Урок1 William Shakespeare

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William Shakespeare Урок1

План-конспект уроку розраховано на два урока.

Вивчення творчості англійських письменників.

Перегляд файлу

Topic: English writers. William Shakespeare is one of the world's greatest writers.

The play "King Lear".

Grammar: Revision. Adverb.

Урок 1

Aim: - to revise the topic - words and practice in using them;

to revise the life and work of I. Byron, Al. Marshall and William Shakespeare

to work with the play "King Lear"

  •      to revise grammar "Adverb".
    1.Бесіда за схемою  Т- P1, Т –Р2

Т: Good morning, children. I am glad to see you.
1.) How are you today?
2.) What day and date is it today?
3.) What season is it now?
4.) Is Novemeber the last autumn month?
5.) What can you tell me about the weather today?
6.) Is it cold or warm in the street?
7.) Is it raining?
8.) Is the sun shining brightly?
9.) What colour is the sky?
10.) Do you like this weather?

2. Повідомлення теми та завдань  уроку.

Т: The topic of our lesson is English writers. William Shakespeare is one of the world's greatest writers. And his wonderful play "King Lear".

So, today we shall  travel to the wonderful country of English literature. We shall revise the topic words and practice in using them.


We shall recollect the biography of some writers. We' ll also stop on the play by W. Shakespeare "King Lear"?  and besides, we must revise our grammar "Adverb".

Основна частина уроку.

3. Повторення лексичного материалу.

  1.   Т: Tell me as many words you can on the topic "Literature".
  2.   Work with the cards.

(lp is working at the blackboard).

Take the card and find a matching pair for your word to have a word-combination














To publish

A novel



4. Бесіда про  життя та творчість англ. письменників.

Т: So, we've learnt three writers - their life and creative work. Two of them are English writers and another one is not English. Who is it?

The task is: I'll give you some facts from biography of any writers. Try to guess who they are. Let's start.

  1.   When he was ten he inherited the title of Lord Byron.
  2.   He founded the theatre himself.
  3.   When he was six he fell ill and couldn't walk for many years/

  1.   He liked horses, dogs, trees and flowers.
  2.   He took an active part in political life of England
  3.   He was born in the family of a farmer.
  4.   He knew Latin very well.
  5.   He died in 1824
  6.   When he finished school he wanted to see his country

10) He had to go London and begin to work.

T: Now let's speak about one of the world's greatest writers - W. Shakespeare. Tell me the facts from his biography in details.

Pupils` answers

T: Shakespeare died in 1616, but this fact isn't mentioned in your text - book Really, written hundreds of years ago his works are very popular nowadays. One of his wonderful work is the play "King Lear"/

6 січня 2020
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