Вчимо англійську з українськими піснями

Про матеріал
Тут представлені практичні завдання на основі популярної української пісні англійською мовою для закріплення різних граматичних конструкцій. Рекомендовано як додатковий засіб вчителям англійської мови та літератури, студентам, учням, а також усім, хто цікавиться вивченням англійської мови та культури українського народу.
Перегляд файлу


Present and Future Simple Tenses



(Слова та музика Є.Кияшко)


Match the answers to the questions. Pay attention to the prepositions:


  1. What can people      power  war       terrorism

fight against? freedom     a better life     love    violence

  1. What can people      their rights   money

fight for?               corruption Motherland native home                                                                                           



Listen to the song


We will not be like before

Because everything that was “before” will never come back!

My country, hang on, don’t give up

You are my soul, unbreakable and strong!



Because the war in Ukraine takes lives

As never before, we are united and go unto the end.

Nothing will break us

We will overcome everything.

Our faith will not be extinguished

Our faith is alive.

And spring in Ukraine will not yet come just once,

Yet again mother shall meet her son and embrace him!

Nothing will break us

We will overcome everything.

Our faith will not be extinguished

Our faith is alive!


Suddenly tin the sky here was thunder

Ukraine is my native home.

Tears on the cheeks and pain in the heart,

At the moment with you

There is but only one goal:

To overcome, see it through, endure everything.

Our Motherland must prosper!

The nation is powerful, free and united.

Remember that you and I are Ukraine!




Match the words from the song (on the left) to the word combinations that have the similar meaning (on the right)


1. To come back    a) never-say-die

2. Unbreakable    b) aim

3. A goal     c) a heartache

4. To overcome    d) strong

5. Powerful     e) to return

6. A pain in the heart   f) to win



Read the text of the song and write down the sentences in Present Simple;

Change the sentences from the Present into Future Simple and you’ll get some phrases from the song:


Present     Future Simple

We are not like before

Nothing breaks us

We overcome everything

Our faith is not extinguished

And spring in Ukraine is not yet come just once

Yet again mother meets her son and embraces him


Questions for discussion:

Are the Ukrainian people in the song having good or hard time?

What do our people have to overcome?

What advice is the singer giving to us?

Which lines of the song have produced the greatest effect on you?



До підручника
Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання) 9 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
10 січня 2024
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