Вікторина "Christmas Quiz"

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Англійська мова та культурознавство англомовних країн 10 - 11 класи. Різдвяні символи, традиції та їхнє походження. Питання з варіантами відповідей.

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Christmas Quiz


1) When was Christmas first celebrated?

  a) the year after Jesus' birth    b) after Jesus' crucifixion   c) in the 4th century 

2) Where did the Christmas tree tradition originate?

   a) Germany   b) England   c) Israel  

3) Why was December 25th chosen as Christmas day?

   a)That's when Jesus was born   b) when the trees are in season   c) coincided with   pagan holiday 

4) How did kissing under mistletoe toe come about?

   a) Scandinavian love goddess   b) druid wedding rituals  c) old Jewish practice 

5) Why did holly become a Christmas decoration?

   a) pointed leaves represent star;  b)used as 1st Christmas tree    c)berries signify crucifixion    

6) Who most likely first lit a tree with candles?

    a) Pope Pius  b)  Martin Luther    c) Jesus  

7) St. Nicholas was born in which country?

    a) Turkey  b) Holland  c)  England

8) Where did the candy cane legend originate?

   a) Massachusetts  b)  Germany   c) England

9) How many days are there on a traditional Christmas calendar?

   a) 21     b) 24        c) 26

10) What is the last day of Christmas called?

      a) Silent Night    b) Twelfth Night    c) Boxing Day

11) When was Santa Claus created?

     a) about 500 years ago  b) about 200 years ago  c)about 150 years ago

12) People try to send Christmas cards so they will arrive

     a) before Christmas Day  b) on Christmas Day   c) after Christmas Day



Answers:1c, 2a, 3c, 4a, 5c, 6b, 7a, 8b, 9b, 10b, 11c, 12a