Вдосконалювати навички монологічного та діалогічного мовлення учнів з використанням вивченої лексики, вчити працювати в групах, збагачувати знання учнів про Україну та її історію.
Lesson Plan
Topic: What I know about Ukraine
Aim: to teach the pupils to speak on the given topic using lexical units which were learnt;
To improve pupils’ skills in making up monologues/dialogues/ working in pairs (groups);
To enrich pupils’ knowledge about Ukraine and its history and bring up honorable attitude to our Motherland.
Equipment: a map of Ukraine, pictures of Ukrainian state symbols, handouts (1-6), coloured cards.
T: Hello, children!
Nice to meet you! – Ps - ….!
You look wonderful today! – Ps- ….!
That’s a nice colour on you! – Ps - …..!
It’s a nice day today, isn’t it? – Ps - …..!
Announcing the topic and the aim of the lesson:
T: You know quite a lot about our country from your Geography and History lessons. But at the English lesson today you’ll revise how to speak about Ukraine in English. We’ll do a lot of different assignments and I hope by the end of the lesson you’ll be able to talk, to ask and answer questions about all things connected with Ukraine.
Warming – up
“Find your partner”
The group is subdivided into two subgroups: Pupils are given cards in some of which there are questions and in others – answers/countries and the capitals. Pupils stand up and walk round the room looking for their partners. If they think they have found them, they say togrther.
Are you from Germany? Is the capital of your country Berlin?
Germany Berlin |
Are you from France? Is the capital of your country Paris? |
France Paris |
Are you from Italy? Is the capital of your country Rome? |
Italy Rome |
Are you from Canada? Is the capital of your country Ottawa? |
Canada Ottawa |
Activity 1.
Vocabulary Review.
Each pupil is given a card with words and word- combinations on the given topic in English.
Task: translate them into your native tongue orally and make up two sentences with any of them in written form.
To be located; a square kilometer; many representatives; a long history; Slavic people; to fight for independence; to be washed by.
Declaration; to pass the declaration of State Sovereignty; a national holiday; to proclaim; a nation – wide referendum; territory; the biggest river.
Independent; the history of Ukraine; in the centre; the country’s population; the capture a city; Kyiv Rus; a leader; to border on.
Pre – Christian epoch; a democratic state; a president; the uprising; ethnic groups; geographic centre; to elect;
Activity 2.
“Match the parts of the sentences.”
Group work.
The group is divided into 4 subgroups according to the colours of their cards given by the teacher before. Each subgroup is given a set of stripes with parts of the sentences written on them. The pupils should put the parts correctly to get the full sentence. That subgroup which will be the first is awarded the badges which read: “I am the best”
Match the parts of the sentences
Located in the centre of Europe.
Which began in Kyiv Rus.
Independence Day of Ukraine.
Was passed in July 1990.
The uprising of the Ukrainian people.
Was successful.
Dates back to the pre- Christians epoch.
Activity 3
“Choose the right variant”
The sentences with blanks are written on the black board and there is a box with words above them. The task is to fill in the blanks with the correct words from the box. The pupils translate the whole sentence.
Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the box:
Activity 4.
“True and False Statements”
Task: agree or disagree with teacher’s statements using the phrases of agreement/disagreement from the tables.
True and False Statements
Activity 5.
Imagine that all of us are the participants of the International Students Conference which takes place in London. For this reason the pupils are divided into two groups: #1- members of Ukrainian delegation, #2 – representatives from other countries. Pupils from group #2 ask different questions to get more information about Ukraine, pupils from group #1 have to give full answer. The teacher acts as an organizer of the conference .
Review the vocabulary of the topic we’ve learnt and be ready to write your test papers.
Game “Snowball” with the book closed using the “Mind - map” only which is on the blackboard, for example:
P: Ukraine is my native country.
P: Ukraine is my country. It’s beautiful.
P: Ukraine is my country. It’s beautiful. It’s one of the largest countries in Europe.