Виховний захід з англійської мови для 3 класу на тему "Wonderful World of Animals"

Про матеріал
Захід покликаний збагачувати внутрішній світ учнів; прищеплювати любов до тварин та дбати про них; розширити загальні знання учнів про тварин; виховувати позитивне ставлення до вивчення англійської мови.
Перегляд файлу



«Wonderful world of animals»

Виховний захід


- збагачувати внутрішній світ учнів;

- прищеплювати любов до тварин та дбати про них;

-розширити  загальні  знання  учнів  про  тварин;

- вміння  висловлювати  свої власні  думки;

- виховувати позитивне ставлення  до вивчення  англійської мови.


The motto:

“There are many wonders in the sea and on land.

We must live together hand in hand”.



1. Greeting, aims.

Good afternoon, children! How are you? I am glad to be your teacher today. It is nice to meet you. Let us work together. We will speak about many animals that live in nature, on farms, in our homes.

2. Warm up

Teacher: Do you know the animals’ language? Let us check. (Діти показують малюнки тварин).


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1. Who says meow? - The cat

2. Who says tha-ha? - The hare

3. Who says iho-iho ? - The horse

4. Who says moo-moo? - The cow

5. Who says queck-queck? - The duck

6. Who says croak-croak? - The frog

7. Who says wink-wink? - The pig

8. Who says squeak-squeak? - The mouse

9. Who says thee-thee-thee? - The monkey


Well done.


Phonetic drills

And  now we are going to travel to the English zoo.


Before our voyage  we  must  pass  medical examination. Who wants to be a doctor? I will be your doctor. I will give orders to you and you fulfill them:


Stand up! Jump! Run! Swim! Steep!  Fly! Climb! Wash! Go! Sit down!


3. Main part

Введення в сюжет рольової гри

“A visit to a London Zoo”

Нам потрібно потрапити в цю чарівну країну.  В цій чарівній країні є не тільки люди, а  й тварини. В далекому місті Лондоні є зоопарк де є багато чудових тварин. Поглянемо в наші чарівні  біноклі.

What can you see?

We can see…

(заходять діти в масках тварин та розповідають про себе)


  1. I am red. I can jump. Run and walk. I wash myself. I like milk. I live in the house. I am a cat.
  2. I am grey. I live in the  forest . I can catch a rabbit. I can run. I am hungry. I am a wolf.
  3. I am yellow and brown. I can run and jump. I live in the dog-house. I like to play. I am a dog.
  4. I am little. I am grey. My ears are pink. My teeth are white. I run about the house at night. I live under the floor.  I am a mouse.
  5. I am orange. I can run. I can catch a rabbit. I like chickens. I am very cunning. I am clever. I am a fox.
  6. I am little. I have spines. I like apples. I live in the garden. I sleep every day and walk at night. I am a hedgehog.


True or False


Teacher: Do you know all about animals? Let ‘s  check. Tell me if it is true or false.


1. In  winter the bears sleep. +

2. The elephants like to eat monkeys. –

3. The wolf sleeps at night. –

4. The   lion  is  very strong.+

5. The   octopus  likes  fish. +

6. The camel lives in the water. –

7. The hippo lives on the trees. –

8. The snakes cannot fly. +

9. The cock lives in the forest. –


 A poem “Nine  little monkeys”

Nine  little  monkeys jumping on the bed

One felt off and bump her head

Mother calls the doctor and doctor said:

“No more monkeys jumping on the bed”… (продовжуємо, поки не залишиться один учень)



Teacher: Can you do as English animals?

Now it is time to rest. Let us move like animals.

Can you hop like a rabbit?

Yes. We can. Hop-hop.

Can you jump like a frog?

Yes. We can. Jump –jump.

Can you run like a dog?

Yes. We can. Run- run.

Can you walk like a duck?

Yes. We can. Walk –walk.

Can you fly like a bird?

Yes. We can. Fly- fly.

Can you swim like a fish?

No. We cannot but we wish.


Hidden words

Teacher: Look for hidden words in each group of letters. Find an animal in each line.

1. Dfscvbjuydoghjnbv  / dog

2. Vcdteyhgoatkjuyhgjh / goat

3. Fgvxssheepnbhguyf / sheep

4. Fdpigbnytrfdxcvvbhyh / pig

5. Cdshbcowbgjtujmnbg / cow

6. Vcducknjhgytrfdvcnbh / duck

7. Henvgftyrfbvhgiykjb / hen

8. Donkeybvgfjukjhggf / donkey

9. Ghyhorsejnhyuoiklk / horse

10. Lamtigervgftuuhjnmj / tiger


Teacher: Guess the riddles.

I see, animals have a good mood in the zoo. Let’s guess the riddles. Can you guess? Listen  attentively  and try to guess the riddles.


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T: And now let us play a game “Who has got…?”

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Poems about animals

Teacher: Do you know poems about animals? Who knows?

Little monkey in the tree

This  is  what she says to me

Thee, thee, thee and tha, tha, tha

This is what she says to me.

My  cat is black

My  cat  is fat

My cat likes rats

Rats are grey and fat

I have a little dog

His name is Jack

His head is white

His ears are black.


4. Summarizing

Teacher: We visited the magic country where the animals live and speak English. Our voyage is over. You were very active and  hard-working   today. You are perfect pupils. I think now you know the names of the animals and we will take care about them. Well done. See you, soon.













22 грудня 2019
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