Виховний захід Welcome to Ukraine

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Номер слайду 1

Ukraine. Love Ukraine as you would love the sun,The wind, the grass and the steams together…Love her in happy hours, when joys are won,And love her in time of stormy weather.(By Volodymyr Sosyura)

Номер слайду 2

The Map of Ukraine

Номер слайду 3

State: Sovereign state. Language: Ukrainian. Territory:604,000 square kilometers. Population: 45 million 539 thousands. National emblem: state flag and anthem. It borders: on Poland, Slovakia and Hungary in the west and on Romania and Moldova in the southwest. Rivers: the Dnipro, the Dnister, the Buh and Donets…National recourse: iron ore, coal, gas. The Geographical Position of Ukraine

Номер слайду 4

National Emblem. Ukraine is not yet dead, nor it's glory and freedom,Luck will still smile on us brother-Ukrainians. Our enemies will die, as the dew does in the sunshine,And we, too, brothers, we'll live happily in our land. We'll not spare either our souls or bodies to get freedom. And we'll prove that we brothers are of Kozak kin. We'll rise up, brothers, all of us, from the Sain to the Don,We won't let anyone govern in out motherland. The Black Sea will smile yet, grandfather Dnipro will rejoice,Yet in our Ukraine luck will be high. Our persistence, our sincere toil will prove it's rightness,Still our freedom's loud song will spread throughout Ukraine. It'll reflect upon the Carpathians, will sound through the steppes,And Ukraine's glory will arise among the people.

Номер слайду 5

Kyiv- the capital of Ukraine. Kyiv city is the capital of Ukraine located in Kiev oblast. Kiev is advantageously situated in the heart of Europe. The city is located along the Dnieper River just below its confluence with the Desna River and 591 miles (952 km) from its mouth in the Black Sea. The average temperature in January are -6.1 degrees, and +19.2 degrees in July. Kiev has a wealth of greenery.

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Big Cities. Kyiv. Donetsk. Odesa. Kharkiv. Lviv

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Christmas. Independence Day. Victory Day. New Year. Ukraine Traditions

Номер слайду 8

Seven wondersof Ukraine

Номер слайду 9

An ancient fortress, first constructions of which date back to 11th-12th century, and the main bastions date back to 16th-17th century. Kamenets Podolskiy defences are a vivid example of the best Eastern European fortifications. Kamenets Podolskiy fortress

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Kiev Pechersk Lavra. One of the first monasteries to appear on Kiev Rus territory. The foundation dates back to 1051, the time of Yaroslav the Wise governing. Location: Kiev city.

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National landscape park “Sofiyivska”This is a park and National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine scientific-research institute, located on the bank of Kamyanka river, in the north of Uman city, Cherkassy oblast. Today it is a resort place. Annually it is visited by 500 thousand people. The land is 179,2 ha wide. “Sofiyivska” is the landscape monument of garden art of 18th - beginning of 19th century

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Saint Sophia Cathedral. The cathedral was erected in 11th century in the center of Kiev city under order of Yaroslav the Wise. It was built in the style of Ukrainian baroque at the turn of 17th-18th century. The Cathedral interior has preserved a great quantity of ancient frescoes and mosaics. St. Sophia’s Cathedral became the first Ukrainian architectural monument listed in the UNESCO World Heritage.

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The city founded by ancient Greeks on the Heracleus peninsula on the South-West of Crimea. Today it is Khersoness site of the Gagarin region of Sevastopol city. For two thousand years it was a large political, economic and cultural center of Northern Black Sea region. Chersonesos of Taurica

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Great Khortytsia Island. It is the largest island on Dnepr river located in Zaporozhye city area down the Dnepr Hydro Electric Station. It is also unique natural and historical complex. The island stretches from North-West to South-East, 12.5 km long and about 2.5 wide.

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The fortress dates back to 10th-13th centuries. It is located in Khotyn town. Also there were three objects which picked up additional awards. Khotyn Fortress

Номер слайду 16

Ukrainian culture. Ukrainian culture – hopak folk dance. Pysanky(Ukrainian features or how to recognize the Ukrainian)is a popular and energetic folk dance involving a competition among the dancers. The name is coming from the Ukrainian “hop” - exclamation uttered during the dance. People are dancing hopak in Ukrainian folk costumes. The basic movements include the running, wide and high jumps with flapping feet.are intricately designed ornamental Easter eggs, bearing Christian or pre-Christian symbols. Colorful wood-carvings are produced by the artisans of Carpathian Mountain area.a lutelike instrument with 50 or more strings, is Ukraine’s people national musical instrument. Bandum

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Ukrainian literature. Literature of Ukraine, the body of writings in Ukrainian language. The earliest writings of Ukrainians, works produced in Kievan Rus from the 11th to the 13th century, were composed in Church Slavonic and are thus the common literary heritage of Russians and Belorussians as well. Nineteenth-century Ukrainian literature reflected the rapid development of Ukrainian national consciousness under Russian rule. Ivan Kotlyarevsky. Lesya Ukrainka. Taras Shevchenko

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Ukraine national food, meals and cookery. Ukrainian national food got a merited renown almost in all places of the world. Different floury dishes (pampushki, galushki, vareniki, korzhi and others), meat dishes (Ukrainian sausages, cold collations, game, birds etc.), vegetable and milk dishes (ryazhenka and sirniki), various drinks of fruit and honey are very popular in Ukraine.

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Thank You for. Attention!

5 березня 2023
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