Відкритий урок з англійської мови для 8 класу з теми "Мої однокласники"

Про матеріал
Тема: Мої однокласники Мета: розвивати навички говоріння, вчити учнів чітко відповідати на запитання та будувати діалоги, навчати логічного мислення; учити висловлюванню по темі уроку, по змісту прослуханого; виховувати почуття доброзичливості, а також загальну культуру учнів.
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Урок № 36


Тема: Мої однокласники

Мета: розвивати навички говоріння, вчити учнів чітко відповідати на

           запитання та будувати діалоги, навчати логічного мислення; учити

            висловлюванню по темі уроку, по  змісту прослуханого; виховувати

           почуття доброзичливості, а також загальну культуру учнів.

Тип уроку:  урок розвитку навичок.  

Обладнання: підручник, робочий зошит.



І Organizing time

1Greeting, announcement of topic and aim of the lesson 

T: Good morning, pupils!

Ps: Good morning.

T: How are you?

Ps: Fine, thank you!?


2. Warm-up

We will start our lesson from a funny video, due to it you will study how to greet in different languages. I propose you to sing too. Be attentive.


Hello, Bonjour, Buenos dias!

G'day, Guten-Tag, Konichiwa...

Ciao, Shalom, Do-Brey dien,

Hello to all the children of the world!

We live in different places from all around the world.

We speak in many different ways!

Though some things may be different,

We're children just the same-

And we all like to sing and play!

Hello, Bonjour, Buenos dias!

G'day, Guten-Tag, Konichiwa...

Ciao, Shalom, Do-Brey dien,

Hello to all the children of the world!

There are children in the deserts,

And children in the towns,

And children who live down by the sea!

If we could meet each other,

To run and sing and play-

Then what good friends we all could be!


So now I have a question: in how many languages can you greet now?

In which country people say “Hello”? (England, France, Spain, Germany, Japan, Italy, Israel, Russia).


Conversation with duty pupil.

T: The topic of our lesson today is My classmates. Today we are going to practice in speaking, you will answer the questions, make the dialogues, and do some other tasks but the most important on today’s lesson is to practice speaking skills. So open your copybooks and write down the date and the topic of the lesson.


ІІ The main part of the lesson

1. Actualization of basic knowledge.

 Checking homework

We will start from the words on p.88. Open your books please. You have 1 min to revise the words.

(Слова на дошці, учень читає слово та говорить його переклад, потім клеїть переклад на дошку).

Now you task is make one sentence with any word.


2. Explanation of new material, the formation of new knowledge, skills and abilities


1) Writing and reading 

Ex.1 p.91 


2)  Speaking 

Ex.2 p.92 


3) Writing and speaking    

Ex.3 p.92-93

1.1     I agree with it. But sometimes phones are really useful at school, for example when you need to contact your parents or relatives.

1.2      I also agree with this letter, as phones really distract pupils from the lessons. Pupils think just about messages or games, and just dream about the break to take their phone.

2.       I think that children can try to behave better with such pupils, but sometimes parents or teachers should be involved to decide this problem.

3.1      I agree that children should study hard. But not for good marks, knowledge is the most important thing.

3.2      I think that children can study well just when they are interested in it. If children aren’t interested in going well at school then it’s really difficult to study for A’s grades.


4) Work with a dialogue

Listening and speaking

- Watching a video (Now I propose you to watch the video about a meeting of new classmate. Be attentive please as after watching it you will need to point the mistakes of both pupils.)

- Discussion

1. The main problem of this conversation is that Cindy is very excited and maybe nervous. She always repeats the phrase “you know”. She doesn’t remember even a name of new boy.

2. Also a girl doesn’t ask Milk, she just tells him what to do like “let’s go and have lunch right now”. She doesn’t ask if Milk doesn’t have other plans.

3. The bright conflict is conflict about music. Cindy neglects Milk’s tastes. She thinks that local music is not as good as international. But everyone can have his own opinion.

4. Cindy even doesn’t try to be a friend to Milk, she just offends him.

So what should we change to make up a polite dialogue?

1. Cindy needs to ask Milk’s opinion. They mustn’t shout at each other and discuss music tastes as everyone has his own preferences.


- Making dialogues  (2-3 min.) 

1) - Hello. I am Cindy. Nice to meet you. You may be our new classmate. Mike, yes?

- No, I am Milk.

- Oh, I am sorry. There are so many people who call Mike and I don’t remember all of them.

- So, Milk, nice to meet you. How is your first day at school?

- It’s great. I want to meet my new friends.

- Can we have our lunch together later?

- Yes, sure.

- Soon, I have to go to Lady Gaga Concert. I think that it will be the most wonderful concert in the world.

- Sorry, but I don’t know who is Lady Gaga. As for me Joey Yung is the best singer.

- It seems that you support local music more than international. I think that you should concern more about the international music. I may broaden your view.

- I understand, but many types of music have their own style so I will continue to support Joey Yung.

- It’s okay that you support your favorite singer.

- Then I propose to go to both concerts together.

- Sounds great, let’s go.


2) - Hi. I am Cindy. Are you Mike, yes?

- Hello, my name is Milk.

- Oh, I am sorry that I forgot your name. So, Milk, nice to meet you. How is your first day at school?

- It’s great. I want to meet my new friends. Hope they are so nice as you.

- Soon, I have to go to Lady Gaga Concert. I think that it will be the most wonderful concert in the world. I suppose Lady Gaga is the greatest singer in the world.

- Sorry, but I don’t know who is Lady Gaga. As for me Joey Yung is the best singer.

- I guess you support local music more than international.

- Yes, it’s true.

- It’s okay that you support your favorite singer.

- Then I propose to go to both concerts together.

- Good idea, let’s go. 


- Watching of the correct dialogue


3. Reinforcement of the knowledge

To finish our lesson I want with the song “Send it on”. Your task is to insert the missed words and word combinations so be very careful.


A word's just a 1_______, 'til you mean what you say
And love, isn't love 'til you give it away
We've all gotta give
Give somethin' to give, to 2______ a change

Send it on, on and on
Just one that can heal 3______,
Be apart, reach a 4_______,
Just one spark starts a fire!
With one little action
the chain reaction will never stop!
Make it 5_______,
Shine a light and send it on!

Just 6_______,
And the world (and the world) will smile
along with you,
That small act of love,
stands for one 7______ two!

If We take the chances
To change circumstances
8_______ all we can do
If we,

Send it on, on and on
Just one that can heal 9______,
Be apart, reach a 10______,
Just one spark starts a fire!
With one little action
The chain reaction will never stop!
Make it 11______,
Shine a light and send it on!
Send it on!
(Oh send it on)

And there's power in all of the choices we make,
So I'm starting now there's not a 12_____ to waste!

A word's, just a word,
Til you mean what you say
And love, isn't love 'til you give it away


Key words:
1.word, 2.make, 3.another, 4.heart, 5.strong, 6.smile, 7.become, 8.imagine, 9.another, 10.heart, 11.strong, 12.moment


III The final part of the lesson

1. Summary

2. Home task: ex.5 p.94, ex.6, revise the words.

3. Assessment










































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Англійська мова (8-й рік навчання) 8 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
22 січня 2019
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