Вправи на тему "Reflexive Pronouns"

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Choose the correct reflexive pronouns to complete each sentence ( myself , himself , herself , itself , yourself , yourselves , ourselves, themselves).

  1. Mary, you shouldn't blame ... for the accident.
  2. Don't worry about us. We can amuse ... for an hour or two.
  3. I never really had lessons, I just taught ...  .
  4. I thought it was a bit rude. She never introduced ...  .
  5. It's long time since they've enjoyed ... so much.
  6. It's a very clever machine. It turns ... off.
  7. He cut ... shaving today.
  8. Ladies and gentlemen. There's masses of food, so please help ...  .
  9. I don’t need any help. I can do it …  .
  10.  Beth and Chris got a little lost one day on their way back from school. But they found the right way home all by ...  .
  11.  The teacher said to the class: “I would like you to do the exercises … . 
  12.  Because David and Simon studied a lot for their biology test tomorrow, they are feeling confident in …  .




Choose the correct reflexive pronouns to complete each sentence ( myself , himself , herself , itself , yourself , yourselves , ourselves, themselves).

  1. Catherine and Abby are sisters. Yesterday, they made their lunchboxes …  .
  2. There’s no need to shut the garage gate. It does that all by …  .
  3. We had to ask … if this was the right thing to do.
  4. Olivia got a very good mark on her English test. She was very pleased with …  .
  5. Edwin fixed his bike all by … .
  6. The computer keeps turning … off and I don’t know why!
  7. When she was five years old, Mary taught … to ride a bicycle.
  8. Do you believe in … ?
  9. I introduced … to my new neighbour.
  10.  Peter is very lazy. He always copies his friend´s homework and never does it by … .
  11.  Don´t help us, Dad! I and Jim can paint the car all by …  .
  12.  She likes to think of as a good person.




Choose the correct reflexive pronouns to complete each sentence ( myself , himself , herself , itself , yourself , yourselves , ourselves, themselves).

  1. He cut ... shaving today.
  2. Ladies and gentlemen. There's masses of food, so please help ...  .
  3. I don’t need any help. I can do it …  .
  4.  Beth and Chris got a little lost one day on their way back from school. But they found the right way home all by ...  .
  5. The teacher said to the class: “I would like you to do the exercises … . 
  6. Because David and Simon studied a lot for their biology test tomorrow, they are feeling confident in …  .
  7. Mary, you shouldn't blame ... for the accident.
  8. Don't worry about us. We can amuse ... for an hour or two.
  9. I never really had lessons, I just taught ...  .
  10.  I thought it was a bit rude. She never introduced ...  .
  11.  It's long time since they've enjoyed ... so much.
  12.  It's a very clever machine. It turns ... off.




Choose the correct reflexive pronouns to complete each sentence ( myself , himself , herself , itself , yourself , yourselves , ourselves, themselves).

  1. When she was five years old, Mary taught … to ride a bicycle.
  2. Do you believe in … ?
  3. I introduced … to my new neighbour.
  4.  Peter is very lazy. He always copies his friend´s homework and never does it by … .
  5.  Don´t help us, Dad! I and Jim can paint the car all by …  .
  6.  She likes to think of as a good person.
  7. Catherine and Abby are sisters. Yesterday, they made their lunchboxes …  .
  8. There’s no need to shut the garage gate. It does that all by …  .
  9. We had to ask … if this was the right thing to do.
  10.  Olivia got a very good mark on her English test. She was very pleased with …  .
  11.  Edwin fixed his bike all by … .
  12.  The computer keeps turning … off and I don’t know why!



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