Відкритий урок у 1 класі " Toys "

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Відкритий урок на тему " Іграшки" для 1 класу із роздатковим матеріалом,піснями,віршами,інтерактивними вправами.
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Lesson “Toys”

grade 1-A






done by L. H. Patrikey










Myrhorod Lyceum Linguist



Тема уроку: Дозвілля

Підтема уроку: Іграшки

Мета уроку:


  •          Активізувати мовний інфвентар з теми шляхом використання інтерактивних вправ;
  •          Формувати вміння вести короткий діалог та монолог;
  •          Формувати вміння утворювати стверджувальні, питальні та заперечні речення;
  •          Формувати навички використання мовного інвентаря в структурах з дієсловами to be, can, have got.

Освітня: розширити кругозір учнів в межах теми.

Розвиваюча: розвивати фонематичний слух, правильну вимову, пам’ять, розвивати мовленнєву реакцію та уяву учнів в умовах гри, розвивати мовну здогадку та формування вміння співпрацювати  колективі.

Виховна: формувати інтерес учнів до вивчення англійської мови, шляхом використання сучасних технічних засобів навчання, вчити учнів бути уважними, організованими та активними, виховувати почуття відповідальності за колективну справу, використання ігрового методу МАС (методу асоціативних символів).

Тип уроку: урок повторення і закріплення вивченого матеріалу.

Змістові лінії уроку: громадянська відповідальність. Націлювати учнів на усвідомлення бережливого ставлення до особистих речей .

Очікувані результати: учні розповідатимуть про свої іграшки.

Обладнання: планшет, малюнки, іграшки, роздатковий матеріал.








The Plan of the lesson.

  1. Preparation.
  1. Greeting.
  2. Warming up.
  1. Main part.
  1. Game “Let`s check up”.
  2. Speaking.
  3. Relaxation “Teddy Bear”.
  4. Imitate the toys.
  5. Game “A magic toy box”.
  6. Game “What toy can`t you see”.
  7. Relaxation. Song “I have got a train”.
  8. Speaking.
  9. Relaxation. “I love toys, all the toys”.
  10.  Poems about toys.
  11.  Relaxation. Song “Toys”.
  12.  Monologues “My favourite toy”.
  13.  Game Role play “In the toy shop”.
  14.  Colours.
  15.  Relaxation. Song “I see colours everywhere”.
  16.  Numbers.
  17.  Alphabet game.
  18.  Relaxation. Song “A is for apple”.
  19.  Game “Match the letters”.
  20.  Puzzle “What is it”.
  21.  Riddles.
  1. Summing up.

  1. Preparation
  1. Greeting

T: Good morning, pupils!

Ps: Good morning, teacher!

T: Take your seats, please.

Look around.

What can you see in the class?

Ps: I can see many toys.

      I can see a doll.

      I can see a car.

T: Dear children! Do you like to play?

Ps: Yes, I do.

      Everyday, everyday

      Little children like to play.

T: Today we have got an interesting lesson. So, be active, attentive, work together with me. The topic of our lesson is “Toys”. So we are going to speak about toys, sing songs about them, play games, recite poems and have fun.

Let`s enjoy English.


  1. Warming up

T: As usually, we begin our lesson with sounds. Let`s pronounce them. Repeat after me.

[ ɔ ]:   a doll, a box, a top, a block, a dog, a robot, a clock.

I have got a doll.

Let`s recite a poem.

“Lick-tock, tick-tock”

Says the clock

“Tock-tick, tock-tick”

Be quick.


[ ɔ: ]:  a ball, all, small, tall.

My ball is small.

Let`s recite a poem.

Naughty Nickie

Knock, knock

At the door.

[ eɪ ]: a train, a plane, a game,

 Say, play, take, grey.

Let`s play the game.

Let`s recite a poem.

Rain, rain go away

Come again another play.

Bobby wants to play.

[ aɪ ]: a bike, a kite, my, like, nice.

 I like my bike.

Let`s recite a poem.

Butterfly, butterfly

Where do you fly?

So quick, so high

In the blue, blue sky.

  T: Well done!

  1. Main part
  1. Speaking

T: I know, pupils, that all of you like toys. Our topic is “Toys”. Do you know toys?

Ps: Yes, we do.

  1.      Let`s check up.

I will tell you some words. If you hear the name of the toy clap your hands. Ready?

Ps: We are ready.

T: a doll, a book, a drum, a ball, a pen, a mother, red, a ship, a plane, a pencil, a desk, black, a teddy bear, a robot, a sister, a bike, green, a helicopter, a kite, a spinner.

T: Well done!

  1.     Let`s name all the toys you know. Look at the pictures and describe the toys.

T: For example: It is doll. It is big. It is blue.

You have done a great job!

  1. Relaxation

T: Children, stand up, please! Let`s do the exercise “Teddy Bear”. Let`s relax.

T: Perfect! Sit down please.

  1. T: Many children don`t know English. Let`s help them to guess the names of our toys with the help of our gestures. At the same time we have a nice exercises to do. Listen, do and say!

A doll

A ball

A teddy bear

A soldier

A kite

A drum

A car

A lorry

A train

A bike

A plane

A helicopter

A ship

A robot

A clock

A bell

A pistol

T: Thank you! Well done!

  1. Game “A Magic Toy Box”.

T: Boys and girls! Look here! I have got a magic toy box. Look! I am putting some toys in my box. I want you to put different toys in my toy box, too. Imitate a toy which you put. Name it.

Ps: I put a ball (a car, a doll, a train).

T: I see, my box is full. So, look here and say: Yes or No. Is a doll? What is it?

Ps: It is a ball.

T: Take a toy with my box and say: what toy have you got?

Ps: I have got a car (a plane, a spinner, a train).

T: Pupils! Don`t play with toys. Now, give me a car.

  1. Game “What toy can`t you see”?

T: Do you like to play games? Let`s play. Look! I have got some pictures of toys on the board. Tell me, what toys can you see?

Ps: I can see a robot.

T: So, let`s check up. Our game is “Who is the most attentive pupil”. I am going to take off one of the picture of toys and you should guess and name it.

Be attentive please. Don`t cheat! Close your eyes, please.

One, two, three.

Open your eyes, please.

What toy can`t you see?

Ps: I can`t see a robot.

T: I think, all of you were very attentive in this game. Well done!

  1. Song “I`ve got a train”.

T: Pupils! Have you got a doll (a car, a doll, a train)?

Ps: Yes, we have.

T: Let`s sing the song about toys together. Listen to the music.

  1. T: I see, I have got a lot of toys. So, you like to play with toys. What toys do you like to play with most of all?

Ps: I like to play with teddy bear.

T: Toys are different. They are big or small, old or new. So, listen, do and say. Let`s do the exercise together.

Ps: I love toys all toys,

Big toys, small toys,

Tall toys, short toys,

Red toys, green toys,

Old toys, new toys,

My toys and your toys.

  1. Poems about toys.

T: Children! Do you like to recite poems about toys which you like to play with.

Raise your hands!

Ps: My pretty doll

Is very small

I love pretty

Little doll.


I`ve got a doll

I`ve got a big white ball

I`ve got a ring

I`ve got a toy

I`ve a place for all.


“Tick-tock, tick-tock”

Merrily sings the clock

It`s time for work

And time for play

“Tick-tock, tick-tock”

Merrily sings the clock

T: Thank you. Your poems are wonderful.

  1. Song “Toys”.

T: And now let`s sing the song about toys together.

  1. Monologues “My favourite toy”.

T: Children! I know, that you have got many toys at home. Let`s describe your favourite toys which you like play with most of all. Raise your hands.

Ps: a) I have got many toys at home. This is my favourite toy. It is a doll. Its name is Dolly. It is nice and small. I like to play with it.

  1.     I have got many toys at home. This is my favourite toy. It is a ball. It is small and green. I like to play with it.
  2.      I have got many toys at home. This is my favourite toy. It is a toy fish. It is funny. It is yellow. I like to play with it.
  1. Role-play “In the toy shop”.

T: Children! Where do you buy toys in the book shop or in the toy shop?

Ps: In the toy shop.

T: Let`s play the game “In the toy shop”. Now, let`s go to the toy shop to buy a nice toy. Look here! This is a toy shop. Yaroslava, you will be a shop assistant (S. A.). And you, boys and girls, will be customers. Welcome to our toy shop.

Ps: Good morning!

S. A.: Good morning! I am a shop assistant. Can I help you?

Ps: I want to buy a car.

S. A.: Yes, we have got a car.

Ps: Please, give it to me.

S. A.: Here you are.

Ps: Thank you. Good bye.

S. A.: Good bye.

  1. Colours.

T: You know, the toys are usually very bright and they are different colours. Let`s name colours. Let`s review colours singing a song. Listen to the music.

Ps: Sing a song “I see colours everywhere”.

  1. Numbers.

T: Boys and girls! We have got many toys in our classroom and we will count them. Look at the board! There are many toys in the picture. Now, let`s count and name them. Let`s come to the board. Let`s count balls.

Ps: One, two, three, four, five, six – six balls.

T: Perfect!

  1. The ABC.

T: We have already done a great job. You have just proved that you know a lot of toys in English and you like to play different games with them. But don`t forget that you are pupils beside playing you should study at school well. Pupils, you should start your study with the ABC.

  1.      T: Children! You know that alphabet is very big family of English letters. Let`s name the English letters. Look at the alphabet and name the letters.
  2.     T: Let`s sing the song “A is for apple”. Listen to the music.
  3.      T: Now, let`s play the next game. Pupils! You must match the capital letters and small letter. Look at the board and do this task. Take the felt-pen and match letters. Name the letters. Try to do quickly.
  1. Puzzle “What is it?”

T: Boys and girls! I know that you like to solve the puzzles. Look at the tablet. You should guess the toy on the tablet by its parts.

  1. Riddles.

T: I know that you are clever boys and girls. Do you like to guess the riddles? Listen and try to guess the riddles. Be attentive please!

  1.      I am a toy animal

I am brown

I am big and nice

I like honey. What am I?

(It is a teddy bear)

  1.     I am big and strong

I am red

I can swim. I can run.

I can jump. What am I?

(It is a robot)

  1.      I am long and blue

I can run and say “Chug-chug”.

(It is a train)

  1. Summing up.

T: I am pleased with your answers today. Thank you for your work. You were very active and hardworking. I want to give you these stickers for your answers today. Our lesson is over. Let`s sing our favourite song “Good bye”.







Пов’язане зображення

Match the letters

             B                                a

N           f

A           b

F           e

G           g

E           n

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

This png image - Beach Ball Clip Art PNG Image, is available for free downloadThis png image - Beach Ball Clip Art PNG Image, is available for free downloadThis png image - Beach Ball Clip Art PNG Image, is available for free downloadThis png image - Beach Ball Clip Art PNG Image, is available for free downloadThis png image - Beach Ball Clip Art PNG Image, is available for free downloadThis png image - Beach Ball Clip Art PNG Image, is available for free download


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Англійська мова, Розробки уроків
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