Заняття з англійської мови для студентів 1 курсу закладів фахової передвищої освіти на тему "Займенник"

Про матеріал

Конспект заняття з англійської мови для студентів 1 курсу закладів фахової передвищої освіти, які навчаються на базі базової середньої освіти на тему "Займенник"

Перегляд файлу


image Lesson 2.    ____________________________________________



Theme      Personal Information. Numbers. Countries. Be and Have got. Pronouns


Task 1. Read the dialogue. How old is Joanna’s sister?

               Max     Have you got a brother?

Joanna No, I haven’t. But I've got a sister. Here’s a photo of us. I'm on the right.

               Max      Are you twins?

Joanna Yes, we are, but we aren’t identical. Emma’s got black hair, like me, but she hasn't  got   brown eyes.

               Max       Is that your dog in the photo?

Joanna Yes, it is. She’s called Rosie. Rosie is Emma’s dog, really.

                Max      How old is she?

Joanna She’s sixteen, of course.  

                Max      That's very old for a dog!

Joanna No, Emma’s sixteen. Rosie is six.

Verb    to be


Стверджувальна форма

Заперечна форма

Питальна форма

 I      am   (I’m)                    

I      am not (I’m not)        

 Am I…?


She is   (‘s)                It 


She is not   (isn’t)             


Is he…?  Yes, he is. Is she…? No, she isn’t Is  it…?


We     are  (‘re) They


We     are  (aren’t)


Are you…? Yes, they are.

Are we…? No, we’re not.

Are they…?

                                         Вживання                                                      Приклади


He is fifteen


I am Katherine


They are teachers


You aren’t English

                                    Аге уоu a doctor?           Ви лікар?

                                    She is not my friend        Вона не моя подруга


Task 2. Write two sentences with the verb be, one affirmative and one negative. Which is true for you? Which is false? Write T or F.

1.      We __________________ at school.              __________________

2.      My teacher __________________very tall.

3.      I ___________ 16 yea s old.

4.      My friends  _____________ all girls.

5.      It ___________very cold today.

6.      My friends and I ___________in an English lesson.


Task 3. Insert the verb  to be in Present Simple.

1.      What __________ your name? — My name __________ Shirley Frank. 

2.      What __________  your address? — My address ________ 175 Grand Central Parkway. 

3.      Where __________  you from? — I __________  from New York. 

4.      My father __________  not a teacher, he __________  a scientist. 

5.      __________ your aunt a doctor? — Yes, she __________

6.      __________  they at home? — No, they __________  not at home, they at work.               

7.      Where __________ you? — I __________ in the kitchen. 



8.      Where __________ Fred? — He __________ in the garage. 

9.      __________ you busy? — No, I __________  not. Mike __________  busy. 

10.  It __________ ten o'clock. She __________  late again. 

11.  How ________ you?— I________ not very well today. — I ________  sorry to hear that.  

12.  Used cars __________ cheaper but less reliable than new cars. 

13.  What __________ the weather forecast for tomorrow? 


Task 4.  Complete the questions  with the correct form of the verb be. Then ask and answer the questions in pairs.

1.      ________ you hungry?                             4.________your friends all at this school?

2.      ________our teacher male?                    5.________you eighteen years old?

3.      ________we at school?              6.________I from tne UK?                                                                   


Task 5.  Write the words in the correct order to make questions. Then match the questions with the answers (a—f).  

1.      we / the / at / are / college?                a No, he isn't.

2.      today?  / very / is / it / hot                   b Yes, it is.

3.      you / from / China? / are                     c No, they aren’t.

4.      your / teachers? / are / parents                       d Yes, we are.

5.      eighteen / Stella / is / old? /years                    e Yes, she is.

6.      Sam  / is / in / his bedroom?                f No, I’m not


                                                                       have got

                  We use have got to talk about possessions and family members.

                              Affirmative                                                       Negative

image  I / you / we /they  __________ got                 I / you / we /they haven't got             he / she / it __________ got                                he / she / it  ____________ got


                  __________ I /you / we / they got?                Has he / she / it got?

                              Short answers

                Yes, I  have. / No, I  _______________________. 

                  Yes, he / she / it has. No, he / she / it hasn't.

                  Yes, you / we / they have. No, you / we / they haven’t.


Task      6.  Complete the sentences with the correct form of have got affirmative or negative.

Make them true for you.

             1. I ___________ two brothers.                                    2.  We___________ a math lesson next.

3.   Our teacher ___________ short hair.                  4.  I ___________ blue eyes.

                                        5.   Our teachers_________________ a big teachers’ room.

imageTask 7.  Listen. Tick the things that Joe and Amy have got.





Your partner

A pet 





A skateboard





A bike 





A smartphone





A laptop





A watch






Task 8. Write sentences about Joe. Use have got.

Joe has got



Grammar Reference





I, you, he, she, it, we, they.

Присвійні  Possessive

my, your, his, her, its, their.

Зворотні та підсилювальні Reflexive and Emphatic

myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself,                                             ourselves, themselves.



this, that, these, those.



who (whom), whose, what, which

Відносні  Relative

who (whom), whose, what, which, that

Неозначені  Indefinite

some, any, no (та похідні від них), none, much, many, little, few, all, both, either, neither, each, every (та похідні від нього), other, one.


Відмінювання особових займенників

Називний відмінок

Об’єктний відмінок

I —       я

He —   він

She —  вона  

It —      воно ( він, вона)

We —   ми

You —  ви, ти

They — вони

Me —      мене, мені

Him —    його, йому

Her —     її, їй

It —        його, йому, її, їй

Us —      нас, нам

You —    вас, вам, тебе, тобі

Them— їх, їм


Possessive Pronouns. Присвійні займенники

Залежна форма

Незалежна форма

Українські відповідники



Мій, моя, моє, мої



Його (ч.р.)






Його (с.р. або чол.р.)



Наш, наша, наше, наші



Ваш, ваша, ваше, твій, твоя, твоє, твої



Їхній, їхня, їхнє, їхні


Are these your books? -  Це твої книжки?                         Are these yours? - Це твої?          She is a friend of mine. -   Вона моя подруга (Одна з моїх подруг)



Reflexive pronouns

















I made myself a sandwich.                              Я зробив собі бутерброд. We watched ourselves in the video.         Ми бачили себе на відео


Вказівні займенники мають:

                      Однину              Множину this (цей, ця, це)   these (ці)         -  поруч з тим хто розмовляє that (той, та, те)  those (ті)          - на відстані з тим хто розмовляє  


Task 9. Circle the correct words to complete the sentences.

1.        ’Are that /those your DVDs? Yes, they are.

2.        'This / That is my friend Marcus’. Nice to meet you. Marcus.’  3. ’Is this / these your phone?’ ’No, it isn't.’  

4.      That / Those is my pencil.

5.      That / Those are my trainers over there.

6.      This / These exercises aren’t very difficult.


Task 10. Fill in the blanks necessary possessive pronouns.

1.      Can I take _____________________ book, Victor? 

2.      We will invite _____________________  friends to the theatre. 

3.      He lives in Kyiv. _____________________  flat is in the centre of the city. 

4.      We are students. This is _____________________ Academy. 

5.      I live with ________________ parents in Kyiv. _________________ room is nice. 

6.      These are my friends. _____________________ names are Ann and Victor. 

7.      My mother is a doctor_____________________ name is Olena. 

8.      My father is a businessman. _____________________  name is Victor. 

9.      The company has _____________________ head office in Kyiv. 

10.  Do you think that most peop

11.  le are happy with _____________________ jobs? 

12.  Put on _____________________  coat when you go out, it’s very cold.



Task 11. Choose the correct form of the pronoun.

1.      Is this your / yours flat? 

2.      It’s their / theirs flat, not our / ours. 

3.      Are these your / yours books? 

4.      Are these books your / yours? 

5.      That’s not my / mine book. 

6.      My / mine is that one. 

7.      She knows our / ours address but we don’t know her / hers. 

8.      The books are my/mine but the newspaper is your/ yours. 

9.      Is that their /theirs car? No, their/theirs is black. 

10.  Ann gave me her / hers book. 

11.  Is this his / its book? 

12.  It’s her / hers.


Task 12.  Choose the correct pronouns.

1.      It’s the twins’ birthday tomorrow. We / Us need to buy presents for they / them.

2.      John’s only three years old but he can dress him / himself and brush his teeth on his own.

3.      Would you / yourselves like to come to the cinema with us / we this evening?

4.      Jane can’t come this evening. Her / She sent I / me a message on my mobile this morning.

5.      Sue is really selfish. She / Her only thinks about her/ herself and nobody else.

6.      My boyfriend’s working really hard at the moment so us / weonly see each other / ourselves at weekends.

7.      My brother’s in hospital. He / Him hurt him / himself playing football.

8.      Could you get my keys for me / myself please? It’s/ They’re in the office.


Task 13. Fill in the blanks necessary reflexive pronouns.

1.      Ann had a good holiday. She enjoyed _________________.

2.      I don’t want you to pay for me. I’ll pay for _________________.

3.      If you want more tea, help_________________.

4.      It’s our book, we’ve written it _________________.

5.      They decorated their house_________________.

6.      The film_________________  was not good but I liked the music. 

7.      I don’t think Victor will pass the exam. He_________________  doesn’t think he’ll pass it.  

8.      I think it was a great party and you all enjoyed. _________________.

9.      Did you pay for_________________  or did you pay for them? 

10.  I cut_________________ with a knife. 

11.  She is not angry with you. She is angry with_________________.

12.  We can plan this project_________________.


Task 14. Complete the sentences with a possessive adjective or a possessive pronoun.

1. My coat is blue but this one is red so it isn’t ________.                                  ' 2. This isn’t __________meal. I ordered the steak and chips.

3.    The city of Florence in Italy is famous for _____________art and architecture.

4.    He looks similar to my brother. __________hair is dark, too.

5.    imageWhere are we going to meet, at your house or__________ ?

6.    ________________taxi is waiting for us outside. Let’s go!

7.    Excuse me. Whose is this bag? Is it__________, sir?


Home task: Scan Qr-code and do the task.


6 @kateryna_dereka


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