we’ll play a lot, of course. And now let’s start! Let’s ask and answer the questions in a chain.” – teacher.


2. Warming-up


 a) Гра-знайомство. Вчитель та учні за ланцюжком ставлять запитання та дають відповіді на них.

-         What is your name?

-         How are you?

-         How old are you?

-         Where do you live?

-         Where are you from?

-         Have you a pet?


  1. Sing song


My school. Going to school.


Every day I go to school,

It such fun and really cool,

Meet my classmates, laugh and play,

Learn a lot with each new day.


First I learn the alphabet

Starts with A and ends with zet


Then read good stories all the time

Best of all are those that rhyme

Maths and Science, language, art

All these skills will make me smart

It’s such fun and really cool!



At school we sing joyful songs

Keeping time with drums and gongs

Ta-ta-ta-ta, ra-ta-ta-ta,

Our teachers always kind to us

Helping us without of fuss

Schoolwork, homework, music,sport

We try hard at what we’re taught

It’s such fun and really cool!


4. Повтор лексичного матеріалу в ігровій формі.


     School items. Presentation


     Catch the ball and name the object which is situated around us in our classroom.


5. Grammar task.

Task: Put sentences into the correct order (This task can be completed with the help of pictures or by following the link as an interactive game)




























































 6. Listening.




1. It is like a super club of letters that make up all the worlds we know – alphabet

2. They can be big or small with colourful covers that catch our eye – books

3. It is like a special book  that help us keep track of time and plan things – calendar

4. It can be very sticky – glue

5. It is like magic wand that writes with ink – pen

6. Open and close them to make the blades snip – scissors

7. They help us learn new things like numbers, letters and stories – teachers

8. It is like a big wall that our teacher writes on - whiteboard




7. Ending the Lesson. Listening and doing tasks.






Well done!

 The lesson is over. Have a nice day!




My school. Going to school.


Every day I go to school,

It such fun and really cool,

Meet my classmates, laugh and play,

Learn a lot with each new day.


First I learn the alphabet

Starts with A and ends with zet


Then read good stories all the time

Best of all are those that rhyme

Maths and Science, language, art

All these skills will make me smart

It’s such fun and really cool!



At school we sing joyful songs

Keeping time with drums and gongs

Ta-ta-ta-ta, ra-ta-ta-ta,

Our teachers always kind to us

Helping us without of fuss

Schoolwork, homework, music,sport

We try hard at what we’re taught

It’s such fun and really cool!



My school. Going to school.


Every day I go to school,

It such fun and really cool,

Meet my classmates, laugh and play,

Learn a lot with each new day.


First I learn the alphabet

Starts with A and ends with zet


Then read good stories all the time

Best of all are those that rhyme

Maths and Science, language, art

All these skills will make me smart

It’s such fun and really cool!



At school we sing joyful songs

Keeping time with drums and gongs

Ta-ta-ta-ta, ra-ta-ta-ta,

Our teachers always kind to us

Helping us without of fuss

Schoolwork, homework, music,sport

We try hard at what we’re taught

It’s such fun and really cool!


5 жовтня 2023
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