Використання краєзнавчого матеріалу у позашкільній діяльності у навчанні англійської мови

Про матеріал
Вивчення англійської мови завжди є завданням, яке потребує мотивації. У даній роботі я хочу поділитися своїм досвідом з приводу теми, яка, на мою думку, є дуже актуальною у сучасному навчанні англійської мови в Україні: "Використання краєзнавчого матеріалу у позашкільній діяльності".
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Використання краєзнавчого матеріалу у позашкільній діяльності  у навчанні англійської мови

(на прикладі проєктів English club "Discover Your Region")

Вивчення англійської мови завжди є завданням, яке потребує мотивації. У даній роботі я хочу поділитися своїм досвідом з приводу теми, яка, на мою думку, є дуже актуальною у сучасному навчанні англійської мови в Україні. Під час своєї педагогічної діяльності я переконалася, що використання краєзнавчого матеріалу може значно підвищити мотивацію учнів та полегшити процес навчання.

Почну з того, що діти часто цікавляться своїм рідним краєм. Одним із способів підвищити інтерес до навчання є створення клубу під назвою "Discover Your Region", де учні зможуть ділитися фактами та цікавинками про себе, свій регіон або місто англійською мовою. Це буде заохочувати їх використовувати тематичну англійську лексику та фрази, пов'язані зі своїм місцем проживання. Приклад питань для обговорення: famous landmarks in your region, the local cuisine, local festivals or traditions, outstanding people etc.

Ось кілька прикладів проектів щодо використання краєзнавчого матеріалу:

These project-based plans focuse on fostering intercultural understanding, expanding vocabulary, and enhancing language skills while engaging students in a meaningful and creative activity.


Project  Plan: "Culture Collage"

Age Group: 15-16

Duration: 3-4 class periods (approximately 180 minutes)

Project Objectives:

1. Develop intercultural interaction skills and openness to cultural diversity.

2. Expand students' vocabulary on the topic.

3. Enhance listening and speaking skills.

Materials Needed:

1. Maps, atlases, or globes

2. Pictures, brochures, or digital resources representing various cultures and regions

3. Whiteboard and markers/ blackboard

4. Art supplies (scissors, glue, colored paper, magazines)

5. Laptops or tablets with internet access for research

Stage 1: Introduction (20 minutes)


Begin by discussing the importance of intercultural interaction and the role of culture in language learning. Show a world map, pinpointing Ukraine's location. Ask students to name some countries and cultures they are familiar with.

Stage 2: Vocabulary Expansion (30 minutes)


1. Introduce vocabulary related to geography and culture, such as "continent," "tradition," "diversity," "landmark," "language," etc.

2. Use flashcards or visual aids to reinforce vocabulary.

3. Have students practice pronunciation and provide definitions.

Stage 3: Culture Research (40 minutes)


1. Divide students into small groups.

2. Assign each group a different region to research (e.g., a specific region of Ukraine).

3. Instruct students to find information about the region's geography, traditions, famous landmarks, and language.

4. Students should gather pictures and information to create a collage or digital presentation.

Stage 4: Culture Collage Creation (60 minutes)


1. Provide art supplies or digital tools for students to create their culture collages.

2. Encourage creativity in presenting the information, including visuals, short descriptions, and interesting facts.

3. Each group should discuss their collage and decide how to present it to the class.

Stage 5: Presentations (30 minutes)


1. Each group presents their culture collage to the class.

2. Encourage students to speak in English while presenting.

3. After each presentation, allow the class to ask questions or share their impressions.

Stage 6: Reflection and Discussion (20 minutes)


1. Lead a class discussion on what students learned about different cultures and regions.

2. Encourage students to share their thoughts on the importance of cultural diversity and intercultural interaction.

3. Discuss the similarities and differences they discovered between Ukraine and other countries/regions.

Stage 7: Homework - OPTIONAL (10 minutes)


Assign a homework task where students write a short essay or reflection on their favorite culture or region presented in the project.


- Assess students based on their participation in group work, presentations, and the quality of their culture collages.

- Evaluate the homework assignments for language use, vocabulary, and critical thinking.

Expected Outcomes:

1. Students will create a project on the topic in groups.

2. Students will be able to talk about Ukraine, other countries, geography, and traditions.

3. Students will possess a certain vocabulary related to the topic.

4. Students will develop listening and speaking skills, being able to express their thoughts in a foreign language.

5. Students will be aware of the cultural peculiarities of different countries and regions of Ukraine.


Project  Plan: "Culture Collage" – VARIANT 2

Age Group: 12-14

Duration: 4 lessons (90 minutes each)

Materials Needed:

- Maps of Ukraine

- Images representing different regions of Ukraine

- Access to multimedia resources (videos, audio recordings)

- Art supplies (markers, colored pencils, paper)

- Computers or tablets for research and presentation creation


Lesson 1: Introduction to Ukraine and Cultural Diversity

Objective: To introduce the concept of cultural diversity and set the stage for exploring Ukraine's regional components.

1. Warm-up (15 minutes):

   - Show pictures of people from different countries and discuss the concept of culture, diversity, and stereotypes.

   - Ask students to share what they know about Ukraine.

2. Introduce the Project (15 minutes):

   - Explain the project's objectives and expected outcomes.

   - Divide students into groups (4-5 students per group).

   - Provide an overview of the project requirements and the final presentation.

3. Geography of Ukraine (20 minutes):

   - Show a map of Ukraine and its regions.

   - Discuss the geographical diversity of Ukraine and its influence on culture.

4. Vocabulary Building (20 minutes):

   - Introduce key vocabulary related to Ukraine, its regions, and cultural elements.

   - Provide examples and ask students to use the vocabulary in sentences.

Lesson 2: Research and Information Gathering

Objective: To develop research skills and gather information about Ukraine's regions.

1. Review (10 minutes):

   - Recap what was learned in the previous lesson.

2. Research (40 minutes):

   - Assign each group a specific region of Ukraine.

   - Provide resources (books, websites, articles) for students to research their assigned region.

   - Instruct students to gather information on geography, traditions, and cultural peculiarities of their region.

3. Group Discussion (20 minutes):

   - Have each group discuss their findings and begin preparing their project presentations.

Lesson 3: Presentation Preparation and Language Skills

Objective: To enhance students' language skills and prepare them for their presentations.

1. Review (10 minutes):

   - Recap what was learned in the previous lesson.

2. Language Practice (30 minutes):

   - Conduct language exercises related to the vocabulary and phrases learned.

   - Practice pronunciation and fluency through role-play and dialogues.

3. Presentation Preparation (40 minutes):

   - Guide students in creating presentation materials (slides, posters, etc.) that showcase their assigned region.

   - Encourage creativity in design and content.

Lesson 4: Project Presentations and Reflection

Objective: To develop speaking skills and share knowledge about Ukraine's regional components.

1. Review (10 minutes):

   - Recap what was learned in the previous lesson.

2. Project Presentations (60 minutes):*

   - Each group presents their findings about their assigned region.

   - Encourage students to use the vocabulary and language skills practiced in previous lessons.

3. Reflection (20 minutes):

   - After each presentation, facilitate a discussion where students ask questions and share their thoughts about the presented region.

   - Discuss the influence of regional components on Ukraine's culture.

4. Wrap-up and Conclusion (10 minutes):

   - Summarize the project and its objectives.

   - Discuss the importance of intercultural interaction and understanding.

Homework - OPTIONAL (After Lesson 4):

- Assign individual reflective essays where students write about what they learned and how this project changed their perception of Ukraine's cultural diversity.


- Evaluate students based on their participation, language skills, and the quality of their group presentations and reflective essays.


By following these detailed project  plans, students will develop a deeper understanding of Ukraine's cultural diversity, enhance their language skills, and become more open to intercultural interactions. These project approach encourages collaborative learning and active participation, making the topic engaging and memorable for students.



Project  Plan: "Who We Are"

Age Group: 16-17

Duration: 4-6 weeks

Materials Needed:

- Whiteboard and markers

- Projector or computer for multimedia presentations

- Internet access for research

- Poster boards or large paper for culture maps

- Art supplies for culture maps (colored pencils, markers, stickers, etc.)

- Multimedia presentation software (e.g., PowerPoint, Google Slides)


Objective: To explore how location and culture impact personal identity, identify components of culture, analyze aspects of culture that influence personal identity, create and share culture maps, analyze what cultural elements are most strongly connected to personal identity, and create a multimedia presentation to share and compare the culture-identity connection.


Stage 1: Introduction (1 week)

  - Welcome and introduction to the project.

  - Discuss the importance of personal identity and how it is influenced by culture and location.

  - Show examples of culture maps and multimedia presentations from previous projects.

  - Brainstorm a list of what makes up personal identity on the board (e.g., language, family, traditions).

  - Discuss how these elements are influenced by culture and location.

  - Introduce the concept of culture and its components (e.g., language, food, clothing, customs).


Stage 2: Exploring Culture (1 week)

  - Discuss cultural components.

  - In small groups, students research and present on specific cultural components (e.g., traditional clothing, food, music) from different countries.

  - Create a class "Culture Components" chart on the whiteboard.

  - Continue with group presentations on cultural components.

  - Discuss how these components can shape personal identity.

  - Assign homework: each student selects a cultural component and writes a paragraph on how it influences personal identity.


Stage 3: Creating Culture Maps (1 week)

  - Introduce the concept of culture maps. Show examples.

  - In pairs, students choose a country/region and create a culture map. Include visuals and descriptions of cultural components that influence personal identity.

  - Provide art supplies and poster boards.

  - Discuss the progress and answer any questions.

  - Homework: finalize culture maps.


Stage 4: Analyzing and Presenting (1 week)

  - Each pair presents their culture map to the class. Discuss the cultural components and their impact on personal identity.

  - As a class, create a list of commonalities and differences among the culture maps.

  - Analyze what cultural elements are most strongly connected to personal identity based on the culture maps and class discussions.

  - Assign a group task: each group chooses one cultural element (e.g., language, family traditions) and explores its significance in personal identity.

  - Discuss the findings as a class.


Stage 5: Creating Multimedia Presentations (1-2 weeks)

  - Introduce the multimedia presentation project.

  - Each student selects a country/region and creates a multimedia presentation comparing the culture-identity connection.

  - Provide guidance on presentation software.

  - Students work on their multimedia presentations in and outside of class.

  - Teacher provides feedback and guidance as needed.


Stage 6: Final Presentation and Reflection (1 day)

  - Students present their multimedia presentations to the class.

  - Reflect on what they've learned about the connection between culture and personal identity.



- Participation in class discussions and activities.

- Quality and completeness of culture maps.

- Quality of multimedia presentations.

- Understanding of the connection between culture and personal identity.



- Invite guest speakers from different cultural backgrounds to share their experiences.

- Organize a cultural fair where students showcase aspects of their chosen culture.

- Encourage students to continue exploring cultural topics outside of class through independent research or interviews.


Усі ці приклади показують, що використання краєзнавчого матеріалу в навчанні англійської мови може стати потужним інструментом мотивації для учнів. Учні отримають можливість дослідити різноманітність культур в Україні, розвинути свої мовні навички та розуміння міжкультурної взаємодії.

Це допомагає зробити процес навчання цікавішим та стимулює бажання вдосконалювати свої мовні навички.


5 жовтня 2023
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