Відкритий урок "Healthy Food"

Про матеріал
Методична розробка містить лексику та граматичний матеріал який допоможе активізувати нову лексику та повторити вивчену. Граматичний матеріал допоможе правильно вживати такі слову як a few and a little із кількісними та незлічуваними іменниками.
Перегляд файлу

                                                 Конспект відкритого уроку 7 клас

Тема уроку: All about Food

Підтема уроку: Healthy Food

Цілі уроку:

- удосконалювати навички усного та писемного мовлення; аудіювання; вчити                                                                                                   аналізувати отриману інформацію; закріпити граматичну навичку вживання A lot of/ lots of; a little; a few.

- розвивати слухову память; увагу, логічне  мислення, уміння працювати в групі;  уміння висловити свою думку; збагатити словниковий запас.

- виховувати розуміння важливого значення вживання здорової їжі; бажання вивчати англійську мову.

Обладнання уроку:

Підручники, зошити, роздатковий матеріал, картинки, презентація.

                                                  Хід уроку

  1. Організаційна частина.

1 Привітання

T: Good morning, pupils. I am glad to see you at our unusual lesson. At the lesson with many guests. Don’t worry, just try to do your best.

P: Good morning, teacher. We are glad to see you too.

T: and now tell me please Is everybody at the lesson?

P: no, Yulya and Mary are absent today, they are ill.

T: Oh, I am sorry for them and wish to recover as soon as possible.

            2 Повідомлення теми та мети уроку (Слайд №1)

Look at slide 1 and tell me please what food do your parents don’t let you eat?

P.: Crisps, fried potatoes, coca cola.

T.: Why?

P.: because they are not good for us.

Yes, you are right.

Dear pupils, today we are going to talk about healthy and unhealthy food; about importance of eating fruits and vegetables and learn what food gives us energy and what food lets us remember more. At the end of the lesson you’ll make some conclusions: what should you do to stay healthy and shouldn’t.

         3 Фонетична зарядка

( Гра « Відгадай що у мене є?)

Pupils, look here. I have something in my bag and I want you to guess what it is, putting only general questions.

P.1: is it big?

T:  No, it’s not.

P.2: is it small?

T: Yes, it is.

P.3,4,5: Is it green, blue, red?

P.6: Is it orange?

T.: Yes,it is.

P.7: can we play with it?

T: no, you cannot.

P. 8: Can we eat it?

T: Yes, you can.

P.9: is it tasty?

T: yes, it  is.

P.10: is it healthy?

T: yes,it is.

P.11: is it an orange?

T: no, it’s not.

P.12: is it a mandarin?

T: Yes, it is. You are the winner. These mandarins are yours, you can taste them with your friends after the lesson at the break. Our congratulations.


                                       Основна частина

  1. Перевірка домашнього завдання.

T: Let’s continue our lesson. So it’s time for your homework. What was your homework for today?

P.: Our homework was to act out a dialogue “At the Restaurant”.(слайд № 2)

(At the previous lesson pupils were listening to some dialogues “At the Restaurant” then they were divided into 3 groups of 5 (4) persons and made their dialogues.)

Pupils present their dialogues.

T: Nice, great job.

Your dialogues were interesting.


  1. Активізація граматичної навички; вживання    A little and a few  із злічуваними  та незлічуваними іменниками 

( слайд № 3)

  1. Pupils listen to the words looking at the pictures.
  2. Pupils revise the rule of using A little and a few.

(a little означає малу кількість та вживається із незлічуваними іменниками; A few означає малу кількість та вживається із

  1. Pupils combine the words with A little and a few.

Apples- a few apples;

Bananas – a few bananas;

Cheese – a little cheese;……………

  1. Активізація ЛО по темі:”Food”

Pupils one by one come up to the table take a picture, show it and name it and tell whether it’s healthy or unhealthy food and stick to the blackboard. Healthy food - to the left side, and unhealthy - to the right.


  1. Розвиток навичок слухання. ( Слайд № 4)

T: Before listening to the dialogues look through the tasks you have to do after that.

Dialogue №1

T: What is their problem?

Vika: my answer is b, because they say that potatoes are cold.

T: Yes, you are quit all right. The next dialogue.

(pupils listen and choose correct answers)

1b; 2a; 3a;4a;5c.

T: Great job, my dear. And now you know that everyone can have problems in the kitchen and we can improve everything.

  1. Розвиток письма.

T.: Now we need to move a bit. We are going to have Running Dictation.

I need one person from each group. They will run and dictate the text to their group. The winner is the group which write down the text into the copybooks the quickest and correctly. Everyone of the group should write.

Oleh – you are a writer of group №1

Diana- you are a writer of group №2

Danylo - you are a writer of group №3

You may start.

group №1- the 2nd place

group №2- the 1st place

group №3- the 3rd place

my congratulations to the winners.

And now look at the blackboard look through the short texts and tell me the recipe of what dish did you write down? ( слайд № 5)

Pupils: The Vegetable Salad

T: Great, nice done. Is this dish healthy? And Why?

  1. Перевірка розуміння прочитаного (Слайд №6)

Dear pupils, now it’s time to read a bit and we are going to have silent reading.

              Look at the blackboard, there you can see a short text about our other healthy habits. Your tasks are different:

group №1- you should read and translate into ukrainian

group №2- you should read and decide if the statements are true or false (Слайд №7)

group №3- you should read and draw the picture to the text.

In 3 minutes pupils present their tasks:

group №1 – pupils present their translation orally

group №2- 1 false;2 false;3 true;4 true;5true.

group №3- they show their picture.


  1. Підсумок уроку.( Слайд 8)


Сontinue the sentences

Pupils do it orally. The answer on the slide appear after the pupil’s correct answer.

  1. Домашнє завдання

 T: your home task – write the recipe of a healthy dish, you like. Use today’s recipe as a base.

T: You worked hard today and earn good marks, they are:

Danylo, Vika, Diana and Oleh 10; Andriana, Marta -9, Mychailo, Diana-8, Dmytro, Anna 7, Vitaliy-6.

Thank you for the lesson, Good-bye.(Слайд №9)






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Англійська мова (7-й рік навчання) 7 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
4 березня 2021
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