Конспект уроку з англійської мови "Food" 7 клас

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Конспект уроку 7 клас  на тему : Food.


Aims of the lesson: practical: to develop pupils' speaking, reading, writing, listening skills through various creative activities; to involve the pupils in the process of English communication; educational: to expand pupils' knowledge of food traditions and customs; developing: to develop pupils' group communicative skills; to deve­lop pupils' abilities of using their knowledge in new situ­ations, to teach them to make conclusions, to promote pupils' intellectual curiosity; to engage pupils in self-as­sessment; to develop pupils' interest to English.



Повідомлення теми та мети уроку

Т. Good morning, children! I am glad to see you! I see everything is Ok, I think, you are in high spi­rit. Let's start our work.

During our last lessons you learned about some food traditions.

So our today's topic "Food" is partly known for you. The motto is "So many countries, so many cus­toms". I think that these words are closely linked with it. You may ask me "Why" but I'm sure that at the end of the lesson you'll be able to answer it on your own.

And we must know our today's aims. Today we are going

  • to develop speaking, reading, listening skills;
  • to  expand  knowledge  of  food  traditions  and customs;
  • to develop group communicative skills;
  • to promote intellectual curiosity;
  • to foster the interest for learning and discover­ing new things;
  • to make an assessment;
  • to develop interest to English.

Each lesson must give you some  knowledge. I want you to complete these sentences. Expecting results.

  • I'd like to develop...
  • I want to improve...
  • I'd like to find out about..;
  • I want to know more about...

I think today you'll have an unusual lesson because you have to make self-assessment (HOI). This word means «самооцінювання».


Let's make an associative bush

As you know our mood depends on many things. And one of them is our meal. And I'd like to add one more saying "A hungry man is an angry man". What is food for us?

What does the word "Food" mean for you?

Which words are associated with it?

Listening Comprehension

Pre-listening activities

T. Do you like hamburgers? Have you ever eaten them? Were they delicious (tasty) for you?

Vocabulary work

T. Look at the blackboard. Can you translate all of these words? Could you try?

Match the following English words with their Ukrainian equivalents.


1) snack

а) рубати, кришити

2)a sauce

b) майонез

3) mayonnise

c) соус

4) to chop

d) кунжут

5) pickle (pickled cucumber)

є) легка закуска

6) dressing

f) пікулі, мариновані огірки

7) sesame

g) приправа до риби, салату

While-listening activities


You probably think that hamburger is a typical American food. Americans often have a hamburger for a quick lunch or snack. But do you know that the favourite American "fast food" actually comes from many different countries? The hamburger is made of beef, not ham. The idea of chopping meat into very small pieces comes from Turkey. The name ham­burger comes out from the town Hamburg in Ger­many. The pickle, or pickled cucumber, comes from Eastern Europe. It is popular in Poland and Russia. The word ketchup comes from China. "Ke-tsiap" is the Chinese name for a sauce made of pickled fish and spices. The first recipe for tomato ketchup is in a 1792 American cookbook.

Mayonnaise is a yellow-white sauce made of eggs, oil, and lemon juice. It comes from the Spanish island of Minorca, but its name is French. Mayon­naise is also used as a dressing for salads. The bun is a kind of bread. It comes from an English recipe, and the sesame seeds on top have come from the Middle East. So, the "American" hamburger is a truly inter­national meal.

Answer the questions

What different countries does the hamburger come from? Make a chart.


Place of origin




What other things do people put on hamburgers? What do you like on a hamburger?

What do you need to make your favourite snack, sandwich or dessert?

You can invent an unusual one if you like.

Are you a good cook?

Checking the results of this work

Self-assessment (HOI)

Reading Comprehension Pre-reading Activities

T. Choose important information from your texts, tell it to other groups and ask classmates about their cuisines.

/ group


A traditional English breakfast is a very big meal sausages, bacon, eggs, tomatoes, mush­rooms... But nowadays many people just have cereal with milk and sugar, or toast with marmalade, jam or honey. Marmalade and jam are not the same! Mar­malade is made from oranges and jam is made from other fruit. The traditional breakfast drink is tea, which people have with cold milk. Some people have coffee, often instant coffee, which is made with just hot water.

For many people lunch is a quick meal. In cities there are a lot of sandwich bars, where office work­ers can choose the kind of bread they want brown, white or roll and then all sorts of salad and meat or fish to go in the sandwich. Pubs often serve good, cheap food, both hot and cold. School children can have a hot meal at school, but many just take a snack from home a sandwich, a drink, some fruit.

"Tea" means two thing's. It is a drink and a meal! Some people have afternoon tea, with sandwiches, cakes, and, of course, a cup of tea.

The evening meal is the main meal of the day for many people. They usually have it quite early, between 6:00 and 8:00, and often the whole family eats together.

On Sundays many families have a traditional lunch. They have roast meat, either beef, lamb, chicken, or pork, with potatoes, vegetables, and gra­vy. Gravy is a sauce made from the meat juices.

The British like food from other countries, too, especially Italian, French, Chinese, and Indian. Peo­ple often get takeaway meals you buy the food at the restaurant and then bring it home to eat. Eating' in Britain is quite international!

// group


Americans do not like to prepare meals at home. They prefer to eat at cafes or restaurants. Usually they have three meals a day: breakfast, lunch and dinner. American breakfast as a rule consists of butter, jam, bread or a roll. Usually people also eat cereal with milk, some cheese, soft-boiled eggs and drink orange juice, tea or coffee.

Since the 1950s fast-food and take-away restau­rants have had a phenomenal proliferation, first in the US, and more recently throughout the world. The first fast-food chains like McDonalds, Burger King, Arby's and Wendy's which offer sandwiches, hamburgers, French-fried potatoes, hot dogs, piz­zas, pancakes, chili and fried chicken, have been joined by other chains some of which offer Mexi­can, Chinese and other ethnic foods. The cost of the food in such restaurants is frequently cheaper than if one were to prepare similar food in one's kitch­en. Consequently, an entire family may frequently go to eat at fast food places for convenience and economy.

Most of Americans do not come back home to lunch, they have it at Fast Food Restaurants. The most common menu consists of apple-pie, ham­burger, cheeseburger, sandwiches. There are a lot of "fast food" shops to buy something to eat quickly. They are situated on many street corners. These sell hamburgers, hot dogs and drinks like Coca-Cola. For dinner they have meat, fried or baked potatoes with ketchup, corn, peas and macaroni. In general many drinks are drunk with ice, even tea.

/// group


A Ukrainian host needs to see his table cracking under weight of dishes and drinks. Ukrainians are great eaters and love to have lots of tasty food around. After sitting at a Ukrainian table for an hour, one can realize that he can't move any more. Ukrainian food cannot be called too extravagant. It is generally ba­lanced, wholesome, rich in vitamins; spicy meals nev­er are served without special mentioning.

Ukrainian people like tasty food and women in our country can cook tasty things.

Ukraine enjoys a variety of traditional cook­ery. Breakfast is a simple meal of bread and butter. Lunch may consist of a fish dish, a salad or a vegeta­ble. Dinner is the main meal and guests are treated with great hospitality.

The traditional Ukrainian food includes hot borshch, kasha, mlyntsi, pyrohy and varenyky.

The ingredients of hot borshch are various: beef or pork, tomato sause, cabbage, potatoes, carrots, onions, celery, sugar, beets, sour cream, salt and pepper.

The other food is kasha. You may put eggs, but­ter, salt and pepper into it. It will be very tasty.

Ukrainian women cook pyrohy and mlyntsi al­most every weekend. They like them with meat or berries, sometimes with jam or honey.

As for varenyky all the members of Ukrainian family enjoys eating them. We like them with curds and potatoes. We eat pyrizhky, holubtsi, pampushky and when it is hot in summer we drink kvas.

We are sure that our Ukrainian cookery is the best in the world.

Group work

T. You are divided into groups according to your wish. Each group has to do its own task but in 5 min. you have to exchange the information.

Checking the results of this work.

Self-assessment (HOI).

Speaking Practice "Opening the restaurant"

T. Imagine that you have so much money that you have a chance to found your own business: to open the restaurant. What is the most important thing for it? (Building, staff, location, design, dishes.) Your task is to make up a menu for your restaurant.

How many parts does a menu consist of?

What are they?

Checking the results of this work

Self-assessment (HOI)

Total self-assessment (HOI).

T. Count your points and write down total mark.


1. A White Hat

  1. What was the topic of today's lesson?
  2. What new knowledge have you got today?
  3. What methods of work did we use?

2. A Blue Hat

  1. Was this lesson interesting for you?
  1. Did you like the whole lesson or only a part of them?
  1. What episode did you like best of all?
  2. Will this information be useful for you?
  3. In what situations can you use this material?

3. A Black Hat

  1. What didn't you like in this lesson?
  2. Did anything prevent you from the work?
  3. What was unwanted in our lesson?

T. Let's remember your "Expecting results", ^оок through them and analyse your work during ;his lesson.

Have you achieved your aims?

Are you pleased with your results or no?


T. I think that working together, having reliable >artners we achieved success. But to achieve suc-:ess in your life and studying very.often you have о work without any help. So, continue to work at юте on your own:

Imagine that you are invited to another country. Compare our national cuisine and cuisine of that ountry.


Self-assessment. Listening Comprehension

1.1 understood the whole text and can do the task on my own. (4 points)

2.1 understood almost the whole text that's why I had some difficulties with the task. (3 points)

3.1 didn't understand the whole text that's why I couldn't do the task on my own. (2 points)

4.1 understood the task which my group was work­ing on. (1 point)

Self-assessment. Reading Comprehension

1.1 can do tasks for the text on my own (4 points)

2.1 can read and understand the text using a dic­tionary (partly). (3 points)

3.1 can read and understand the text only using a dictionary. (2 points)

4.1 can read the text not understanding it. (1 point)

Self-assessment. "Opening the Restaurant"

1.1 can make up a menu on my own. (3 points)

2.1  can  make  up   a  menu  using  a   dictionary.

(2 points) 3.1 understand the task which my group is work­ing on. (1 point) My total mark — ...

Rest-time (Let us guess the riddles)

Complete these definitions with the appropriate word.

Borsch, pampushki, varenyku golubtsi, deruny, kvas, a tort "Kyivskiy", shuba,

1. It is a local speciality, made of layers of wafers, hazelnuts.

2.A salad which combines pickled herring and beets.

3. A slightly sweet nonalcoholic drink with a wheat­like taste.

  1. A vegetable soup.
  2. Dumplings which are made from boiled or fried dough, filled with meat, potatoes or cabbage.
  3. Small rolles with garlic taste which are usually eaten with borsch.
  4. It is a dish which is made of potato, onion and flour.
  5. This dish is made from rice with meat and spices in cabbage leaves.


In gardens grown, Her clothes a mess Won't undress She'll make you cry If you try. (An onion)

Round as an apple

Sweet as a pear,

Colour is dapple

Surrounded by hair. (A peach)

Oval and green

in gardens seen. (A cucumber)

Lives in woods

And lives in fields,

A sombrero hat

His body shields. (A mushroom)






Yatsuta Inna
11 лютого 2020
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