Уроки на тему " Healthy food" / "Grandpa s shop"

Про матеріал
Уроки включають закріплення лексико- граматичного матеріалу розвиток усного мовлення та аудіювання.
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Методичні розробки навчальних занять

з англійської мови для учнів 3 та 6 класів










Автор проекту: Підопригора Інна Володимирівна


























Topic: Healthy Food

Aims: to revise the material (food and cooking), to practice the vocabulary by using expressions, to develop speaking skills through the interactive activities, to form learners’ listening skills, to bring up the wish to be healthy.

Equipment: flashcards, handouts, Spark 1 /Express Publishing





          1) Greeting. 


Aim T: Good morning, children! I’m glad to see you. I think you’re well. I hope we’ll have a wonderful time together. I want to start our lesson from introducing its motto. The motto of our today’s lesson is "One apple a day is keeping the doctor away". I want you to look at the blackboard, at the pictures, at the motto and guess the topic of our today’s lesson. I think you have guessed that the topic of our today's lesson is "Healthy food". Today we will practice vocabulary, listening and enjoy different activities. You’ll learn new words and find out what food we must eat to be healthy, how to make your healthy diet and speak about the right food, our habits of eating.

 T.: Tell me please? Why do we study about healthy food? Is this topic useful for you?

         2)  Warming-up.

А)T: There is a plate full of different products on your desks. We must get them and make a Health Cocktail from them. Are you ready? Let’s go!




В) In pairs pupils write as many «Healthy and Unhealthy Food» words as possible in 1 minute on the sheet of papers. Then teacher asks the pupils with the most items on their list to explain why these foods are healthy or unhealthy?


         Healthy                                                          Unhealthy                                                   


  I think … is …. because it is good for…

P1: Chocolate, sweets, ice-cream are unhealthy food because it contains a lots of sugar. And much sugar is bad for our health.

P2: Eggs, nuts, milk are healthy food because they have proteins and vitamins and give us a lot of energy.

P3: Fruit and vegetables are healthy food because they contain a lot of vitamins. They are good for our health.

P4: Chips and hamburger are unhealthy food because they are fast food and high-fat products.

P5: Porridge is a healthy food because it contains vitamin B1.

P6: Fish is healthy food because it contains unprocessed fat that is useful for us.

P7: Cola is unhealthy food because it has a lot of sugar and spoils our teeth.




1. Check on the homework.

T: You needed to revise all the words from the topic for today. Let’s do the exercise and check your knowledge. There are letters of the alphabet on the sheet. Your task is to name some word of the topic near every letter. But you must do it quickly. (Учні записують назви продуктів, овочів та фруктів, які були вивчені та повторені на попередніх уроках, відповідно до букви алфавіту).



Name some word of the topic near every letter.
































2.Listening . Ex. 1b (p. 98). CD №21

1) Pre-Listening Activity. Етап підготовки до читання.

- Бесіда з учнями за малюнком до вправи.

- Виконання вправи усно. Учні в парах читають запитання та відповідають.

Do you eat  every day?

Do you eat  for breakfast?

Do you eat   every day?

Do you always drink?

Do you often eat?

Do you drink a lot of  ?


T: Look at the picture on page 98.

Учні ланцюжком відповідають на запитання вчителя.

- New words on page 98.

2) While-Listening.

Учні слухають текст та виконують впр.1б, с.98.

Are the statements true or false.

1. It’s good to drink eight glasses of water a day.

2. You can eat two bars of chocolate a day.

3. You can eat vegetables every day.

4. Hot dog is a healthy food.

3) Post-Listening Activity.  Speak on your eating habits.

3.Physical Training .

Pick up, put down, stand up, turn around.

Clap left, clap right, clap up, clap down.

Look left, look right, look up, look down.

Turn around, sit down, touch something brown.

4. Writing.

T: And now open your notebooks, write the date, classwork. Look at the screen. In this exercise you must put the words in the right order to make sentence:


1. eat, in the morning, bread and butter, I

2.  Daryna, water, with, bubbles, drink, does not

3. hamburgers, They, with, like, cheese, do not

4. We, eat, for breakfast, sandwiches,  porridge , or

5. for supper, would, I, or, like, chees, vegetable salad

6. does not, Taras, hot, drink, milk

5.Grammar :  much/many.

1) Do ex.1,p.98.  Fill in, using “is, are” (see p.195)

2) Do ex.2,p.99.  Use much or many (see p.204)

3) Choose the correct option for the countable and uncountable nouns. In writing.


1. __________ pears  are on the plate?

a) How much   b) How many

2. __________ milk is in the glass?

a) How much   b) How many

3. __________ eggs do you have in your fridge?

a) How much  b) How many

4. __________ candies do you have in your packet?

a) How much   b) How many

5. __________ sugar do you use in the apple pie?

a) How much   b) How many

6. __________ time do we have for our dinner?

a) How much   b) How many

7. __________ bread is in the kitchen?

a) How much   b) How many

8. __________ salt do you need for this salad?

a) How much   b) How many

9. __________ juice is there in the can?

a) How much   b) How many




 T.: Well, children. It was a great and interesting job. You've done a lot of useful activities. All of you were very active.

T.: You know a lot of fruits and vegetables. We need them to cook our Health Cocktail. So you must agree or disagree with my sentences. If you agree – clap your hands, disagree – stamp your feet. Ready?

  1. It is useful to eat fast food.
  2. Dairy products are useful for your teeth and bones.
  3. You should eat fresh fruit and vegetables every day.
  4. It is good to eat very quickly.
  5. We should eat many desserts and candies.
  6. Hot dogs  and Cola are healthy food.
  7. We should eat two times a day.

T.: Good for you. Here is the plate and you can take any apples you like.

I wish you to be healthy! Thank you for the lesson. The lesson is over. Good bye.

(Вчитель роздає дітям по яблуку).


Додатки до уроку

(НО 1)


Name some word of the topic near every letter.



























(НО 2) Рut the words in the right order to make sentence.

1. eat, in the morning, bread and butter, I

2.  Daryna, water, with, bubbles, drink, does not

3. hamburgers, They, with, like, cheese, do not

4. We, eat, for breakfast, sandwiches, porridge , or

5. for supper, would, I, or, like, chees, vegetable salad

6. does not, Taras, hot, drink, milk

 (НО 3)

Choose the correct option for the countable and uncountable nouns. In writing.

1. __________ pears  are on the plate?

a) How much   b) How many

2. __________ milk is in the glass?

a) How much   b) How many

3. __________ eggs do you have in your fridge?

a) How much  b) How many

4. __________ candies do you have in your packet?

a) How much   b) How many

5. __________ sugar do you use in the apple pie?

a) How much   b) How many

6. __________ time do we have for our dinner?

a) How much   b) How many

7. __________ bread is in the kitchen?

a) How much   b) How many

8. __________ salt do you need for this salad?

a) How much   b) How many

9. __________ juice is there in the can?

a) How much   b) How many




Урок з англійської мови для 3 класу


                                                                           Автор: Підопригора І.В.

Тема: Покупки в магазині. Їжа.

          «Grandpa′s Shop»



  • Формувати уміння читання вголос окремих слів та речень за темою        «Grandpa′s Shop»;
  • Повторити й активізувати лексичний матеріал теми;
  • Тренувати у вживанні структури «How many…s are there? There is/ There are…»;
  • Продовжувати розвивати вміння ДМ;
  • Практикувати в аудіюванні;
  • Продовжувати формувати навички письма;
  • Тренувати пам′ять та увагу;
  • Виховувати вміння співпрацювати.


Обладнання: роздатковий матеріал, підручник «English World», робочий зошит, ІКТ, кольорові олівці.


Хід уроку


I. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення.

1. Greeting.

  • Let′s sing a song «If you′re happy».


2. Aim. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку.

  • Today we′ll continue to speak about our topic. We′ll read, write, speak and do a lot of interesting tasks.


3. Warming-up.


  • C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\урок\maxresdefault.jpgLook at the flashcards and answer the questions:


  • Is he sleepy?
  • Is he shy?
  • Is he scared?
  • Is he angry?
  • Is she sad?


4. Recite a poem.

  • Let′s recite a poem «I like sweets…» (p.95 S/B. CD2 Track 33)


II. Main Part.



  • Ask and answer :


How many(…s) are there?

1.  bananas ?

2.  lemons?

3.  cakes?

4.  eggs?

5.  oranges?


2.Learning new vocabulary.

  • Ask pupils to look at the monitor and to repeat the words:

Bananas, carrots, peas, grapes, peppers, beans, melons.


3. Reading. «Grandpa′s Shop»  p. 62 SB

  • Listen and follow.


4. Reading Comprehension.

  • Your task is to write the word. Task1 p.63


5. Relaxation.

  • I see you are tired. Let′s have a rest. (A song «Baby Shark»)


6. A game.

  • Пов’язане зображенняLet′s play a game «What′s in the envelope»


  1.  A: What is it?

B:  It is big and green .It is round.

     A: Is it a melon?

     B: Yes, it is a melon.



  1. A: What is it?

B: It is long and thin. It is orange.

A: Is it a carrot?

B: Yes, it is a carrot.



  1. A: What is it?

B:  It is big and orange.It is round.

      A: Is it an orange?

      B: Yes, it is an orange.


  1. C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\урок\img163.jpgA: What is it?

B: It is big and red .It is round.

      A: Is it an apple?

      B: Yes, it is an apple.


7. Suggested Statements for the Yes/No card game.

  • Apples are black.
  • Oranges are white.
  • Grapes are purple.
  • Carrots are oranges.
  • Peppers are red.
  • Peas are green.


8. Grammar in conversation.

Task 1, 2 p.45 (WB)


9. Reading comprehension.

Task 1 p.46


III. Заключна частина уроку.



Task 2 p. 46



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