"Wales is the land of songs"

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Розробка країнознавчого уроку за підручником видавництва Express Publishing "Enterprise 2'

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План-конспект уроку  англійської мови

Вчителя Сквирської ЗОШ I -III ст. №3

імені Петра Тисьменецького

Цимбалюк Олени Анатоліївни



Form 9

Enterprise 2 elementary

Express publishing


  • to acquaint the students with the welsh culture, the main sights and events of the country;
  • to develop students’ reading and speaking skills;
  • to acquaint the students with the new words and word-combinations;
  • to teach to use vocabulary on the topic;
  • to educate an interest to the culture of Wales.



Equipment: multimedia (HO1, HO2, HO4, HO5, HO6), handouts (HO3).





1. Greeting

T: Good morning, pupils. I’m very glad to see you today. I hope you are fine.

(The pupils’ answers)

T: Today we'll have a country study lesson .You have already known that Great Britain consists of four parts: England, Scotland, Wales and  Northern Ireland. So, the topic of our today’s lesson is «Wales - the land of songs». You will read the text about this amazing part of the United Kingdom. Also you will learn to tell about the country, its sights and the main events.


2. Warming up.

    Discussing the proverb:


T: Read this proverb and translate it, please. (HO1)

     What does it mean?

     Give me the Ukrainian equivalent of this proverb, please.

 (В гостях добре, а вдома найкраще.)



  1.  Brainstorming.

T: Look at the map (HO2) of Great Britain and answer my questions.

  1. What is the official name of GB? (the official name of GB is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)
  2. Where is it situated? (it is situated on two large islands called the British Isles)
  3. Which parts does GB consist of? (GB consists of four parts: England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland)
  4. Which seas is the country washed by? (the country is washed by the Atlantic Ocean and the Irish Sea in the west, the North Sea in the north, the English Channel in the south)
  5. Where are the parts of GB situated? (England is situated in the central and southern parts, Scotland is in the north of the country, Wales is in the west and Northern Ireland is in the north-eastern part of the Ireland)


T: Look at the map of Wales in your student’s book at page 138 and say, where these places are located.

Cardiff, St. David’s, Caernarfon, Snowdonia, Swansea.

  • Cardiff is in the south of Wales.
  • St. David’s is in the west.
  • Caernarfon is in the north.
  • Snowdonia is in the central part.
  • Swansea is in the south-western part of Wales.


        2.   Reading.

  1. Pre-reading activities.

T: Look at the pictures at pages 138-139 and say, which pictures show:

A festival; (c)

A choir; (b)

A castle; (d)

A woman, playing a harp; (a)

  1. Presentation the new words.

T: There are some words in the text written in a bold type. I will share to you some paper sheets with these words and their definition. You have to find your partner. You may go round the classroom. (HO3).

Students find their partners and sit together.

T: Make your own sentences with these words, please.

Students make their own sentences using the new words.

  1. While reading.

T: Now you are going to read the text. Read it silently paying attention to the new words. Then read the statements at page 138 and mark them true or false.

  1. Post-reading activities.

T: So, let’s check your answers. You should prove them reading the sentences from the text.

T: There are some highlighted words or phrases in the text. Please, match them with the synonyms in ex. C).


             3. Speaking. 

     1)  Dialog T↔Ps

T: Answer my questions.

  • Where is Wales located?
  • What does the eastern part border with?
  • What is the country full of?
  • What is the capital city of Wales?
  • What is the official language of Wales?
  • Which languages are taught today?
  • What quality has Welsh?
  • What is another popular hobby?
  • What attracts travellers from around the world?
  • Where is Snowdonia situated?
  • Where does the Caernarfon Castle stand?
  • What are the Welsh proud of?
  • What takes place every year at the beginning of August?
  • What is the Eisteddfod?


  1. Dialog P1↔P2↔P3.

T:  Ask and answer each other the same questions using the prompts. (HO4)

  1. Retelling the text.

T: I propose you to retell the text using the prompts. (HO5). First we’re making the whole-class story and then some of you will retell the whole topic.

Students retell the topic.




ΙΙΙ.  Summarising.

T: To sum up our today’s lesson I propose you to compare two countries: Wales and Ukraine. Please look at the map and say (HO6):

  • Where is your country located?(my country is located in Europe)
  • What’s the capital city? (the capital city is Kyiv)
  • What’s the official language of your country? ( Ukrainian)
  • What does it border with? ( it borders with Russia, Belarus, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Moldova)
  • What is Ukraine washed by? ( Ukraine is washed by the Black Sea)

IV. Putting up the marks.

V.  Home assignment.

T: Your home task is to tell about Wales and Ukraine.































HO3 (must be cut into pieces, each word separately):


Border with         picturesque         official             to protect              pastime     



breathtaking           national park             ancient burial sites            stands       



competitions                  are proud of               межує з             мальовничий       



 офіційна             захистити           проведення часу             приголомшлива          



національний парк           древні захоронення           стоїть        пишаються





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