Від рок-н-ролу до року

Про матеріал
Бінарний урок (англійська мова - музика), 8 клас. Тип уроку: урок-телеміст. Тема: Музична культура США та Великої Британії.
Перегляд файлу

Бінарний урок – нестандартна форма навчання, урок проводять два вчителі. Для дітей розгляд певної проблеми на зіткненні двох наук – це завжди цікаво, такий вид діяльності стимулює високу мотивацію.

 На жаль, бінарні уроки – це, скоріше, винятки з правила. До них звертаємося нечасто, один- два уроки на півріччя. Їх важко стикувати з учбовою програмою двох предметів, часу на підготовку такий урок потребує більше, ніж звичайний. Чому ж їх проводимо? Бо після них діти ще довго питають: «Коли ще буде такий урок?»


Бінарний урок


Лебідь Л.М.,  учитель  музичного мистецтва;

Городецька О.Й., учитель  англійської мови.


Тема : Від рок-н-ролу до року


Мета: дати дітям загальне уявлення про музичну культуру Америки та Великої Британії, про  музичне  надбання двох країн;

Навчальна: вчити порівнювати, аналізувати отриману інформацію;

сприяти підвищенню мотивації до вивчення англійської мови, поширювати світогляд;

Виховна: виховувати цікавість до історії, повагу до культури і традицій інших народів,

формувати потребу та здатність до співпраці та взаємодопомоги при роботі в групах.


Тип уроку:  урок  - телеміст


  Проведенню уроку передує підготовча робота учнів, що попередньо поділені на групи. Діти сидять за двома «круглими» столами, на столах прапорці Америки та Великобританії,  розставлені таблички, на яких зазначені назви дослідницьких груп: «Фотокореспонденти», «Історики», «Культурологи».


Хід уроку

І. Організація учнів

ІІ . Повідомлення теми уроку


Вчитель.  Good morning every one, good morning studio! Cleveland from America welcomes you!  Right in this city in 1951 the  disc jockey Alan Freed  first used the term "rock and roll" to describe the up-tempo R&B records he played on Cleveland radio station.


English teacher.

A Big Hello to everyone from our Studio in Liverpool!


The purpose of our meeting – is to get acquainted with the history of  American  music and culture, to know more about the history of  rock and roll genre.

We also would like to tell you a lot about the features of rock music; get acquainted with the work and  creativity of rock performers.



Вчитель. Today I have the special guests with me - they are famous American Historians, Musicians and Journalists!  And they are going to tell you many interesting things from the world of rock-n-roll music. Welcome, dear guests!


Pupils: Thank you! We are happy to be here!


Вчитель. Well, let’s start from the history of rock-n-roll music.


Вивчення нового матеріалу


Виступи представників кожної групи «Істориків» та «Фотокореспондентів»


"Historians" team from America.

 (Звучить рок-н-рол)

 Учень 1:The R-N-R rapid development of the art of  American cultural region was gained in XX century. The formation of American musical culture was influenced by the multinational population. The musical traditions of Europe, Africa, and later Asia, brought to the new land, are interwoven together, creating new musical phenomena.


US Journalist

Звучить джаз

Учень 2:Yes, the Music of forcibly taken from Africa slaves released unexpected shoots in the northern New World and spawned the unknowns earlier species. This  got  the general name "African -American Music", new genre of Jazz originated, developed from roots in blues and ragtime. Jazz is seen by many as Americans classical music.


 What do you know of jazz? Can you give some names of the well-known jazz performers.


Учень 3:  Of sure, they are Louis Armstrong Hello Dolly George Gzrshwin (Summertime) by Ella Fitzgerald.



English Teacher: Let’s listen to our guests Historians


Group of  "Historians" the British delegation representatives


Учень 4:  Great Britain's music is one of the greatest representatives of the world music industry, originating from English church music and ancient and traditional folk music.


Учень 5:  In the early 20th century the United States dominated in the pop music world through numerous young artists who have created their own version of American music, including rock-n-roll in the 1950s, and developed parallel music scens.

Учень 6:  However, since the 1960 's  as a result of so called British invasion, which was headed by the The Beatles, British artists provided an important place among the global development of pop and rock music.


English Teacher:

Our musician guests have to tell us something interesting

Musicians  from America

Музфон рок-н-ролл


Учень 7: Іn the middle of the 20th century white and black musicians began mixing rhythm and blues, boogie-woogie, looking for a new musical sound. That was how the rock'n'roll music originated, we going to tell you about. Its has distinctive features – the clear rhythm and rapid pace, tand unbridled performance. The  traditional instruments include electric guitar, double bass, percussion, piano and saxophone.


Rock’n’Roll is a style of popular music that originated in the United States, in the mid -1950s and that evolved by the mid 1960s into the more encomprising international style known as rock music, that the latter also continued to be known as Rock’n’Roll.


 Відео Преслі


Учень 8:

There are several greatest artists of Rock’n’Roll:  Elvis Prestley, John Lennon, Paul McCartney………)

The embodiment of the rock -n-roll is the work of Elvis Presley, who is called the king of rock and roll. He never wrote rock songs, but his brilliant vocal data and artistry made him a real idol for youngsters. His songs repeatedly held the leading positions in musical hits - parades, and albums (about 60) held leadership for a long time. The king of rock 'n' roll, as respectfully called Elvis, - indeed, is  one of the first legends of rock music of the 20th century.



 Учень 9:

 Elvis Aron Presley (1935 - 1977) is a famous American singer and actor. Born in Tupelo, Mississippi (the south part of the USA). From the early childhood he grew up in surrounded music, sang in a church choir. As a gift to his eleventh year he received a real guitar. After school, Elvis worked as a truck driver,


 Іn 1948, Elvis Presley  moved with his family to Memphis, Tennessee. There Elvis was exposed to all kinds of music genres and especially the African American ones such as R’n’B, soul, blues or gospel song. Therefore he  grew up listening to some of the best American music ever created and managed to blend into his own personal style and array of sounds and themes.


On August 16, 1977, at age of 42, he died of heart failure, which was related to his drug addiction. Since his death Presley has remained one of the most popular music icons.

Учень 10:

He was famous across the world of his talent, good looks, sensuality, charisma, and good humor. People flocked to see him whenever he was on tour: women wanted to be with him and men wished to be like him. His music reached to people of all ages, nationalities, and ethnicities and thus he found global appeal.


English Teacher:


Yes, I understood, that He is after all, the embodiment of the American dream. A poor teenager who seemed to have no talent for anything, who received only criticism for his singing became one of the most beloved and adored figures of the American music.

Now would you like to know some interesting facts about rock music? Actually I have my special guests here, Musicians, historians and Journalists. You are welcome!


British Musicians:

Фон: рок-муз

Учень 11:


Rock music is a form of popular music that evolved from Rock’n’Roll and pop music during the mid and late 1960s It’s Harsher and often self-consciously more seriously that rock-n-roll. The electric guitar and overdo vocal has added. It rapidly spread to Europe and The Beatles was one of the first rock music distributors. 


Фон- Битлз

English Teacher:


The Beatles’ influence and popular culture is well known, but this a good moment to reflect on their impact on the English language. Up to this point pop music in Britain mostly copied the music coming out of the United States, whose dominance of popular culture was taken for granted. British bands sang American songs, using American words, inn an American accent. All this changed with the Beatles.


Слайди Бітлз


Учень 12 The Beatles is a British bit-rock band created in 1960. in Liverpool (United Kingdom). It is considered to be the most famous musical group throughout the history of music.

….By April 1964 they were not only number 1 in the Billboard Top 100, they were number  2, 3, 4 and 5 as well in Canada, they have nice records in the Top Ten.


Учень 12: 


In 1964 it was the beginning of so called “British invasion”.   John Lennon, Paul Mc Cartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr were ready to take on the world.  You can see that the Beatles inspired unparalleled scenes of mass emotion.  The phenomenon was called Beatlemania. Fortunately you don’t need a huge vocabulary to understand the Beatles early output as the titles suggest sons like Please Please Me, From Me To You, She Loves You, use incredibly simply language.


The Beatles had not only taken America by storm, they had established Liverpool as the pop music capital of the world.


English Teacher:

Now I propose to our American colleagues to watch the video about The Beatles Story.



   Відео-фільм Бітлз

Квест до відео Бітлз


ІV. Закріплення вивченого матеріалу.



Yes, thank you, Liverpool, very much! Now we propose to play a game. Please match the cards on the blackboard: 

  1. Квест


з картками « добери пару» ( рок-н- рол) (розділити на 2 групи, до кожного стилю підібрати інструменти намальовані на карточці) Представники британської делегації.




Еnglish Teacher:


Thank you all, dear guests and our American colleagues! To end our wonderful teleconference, I propose to sing the famous Beatles song “Yesterday”! A song that united continents!


 Виконання пісні «Yesterday» 


V. Підсумок уроку.


Представники американської делегації.


Еnglish Teacher:

Thank you all, dear guests and our British colleagues:

I think it will be a good idea to write a welcome post card to each otherІІ. Домашнє завдання.


Скласти і написати листа другу з Великобританії.

Вчитель: Many thanks to everybody! Have a nice day! Good-bye!

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