Уроки англійської мови у 8 класі на тему «Сім`я та друзі»

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Form 8 +Unit 1. IT'S YOUR LIFE Lesson 5. FAMIlY AND FRIENDS

Мета: Повторити й активізувати лексику теми. Повторити та закріпити правила вживання граматичних часів дієслів, вивчених у попередніх класах. Формувати навички діалогічного мовлення. Тренувати учнів в аудіюванні та письмі.

Розвивати • готовність до пошуку різноманітних способів розв'язання різних мовних задач.

Виховувати вміння співпрацювати та поважати точку зору інших людей.

Очікувані результати на кінець уроку: логічно будувати висловлювання на основі прочитаної і переробленої інформації;

Обладнання: аудіозапис, ПК, картки з роздатковим матеріалом.

Тип уроку: комбінований

Перегляд файлу


Мета: Повторити й активізувати лексику теми. Повторити та закріпити правила вживання граматичних часів дієслів, вивчених у попередніх класах. Формувати навички діалогічного мовлення. Тренувати учнів в аудіюванні та письмі.

Розвивати • готовність до пошуку різноманітних способів розв’язання різних мовних задач.

Виховувати вміння співпрацювати та поважати точку зору інших людей.

Очікувані результати на кінець уроку: логічно будувати висловлювання на основі прочитаної і переробленої інформації;

Обладнання: аудіозапис, ПК, картки з роздатковим матеріалом.

Тип уроку: комбінований


l.Warm-up What would you say in the following situations? Choose the correct phrase and dramatize the dialogues.

1. Just after midnight on December 318t                                               a) I'm fine, thanks

2. You meet your neighbour's daughter in town                                    b) Happy New Year !

3. Someone sneezes                                                                                c) I'd love to

4, Someone says "Thank you for carrying my suitcase"                        d) Hello Liz. How are you ?

5. You are invited to come to a birthday party                                      e) I beg your pardon

6. You didn't hear what someone said to you                                         f) Bless you !

7. Someone asks "How are you?"                                                          g) That's all right

8. Someone bumps into you in the street and says "I'm sorry"             h)Not at all

                                                              Key: 1b, 2 d, 3 f, 4h, 5 c, 6 e, 7 a, 8 g.

2. Speaking Working pairs

You are going to interview someone about his/her past, present and future. Ask for as many details as possible.

Background                Where were you born?

Education                   What school do you  ... ?

Skills                          Can you  ... ?

Travel experience      What countries have you  ... ?   When ... ?    What ... ?

Family                        Have you got  ... ?

Sports and hobbies     Do you play  ... ?

What are you interested in?

Reasons for learning English / whv... ?

Hopes and intentions for the future What do you want .. ? When are you going to ... ?

3.Vocabulary practice Do ex. 1, 2, p. 18. Introduce the new vocabulary. Fill in the following chart.

Positive / Negative                                  Give Ukrainian equivalents to the adjectives.


                            Key: 1 j, 2 m, 3l, 4h, 5 p, 6 a, 7 o, 8 k, 9 b, 10 n, 11 c, 12 e, 13 i, 14 g, 15 f.,


4. Writing Do ex. 3, p. 18.                                    

                             Key: lazy, reliable, honest, pessimistic, helpful, complaining, sociable, friendly, ambitious, amusing.

5. Vocabulary practice Do ex. 4, p. 19.                             

 6. Writing Complete the sentences.

1. He's a ...young man, He can make his own choices.                                2. She's become more ... since she went to college.

3. If you want your mom to trust you, you have to be a ... person.              4. My family is very ... . They always support me.

5. That ... girl made me feel less nervous.                                                    6. In different situations he is always fair and ... .

7. A ...  woman at the tourist office gave me some tips on places to visit.  8. David was always rather quiet and ... at school. .

                              Key: 1 responsible, 2 outgoing, 3 trustworlhy,4 caring, 5 catty, 6 honest, 7 helpful, 8 shy.

  • 7. Summary Answer the questions.
  1. Do you make friends easily? 2. What is a best friend? 3. What qualities do you think are important in a friend?
  • Do the quiz How honest are you?

1) You are spending the weekend at a friend's house. While you are do­ing the washing up, you accidentally crack what was clearly an ex­pensive wine glass. Would you:

  1. hide the glass in the dustbin and hope that no one notice?
  2. explain what had happened and perhaps offer to buy a new one?
  3. put the glass in the cupboard and not mention it?
  4. say that someone else had broken it?

2) You are with a small group of people on holiday. Someone expresses some strong political views on a subject, which you disagree with
violently. Would you:

  1. say that you thought they were right?
  2. tell them quite bluntly that you thought they were talking rubbish?
  3. suggest tactfully that there were other ways of looking at the question?
  4. try and change the subject?

3) You are a member of a team playing a tennis match. At an important point in the game, your opponent hits the ball, which lands very near
the line, and he / she asks you if the ball was in. You saw clearly that it was. Would you:

  1. play fair and say that the ball was in and give your opponent the point?
  2. cheat and say the ball was out and take the point yourself?
  3. say it would be best to play the point again?
  4. say you were not sure?

4) You and your boyfriend / girlfriend have been invited to a party, but you know your partner doesn't really want to go. You want to go
because you know that someone you are very attracted to will be there. Would you:

  1. try and discourage your partner from going with you?
  2. be open and tell your partner why you really want to go?
  3. not go to the party at all?
  4. leave your partner to decide by himself / herself whether or not to go with you?

5) You work in a dress shop and you get paid commission on the dresses you sell. A woman is interested in a dress which does not suit her
and asks you what you think of it. Would you:

a)   say it looks lovely but that you have seen something that might look even nicer?

  1. say only that you have seen another dress that might suit her more?
  2. tell her bluntly that it doesn't suit her?
  3. tell her that it looks very nice and is an excellent choice?

6) You have just found out that the boyfriend / girlfriend of a very close friend of yours has been seeing someone else. Your friend, who
suspects something, asks if you know anything. Would you:

  1. beat about the bush and say that you weren't sure either way?
  2. be frank and tell them what you have heard?
  3. deny that you know anything?
  4. suggest that he / she should talk to their partner about it be­cause it might be true?

7) You are selling your car because it has been very unreliable and has been very difficult to start, especially in the mornings. Someone
from a town a long way away wants to buy it and has just asked you if it is reliable when starting. Would you:

  1. say that you have never had any serious problems with it?
  2. say that you are selling it because it is so bad at starting?
  3. try and cheat them by saying that it was very good at starting?
  4. say that it has been giving a bit of trouble recently but that the problem can be fixed easily?

8) Some people you know but find a bit boring have invited you to din­ner at their house. Would you:

  1. say that you didn't want to go and why?
  2. accept and say that you were looking forward to it?
  3. say that you couldn't go because you were going to be busy?
  4. say you'd love to go, and then not turn up?

Key: to the quiz How honest are you?



2 al b4 c3 d2


4 al b4 c3 d2


6 a2 b4 cl d3

7 a2 b4 cl d3





10-16: You are not really the sort of person who would make a good friend. You lie, cheat and deceive people (including yourself) all the time. At times your dishonesty could almost be criminal. You had better learn to tell the truth, because you will never have any real friends if you carry on like this.

17-27: You don't tell the truth all the time, do you? You perhaps try to tell yourself that you lie to protect other people's feelings, but there is a little more to it than that. You are secretive and unreliable. Try and be a little more open with your friends and the people you love and don't try and avoid serious problems by lying.

28-35: You would be a good person to have as a friend. You can be trusted and don't delight in making people feel bad for no reason. You are the sort of person who can keep a promise and you don't run away from problems that need to be talked about. The only real lies you would tell are white lies as you are tactful and caring.

36-40 You must be very difficult to live with. You say exactly what you think. You like to think you are straight and honest, but you are often very blunt and rude, and hurt people's feelings for no reason. You are very open, and when someone asks you for an opinion, they know they will get the truth. But are you sure that the absolute truth is really what they always want to hear?


  • 8. Homework Write down 10 sentences using the words from ex. 1, p. 18 and ex. 4, p. 18



Мета: Повторити й активізувати лексику теми. Розвивати комунікативні вміння учні, . • готовність до пошуку різноманітних способів розв’язання. Формувати навички діалогічного мовлення за темою. Тренувати учнів у читанні та письміНавчати учнів висловлювати власні думки та обґрунтовувати їх. Виховувати повагу до точки зору інших людей.

Очікувані результати на кінець уроку: висловлювати власні думки та обґрунтовувати їх.

Обладнання: CD, підручник, зошит, картки для роботи в групах / для самостійної роботи

Тип уроку: комбінований


l. Warm-up Answer the questions.

1. What kind of person are you? 2. Are you a sympathetic person? 3. Have you got many friends? 4. Are you a good friend?

5. Are you always ready to help your friends? 6. What can you say about your strong and weak points?

2. Listening Do ex.1, 2, p.19-20.

3. Reading Do ex. 3, p. 20.

4.Vocabulary practice Practice the vocabulary.

Match the adjectives and their definitions. Then write some sentences to describe yourself or your best friend using some of them.

Someone who 

1) brave                                           a) always remembers your birthday                              

2) stubborn                                     b) behaves correctly and carefully

3) thoughtful                                   c) only thinks about him/ herself                            

4) selfish                                        d) always tells the truth

5) serious                                       e) is not frightened of anything                                   

6) generous                                    f) likes to keep things in their correct place

7) tidy                                            g) doesn't laugh or make jokes very often                        

8) optimistic                                  h) is unwilling to change his/her mind

9) honest                                        i) likes to give money, help or presents                     

10) polite                                        j) always believes good things will happen

                                                         Key: 1 e, 2 h, 3 a, 4 c, 5 g, 6 i, 7 f, 8 i, 9 d, 10b.

  • Example:

I'm not selfish. I don't think only about myself.

My friend is very thoughtful. He's a person who always remembers my birthday.


5. Listening Listen to the text and do the tasks.                           A GOOD FRIEND

Three men were travelling in South Africa. For about a week they had almost no food. At last one of them said that he would go out of the hut, where they were staying, and bring back something to eat even if it were a lion. He hadn't gone far when he met a lion. As the lion rushed towards him, he turned and ran in the direction of the hut'. When he ran up to the hut door, which was open' he stumbled and fell and the lion burst into the hut. The man jumped to his feet, closed the door and shouted to his friends inside: "Here you are, … Skin that one, while I'lI be looking for another".

        True or False.                                                            

1. Five men were travelling in Australia.

2. Three men were hunting in Brazil.                                

 3. Three men were staying in a small inn.

4. Three men went to the forest to hook for some food.     

5. "The food" ran to them itself.

Answer the questions.

1, Where were the three men travelling?

2. How long did they have no food?

3. What did one of them decide to do?

 4. What animal did he meet?

5. Where did the lion rush?

 6. And where did the man decide to run?

7. What happened then?

8. Why is this story called  ”A Good Friend"?

9. Was he really a good friend?

6. Speaking Practice the new vocabularу and express your opinion.






I think

In my opinion









those people who









have a nice sense of humour

are selfish

behave badly

are helpful

know a lot of interesting things

have special talents

look perfect

are very strict

are brought up well

are stubborn

have a bad temper

are caring








have got many friends

haven't got many friends.

are very popular.

aren't very popular.


  • 7. Summary You want to have good friends. Are you a good friend? Do the quiz and find it r..j
  1. Do you remember your friends' birthday? 2. Are you the first to apologize if you are wrong? 3. Can you keep your friends' secrets?

4. Do you sometimes laugh at your friends? 5. Do you often criticize your friends? 6. Do you give all the pocket money you have to your friend they ask you? 7. Do you think your friend should follow you everywhere? 8. Is it important for a good friend to be good at school?

Results :

  •  0-8 points:   Many people think you are unfriendly. Sometimes you can be very helpful and confident, you are a little bossy too.
  •  9-16 points: You are a good friend. You`re patient and confident. You give a helping hand and not to demand much.


2 2 2 1 1 2 1 1


1 1 1 2 2 1 2 2


  • 8. Homework Write some sentences about your family and your friends.

                    My brother Oliver is ... and ... . He always ... .

                    My sister is ... , but she's ... . My friend Mike is very ... . He's got a lot of friends.



Мета: практичні - активізувати знання, вміння і навички учнів по темі; розвивати вміння працювати з текстом: вправи, що передбачають графічне зображення тексту; вчити логічно будувати висловлювання на основі прочитаної і переробленої інформації; формування вміння використовувати в разі потреби різноманітні стратегії для задоволення власних іншомовних комунікативних намірів (працювати з підручником, словником, довідковою літературою, мультимедійними засобами …), розвиваючі - розвивати кругозір учнів, стимулювати навик критичного мислення та самостійного осмислення отриманої інформації; виховні - створювати можливість для прояву індивідуальних здібностей учнів;

Очікувані результати на кінець уроку: висловлювати власні думки та обґрунтовувати їх.

Обладнання: аудиозапись, СД диск, картки для самостійної роботи

Тип уроку: комбінований


l.Warm-up Listen to the poems about friends and friendship. Do you agree with the authors?

  • Express your opinion as for friendship and real friends.
  • Friendship is a thing for two,
  • Three or four, even more,
  • Like asong that is made to sing.
  • Friendship is a doing thing.
  • Friends are people who share,
  • Friends are people who care.
  • They try to understand.
  • They give a helping hand.


  1. What do friends mean to you?
  2. What makes a friend the best friend?
  3. What makes you a good friend?
  4. Is it easy for you to make friends?
  5. Do you have any particularly close friends?
  6. Do you stay in touch with all of the friends you've made?
  7. Are friends more important than family? What do you think?
  8. Do you think you have a special understanding with your friends?
  9. At which stages of life is it easier to make friends?


2. Speaking Do ex.1, p.2l.                           3.Vocabulary practice Complete the sentences.

1. I told him it was a bad idea, but Dave's so ... that he just never listens.

2. My sister's really ... . She's always buying things for her friends.

3. Let us be kind and ... and not to be unkind and hurt other people.

4. How can you be so ... ? 5. The managers were very ... and helpful.

6. Her parents are ... . She isn't allowed to go hiking. 7. You are so ... I You have never liked any hotel

                                         Key: 1 stubborn,2 generous, 3 thoughtful, 4 selfish, 5 polite, 6 overprotective,7 complaining.

4. Speaking Doex.2, p.22.                                  

5. Reading and speaking Do ex.4, 5, p, 22.

6. Speaking  Answer the questions.

1. Who is your best friend?

2. What does your friend look like? (My friend is ... . His / her hair is ... . He / she has ... and ... . He / she wears ... . He / she looks Iike ... .

3. What is your friend like?

4. What do you do together?

5. Why do you like your friend?

  • Sample description
  • My best friend Brenda is a sociable person. She's never boring. She's always in a good mood. Brenda is tall and thin. Her black hair is short. Brenda enjoys sport and she looks like an athlete. Brenda is a good-looking girl and she wears nice clothes. She`s warm-hearted, generous and confident. She always keeps her promises.


  Does appearance matter much for you?

I don't care if a person is tall or short.

It's important   I don't care  It doesn't matter                                    if a person

= What is she like? (character)      She's sociable.        She's never boring.         She's warm-hearted, generous and confident

  • is...
  • has...
  • wears...
  • looks...
  • Iooks like...


7. Reading Do ex.6, p.23.                                            

8. Writing and speaking Do ex.7, p.24.


1. Why doesn't Luke want to go meeting new people.? … to the Centre Activity at first? (He doesn't …)

2. What does Tara look like? (She's tall and thin with long curly hair.)

3. What is she like? (She's nice.)

4. What does Lee like? (Music)

  • 9. Summary Do ex.3, p.22.
  • 10. Homework Do ex. 8, p. 24.
  • Appendix

Friend . Fun . Rare . Interesting . Endearing . Needed . Devoted

         What does she look like?

She's tall and thin.

  She's got black hair.

         She looks like an athlete.

She's good-looking


Lesson 6. SIMILES

Мета: Повторити й активізувати лексику теми. Закріпити правила вживання граматичних часів у реченнях із непрямою мовою. Ознайомити учнів із правилами змінювання обставин часу в реченнях непрямої мови. Тренувати учнів у читанні. Формувати навички монологічного мовлення, • логічно обґрунтовувати висловлену думку;. Практикувати учнів у письмі. Виховувати культуру мовлення.

Очікувані результати на кінець уроку: лексику теми,  вміти співпрацювати та поважати точку зору  інших людей

Обладнання: аудиозапись, раздатковий матеріал, підручник, робочий зошит, картки для роботи.

Тип уроку: комбінований


l.Warm-up Answer the questions. 1. Do you discuss books, films, sports and your class activities together with your

friend? 2. How do you spend your free time when you are together? 3. What are you both interested in? 4. What is your friend good at?

5. What should people do together to know each other well?

2. Listening and speaking Listen to Ted who`s telling about his friends and answer the questions.

1. How many friends has he got? 2. What are Ted's friends' special interests? 3. What do Ted and his friends do together? 4. Why are they never bored? 5. Why does Ted like his friends? 6. Can Ted be helpful to his friends? 7. Why do Ted and his friends sometimes quarrel?

  • I like to be around people. My mum says that I am very sociable. I've got many friends. We Iike to go out, play games and in general have a lot of fun together. My friends are always ready to help me. Each of them can teach me something that I don't know. When I have problems at home, I go to Sue. When my homework is difficult, I go to Frank. He can help me with Maths. When a Maths test comes up, I sit near Frank and cheat from his paper. He's very smart. I'm good at English. Maths is my weak point. With Kevin and Pat I like to play computer games. Bob and I have the same hobby - we collect stamps and badges. It's very interesting to talk to him about our collections. Each time we all get together we talk about what films we've seen lately or what we did at the weekend. Sometimes we have quarrels but we make peace quickly. There are a lot of us and \Me are never bored Is it good to have many friends? What do you think?


3. Grammar practice Introduce the rule (p. 25). Do ex. 1, p.25.

4.Writing Complete the sentences with as ... as or not so ... as.

1. The blue car is ... the red car. (Fast)                                      2. Peter is ... Fred. (Not/tall)

3. The violin is ... the cello. (Not/low)                                      4. This copy is ... the other one. (Bad)

5. Oliver is ... Peter. (Optimistic)                                               6. Today it's ... yesterday. (Not./windy)

7. The tomato soup was ... the mushroom soup. (Delicious)     8. Grapefruit juice is ... lemonade. (Not/sweet)

9. Nick is ... Kevin. (Brave)                                                       10. Silver is ... gold. (Not / heavy)

           Complete the sentences below using the as... as similes in the box.

As white as snow, as smooth as silk, as slow as a snail, as free as a bird, as light,a feather,

 as cold as ice, as blind as a bat, as black as coal, as changeable as weatl

1 .The night was ... .                                                                   2. Her hateful eyes were ... .

3. Without my glasses, I am ... .                                                 4. Her face has become ... .

5. The bicycle looks heavy, but it feels ...                                  6. On the first day of his vacation, the boy felt ... .

7. My computer is very fast at times, and at other times it is ... 8.When I was a child, a man of seventy seemed to me to be ..                  

9. After using our body lotion, your skin is guaranteed to feel ... .

                                                        Key: 1) as black as coal.2) as cold as ice.3) as blind as a bat.4) as white as snow.5) as light as a feather.

                                                                 6) as free as a bird.7) as slow as a snail 8) as old as the hills. 9) as smooth as silk.

  • 5. Summary Broken sentences

Cut out and shuffle the parts of the similes. Students in pairs have to sort the cards to make up the similes.


As like as... two peas

As black as... coal

As light as... a feather

As blind as... a bat

As silent as... the grave

As different as... chalk from cheese

As happy as... a king

As busy as... a bee

As poor as... a church mouse

As silly as... a goose

As good as... gold














  • 6. Homework Ex. 3, p. 47. Use the dictionary if it is necessary. At first fill in the chart with positive and negative traits in your opinion.




Мета: Повторити й активізувати лексику теми. Ознайомити учнів із новою лексикою та закріпити її в усному мовленні. Тренувати учів у читанні. Формувати навички монологічного мовлення. Розвивати вміння логічно будувати свої розповіді, • мовних, інтелектуальних і пізнавальних здібностей, • здатності переносити знання й уміння у нову ситуацію шляхом виконання проблемно-пошукової діяльності.; Навчати учнів працювати в парах/групах. Виховувати культуру мовлення.

Очікувані результати на кінець уроку: змінювання обставин часу в реченнях непрямої мови

Обладнання:  диск, підручник, робочий зошит, індивідуальні картки / для роботи в групах

Тип уроку: комбінований


1. Warm-up Answer the questions. 1. What are your friends like? 2. what kind of people are you teachers and crassmates? Can some of them be your friends? 3. Do you have friends in your family? What are they like?

2. Speaking  Practiсe the vocabulary. Match the opposites to the adjectives. use the dictionary if it is necessary.

                                                      Key: 1f, 2e, 3a, 4h, 5c, 6j, 7k, 8n, 9b, l0d, 11i, l2l, l3m, 14g.

What features of character should a good friend have? Use  adjectives.

                  If you want to be a good friend you should be / shouldn't be … generous… mean … funny … hard-working …

3. Reading Do ex. 1 , p.26.   Give English equivalents to the following Ukrainian words and expressions: …..

4. Vocabulary practice Complete the sentences with the words from the box (p. 27).

1. Go on ahead. I'll ... you later.

2. There are always a lot of ... nearby that square.

3. Let's ... we're at the seaside.

4. I ... my old diary in my desk last week.

5. Dan was one of the kids who used to ... me at school.

6. I hope I'll ... my new classmates.

7. They have the same interests, like the same food. I must say they ... .

                                                  Key: I catch up with, 2 weirdoes, 3 pretend, 4 came across, 5 tease, 6 get with, 7 have a lot in common

  •   Do ex. 2 ,3, p.28.


5.Writing Do ex.4, p,28.                    6. Speaking Do ex. 6, p. 28.                     7. Reading and writing Do ex. 12, p.29.

  • 8. Summary Do you know your friend's strong and weak points?

Choose what is right your best friend and write some sentences about it. Add your own ideas.

1. He / She has / doesn't have a sense of humour.

2. He / She can f can't make you feel lonely.

3. He / She knows /doesn't know a lot of interesting things.

4. He  /She is/isn't always in a good mood.

5. He / She is / isn't good at writing compositions.

6. He / She enjoys / doesn't enjoy taking part in various competitions.

  1. Аудіювання. Прослухати текст та виконати завдання


Friendship Day takes place on the first Sunday of August every year. It is one day of the year we can say thank you to our friends. The tradition began in the USA in 1935 and has slowly spread around the world. The U.S. Congress declared Friendship Day as a national celebra­tion. It still has a way to go before it is as popular as Mother's Day and Father's Day. On Friendship Day people spend time with their friends and exchange presents. Some people send cards, write special songs or bake friendship cakes. One great way to celebrate is to make a poster or create an album about your friend or friends. Perhaps include Winnie-the-Pooh on it because the United Nations made Pooh the world's Am­bassador of Friendship in 1997.

Friends are extremely important to us. They are often like members of our own family. In fact, many people spend more time with their friends than with their relatives. People also tell their friends more sec­rets. We start friendships almost from the time we can walk. Everyone has special childhood friends, and some of these become lifelong friends. We usually meet out best friends early on in our life. Best friends usu­ally stay best friends forever. Nowadays the Internet has changed the way we make friends. Many people strike up friendships online. The Web is also useful to find long-lost friends. There are many sites to find old friends.

  • Match the following phrases from the article.

Paragraph 1.

1)   one day of the year we can

a)   way to go

2)   slowly spread

b)   to make a poster

3)   It still has a

c)   say thank you

4)   people spend time

d)  Ambassador of Friendship

5)   One great way to celebrate is

e)   around the world

6)   the UN made Pooh the world's

f)   with their friends

Paragraph 2

1)   Friends are extremely-

a)   best friends forever

2)   People also tell their friends

b)   early on in our life

3)   Everyone has special

c)   more secrets

4)   We usually meet our best friends

d)   important to us

5)   Best friend usually -

e)   lost friends

6)   find long-

f)   childhood friends


  • 9. Homework Do ex. 3, p. 29.





Sokolova Larysa Dmytrivna
23 червня 2018
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