З досвіду. "Invented Poetry"

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Як навчити учнів писати вірші? Матеріал містить рекомендації щодо написання різноманітних видів поезії. Може бути корисним на різних етапах вивчення теми і для учнів з різним рівнем володіння англійською мовою.
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                                               Invented poetry                      

Poetry is a deal of joy and pain and

wonder, with a dash of the dictionary.

Khalil Gibran

Poetry in school is very important because  it  helps  to develop  many other activities. It promotes literacy, fosters emotions and builds community. Writing poetry enriches vocabulary, open venues for speaking and listening.

                                                ACROSTIC POETRY

The most common types of acrostic poems are those in which the initial letter of each line forms a word, and is often capitalized.

Name poetry  is the  fun variant  of acrostic poetry. Ask students to write their name  vertically on a sheet of paper and write nouns, adjectives, verbs or phrases that describes them next to each letter







                                                  FREE POETRY

This kind of poetry has  no set structure,  periods or capital letters.

My Hobby

Playing football

is cool

exciting and


because makes me


my friends

stronger and

more cooperative.     

                                            FIVE   W’S   POETRY

 It consists of  five  lines. Each line answers the  W’s questions:

WHO?                 My best friends

WHAT?               meet each other

WHERE?             at school

WHEN?               every day

WHY?                 because they’re  classmates


                                                      AM POEM

It is  a poem to describes yourself.

I  am  (one descriptor)
I  love  (something you love)
I  want (something you want)
I  play (something you play)
I  see (something you see each day)
I  am (one descriptor)
I  am afraid of (something you’re afraid of)
I  am happy (something that makes you happy)
I  am nervous (something that makes you nervous)
I  am excited (something that makes you excited)
I  am (one descriptor)


I am active.
I love reading.
I want to travel around  the  world.
I play outside with my friends.
I see beautiful snowflakes from my window.
I am a student .
I am afraid of the dark.
I am happy when I am healthy.
I am nervous before the tests.
I am excited for summer holidays.
I am a good friend.


                                         ALPHABET     POETRY

For writing  this funny  poetry use any part of the alphabet.











                                       CINQUAIN  POETRY

This poem consists of  five lines and can be used at any language level.

Line 1: State the subject in one word (noun)

Line 2: Describe subject in two words (adjectives)

Line 3: Describe action about the subject in three words (infinitives/ a phrase)

Line 4: Express an emotion about the subject in four words

Line 5: Estate subject in a single word



Funny  Cool

Play Study Find out

Best pace for me



                                               DIAMOND   POEM

It can be the synonym (the first and last words should have similar meaning) or antonym (the first and last words should have opposite  meaning)

Line one:  Noun

Line two:  Two adjectives that describe the noun in line one

Line three: Three verbs that end with “ing” and describe the noun in line one

Line four:  Four nouns—the first two must relate to the noun in line one and the second two will relate to the noun in line seven

Line five: Three verbs that end with “ing" and describe the noun in line seven

Line six: Two adjectives that describe the noun in line seven

Line seven:  Noun that is opposite in meaning to line one (antonym diamante) or the same in meaning (synonym diamante) as the noun in line one


Tender  sweet

Awakening  blossoming  growing

Fragrance    harmony      period      time

Shining    showering   covering

Beautiful exciting



Help your students  to become inventive!



23 березня 2020
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