Узагальнюючий урок з теми "Домашні справи"

Про матеріал
План-конспект презентаційного уроку з англійської мови в 7-А класі з теми «Домашні справи» («Household Chores»). Мета: Формувати ключові компетентності учнів: спілкування іноземними мовами, уміння вчитися впродовж життя, підприємливість, соціальні і громадянські компетентності. Формувати предметні компетентності: мовну, мовленнєву, загальнонавчальну.
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Загальноосвітня школа I-III ступенів №7





презентаційного уроку

 з англійської мови в 7-А класі з теми

«Домашні справи»

Household  Chores»)



                                                                           Овсієнко Анна Петрівна,

                                                                     учитель англійської


                                                                               спеціаліст вищої категорії






м. Бердянськ - 2019

Тема: Домашні справи.


  • Формувати ключові компетентності учнів: спілкування іноземними мовами, уміння вчитися впродовж життя, підприємливість, соціальні і громадянські компетентності.
  • Формувати предметні компетентності: мовну, мовленнєву, загальнонавчальну.
  • Формувати комунікативну компетенцію учнів шляхом розвитку мовленнєвих умінь та навичок (читання, аудіювання, усного та писемного мовлення), вживаючи ЛО з теми у лексико-граматичних структурах, реченнях, власних монологічних висловлюваннях.

Очікувані результати.  Учні:

  • вирізняють і розуміють лексичний матеріал з теми, використовують його в усному (діалогічному, монологічному) та писемному мовленні, під час читання й аудіювання;
  • висловлюють власні думки з теми;
  • працюють в групі над спільним творчим проектом.

Наскрізні змістові лінії:

  • Громадянська відповідальність
  • Підприємливість та фінансова грамотність
  • Здоров'я  та безпека 

Тип уроку: урок узагальнення та систематизації вивченого матеріалу.

Обладнання: підручник, дидактичний матеріал, оголошення та записки, картки для самооцінювання; інсталяція «Господарське приладдя», мультимедійне устаткування, презентація.


І.  Орієнтація, мотивація навчальної діяльності. Цілепокладання.

  1. Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу.
  2. Цілепокладання.
  3. Фонетична зарядка.
  4. Мовленнєва зарядка.

ІІ. Цілереалізація.

  1. Читання.
  2. Аудіювання.
  3. Перевірка домашнього завдання / Говоріння.
  4. Релаксація.
  5. Писемне мовлення.
  6. Робота над проектом.

ІІІ. Підбиття підсумків. Рефлексія.      

  1.  Домашнє завдання.
  2.  Оцінювання.


Хід уроку.

  1. Орієнтація, мотивація навчальної діяльності. Цілепокладання.
  1. Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу.

Good morning, pupils! Sit down, please! How are you? Are you OK?

What date is it today? Who is absent?

  1. Цілепокладання.

Looking at the things around us, of course, you’ve understood that the topic of our lesson is “Household Chores”. Today we should sum up everything that we know on the subject. We’ll revise vocabulary related to the topic, we’ll practice our listening, reading, writing and speaking skills. By the end of the lesson you’ll be able to tell about household chores and your householding duties, to discuss the relevant questions. You’ll have a chance to invent a robot that will do some of your chores.

  1. Фонетична зарядка.

First of all, let’s have our phonetic drill.

Look, listen and repeat.

[h] [l] household

[ʧ] [ɔ:]chores

   Household chores

[w] [ʃ] wash

[ð] the [d] dish

   Wash the dishes

[v] [ju:] vacuum

[k] [a:] carpet

Vacuum the carpet

[ɔ] mop [ɔ:] floor

             Mop the floor

[əu] [ð] [z] clothes

[æ ] [ŋ]  hang

           Hang the clothes

 [aіə] ironing

           Do the ironing

[ɔ:]  laundry

    Do the laundry

  1. Мовленнєва зарядка.

So, what household chores do you know?

OK! Do you like our installation? Do you know all the items? Can you name them? (e.g. a duster, a cloth, a broom, a mop, a bucket, etc.)

I’m sure you see this board with the notes. And I think your mums often write you such messages.

Would you like to read these notes?   Who wants to be the first? ………..

Come here. Choose your note, read it and take the items which you need for the chore.

 e. g. Ann, thanks for cleaning the mess in your room! Don’t forget to polish the furniture. Use a new cleaning cloth.  Mum. – I need the furniture polish spray and a cloth.

  • Lisa! I’ve washed up. Dry the dishes, please. Put them onto the cupboard. (a dish towel)
  • Dima! Thanks for making your bed! Don’t forget to take the rubbish out. (a trash bag)
  • Veronica, honey! Dust the furniture, please! Don’t forget to water the plants! (a duster, a watering can)
  • Ania! I have no time! Help, please! Do the washing up! (a dishwashing liquid, a sponge)


  1. Цілереалізація.
  1. Читання.

There are some more notes but not all of them are about household chores. Read them and find the odd ones. Use the worksheets 1 on your desks. You have 2(3) min. You may tick or circle the wrong messages.

  • A) Leave your bike locked on the bike rack. No kind of wheels are allowed inside the building.
  • B) Please, clean the mess in your room! Pick up socks and sweep the floor!   (a broom, a dustpan)
  • C) Switch off your mobile phones. Do not bring iPods to school.
  • D) When you come from school, the laundry will end. Please, hang out the clothes!    (clothes pegs)
  • E) It’s your turn to clean the toilet! And don’t forget your gloves are blue!  (blue gloves, a toilet brush)
  • F) Feed your pets and walk them in your free time. Do not bring your pets to school.
  • G) As you are grounded today you have to mop the floor in the flat. Orange rubber gloves are yours!  (a mop, a bucket, orange rubber gloves)
  •  H) Wash your clothes! The washing powder is on the top shelf!   (the washing powder)
  • I) Polish your boots and your sister’s shoes! Brushes and polishes are in the bottom drawer. Don’t forget, BROWN SHOE POLISH!   (a brush, a shoe polish)

Are you ready? What are the extra notes?  (A, C, Fя знімаю їх з дошки)

And now come here, read the “correct” notes and choose the supplies you need.

  1. Аудіювання.

Let’s watch a video and listen to the story about Mr. Joe, his family and housework. Pay attention to the worksheets 2 on your desks.

While listening you should do Task 1Tick the household chores you hear. (30 seconds to look through the list of chores)

Household Chores

Tick ( V )


To take the garbage out



To cook



To do the shopping



To do the laundry



To vacuum the floor



To clean the floor



To scrub the floor



To clean the toilet



To make a bed



To tidy up the room



To sweep the floor



To mop the floors



To dust the  furniture



To pick up the socks



To vacuum the rugs



To iron shirts



To wash the dishes



To prepare the meal



To load the dishwasher



To feed a pet



To walk a pet



To wash the car



To hang out the clothes



To dry the dishes



To set the table



   So, name the chores you have heard and marked.

  • Who wants to start?  (Do you agree with…?)


Let’s do Task 2watch the video again and find out if the following statements are true or false. Look through the statements.


  1. (-) It’s a nice Saturday morning at Mr. Joe’s house.
  2. (+) He is talking to his wife about housework.
  3. (+) Mr. Joe will take the garbage out while his wife will cook.
  4. (-) He will ask his daughter to make her bed and tidy her room.
  5. (-) Kevin goes upstairs to see what his son is doing.
  6. (-) The son is grounded, he is not allowed to play the guitar.
  7. (+) Kevin has already mopped the floor, dusted the furniture, vacuumed the rugs.
  8. (+) Mr. Joe promised his wife to set the table when she had finished preparing the meal.  

Task 3 - answer the questions. Tell me, please.

  • How do you understand the phrase “My house, my rules”?
  • Does your father have got the same motto?
  • How about your family’s household chores? Who does the housework in your family? (Only mum? Only dad? Both parents? Only children? Parents and children together?)
  • Do you share household chores in your family?
  1. Перевірка домашнього завдання / Говоріння.

As I remember for today you had to prepare a short report about your household duties. Who wants to start?

………….. reports “My household duties”.

OK! Thanks! We are limited in time so I propose the other pupils to come to my office at the break and tell their reports.

  1. Релаксація.

Let’s relax and play a game “Mime Control”. Someone of you goes to the board and mimes a household chore with no word. The others should guess. Don’t forget to ask, “Are you washing up?” “Are you mopping the floor?” etc.

  1. Писемне мовлення.

Have you ever had a chore schedule at home? No!

OK! I propose you to make up your weekly schedule now.  Pay attention to the worksheets 3. Here you have a table. Complete it. You have only 3 minutes.

Now exchange your schedules. Read your partner’s variant and tell us what chores your classmate is doing on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and so on.

*What chores is Ania doing on Monday?

*What is Dima doing on Friday?    Etc.

***When is Veronika going to make her bed?

  1.          Робота над проектом.
  • Be honest! Do you really like doing chores?
  • What’s your favourite chore?
  • What chore is the worst for you?
  • Would you like to have a helper? How about a robot?

 Now I propose you to work in groups and to invent a robot that will do any of your least favourite chores. Form the groups.

Here you have such tables. Worksheet 4.

Robot to the Rescue!

Name :




How it completes the chores:





 (why you chose those chores)


You should discuss all together and write the robot’s name, its chores, how it completes its chores, how much it would cost (its price) and why you chose those specific chores for the robot.

You can use clues to complete the table.

Clues: Column 3.        By its own; without man’s control; Very quickly; Silently; Special program to freshening the air; Has got a built-in mop and a set of scrubs. Etc.

Column 5.   The worst chores; The most difficult chores; The most unpleasant chores; To help parents; To help ourselves. Etc.

You have 3 minutes. Work, please!

Are you ready? Share us your ideas.


  1. Підбиття підсумків. Рефлексія.        
  1.          Домашнє завдання

These were your first steps in inventing the robots. I propose you to continue working on the project and to draw your robot or even to build a model of it. Next lesson you’ll present your invention to the class.

So, this is your hometask – to draw or to build a model of a robot and prepare the presentation. 


  1.          Оцінювання.

Our lesson is coming to the end and it’s time to sum up and assess the results. Now you have to complete the self-assessment cards. (……) Analyze your card and put up a sticker on our success ladder.

Good you are, boys and girls! The lesson is over! Good bye!




11 лютого 2020
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