Заняття-подорож на тему " A tour to Britain".

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на тему: "A tour to Britain"














Цілі заняття: активізувати вивчену лексику за темою; вчити знаходити необхідну інформацію у прослуханому тексті; організувати контроль мовленнєвих навичок студентів з теми; сприяти розширенню загального та країнознавчого кругозору; поглибити знання студентів про культуру та історію Великої Британії; розвивати вміння студентів  відокремлювати головне; логічно та послідовно викладати власні думки іноземною мовою, аналізувати, узагальнювати, порівнювати;самостійно будувати мовленнєву дію; розвивати мислення, слуховий контроль, зорову пам’ять та уяву; виховувати культуру мовлення, цікавість до географії, повагу до культури, історії, традиції країни, мова якої вивчається, як засобу міжнаціонального спілкування; сприяти розвиткові соціокультурної компетенції.


Обладнання заняття: карта Великої Британії, прапор Великої Британії, аудіозапис тематичного тексту, роздавальний матеріал для контролю розуміння аудіювання, текстові завдання, підстановчі таблиці, анкети, схема Лондона, фотографії з видами визначних місць Лондона, портрети відомих англійських поетів, їх вислови про Лондон, роздавальний матеріал із завданнями.



Хід заняття


І.    Початок заняття


1.    Оргмомент


Teacher. Good morning, dear friends. I am happy to greet you at our English lesson. I am glad to see you happy and healthy today.


2.    Повідомлення теми та цілей заняття

Те а с h e r. From the very ancient times people wanted to explore other countries. They used primitive transport, they spent much time to get somewhere and tried and tried and tried.

To whatever part of the world you went

By wheel or sail, or wing, or track,

You'll have exciting things to tell

 Now that you are safely back.


So, today we are going to make a very enjoyable trip to a wonderful country, situated on a wet cold island. We'll speak about its position and history, riv­ers and mountains, interesting events, and unusual things. We'll have an excit­ing excursion about it's beautiful capi­tal and see it's wonderful sightseeings.


3.    Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу. Мовна розминка у вигляді комунікативної ситуації


Teacher. What country am I think­ing of? Ask your questions, please.

Student 1. Are there any (mountains, lakes, rivers) in this country?

Student 2. Are there lots of wild ani­mals in this country?

Student 3. Is this country large (small)?

Student 4. Is this country hot in sum­mer?

Student 5. Do people drink tea (wine) in this country? have the Queen (the President)?

Student 6. Is there a good football team in this country?

 - any oil in this country?

 - a professional army in this country?


4.    Декламація вірша "What are English people like?"

Teacher. Do you know what are Eng­lish people like? Listen to the poem.


They dress in what they like

They are interested in sport

They take part in all activities

If they think they ought.

They all succeed in doing

Their work in five short days,

Which leaves them two the longest ones

To spend in different ways.

Then some indulge in gardening,

Or walking in the rain.

And some delight in cricket,

Or in riding in the plain.


In spite of what's around him The average Englishman Does crosswords in the newspaper In pencil — if he can. Involved in any accident The English take a pride In being unemotional. They take things in their stride In any circumstances — Whatever they may be — The English solve their problems With an English cup of tea.


Teacher. Thank you. If only it would be possible to solve all our problems with a cup of tea...


II.  Основна частина заняття

1.   Аудіювання тексту "Great Britain"

1)    Пред'явлення тексту у звукоза­писі

2)   Доповнення учнів до тексту

3)    Контроль розуміння тексту (ви­конання тестових завдань)


Teacher. Listen to the speaker very attentively. Try to add some more infor­mation about Great Britain (it's politi­cal system, industry, etc.). Then you'll be given some tests (in two variants).


The British Isles

The British Isles consist of two large islands, Great Britain and Ireland, and about five hundred smaller ones.

Great Britain, the largest island in Eu­rope, includes England, Scotland and Wales. It is separated from Ireland by the Irish Sea, from the European Con­tinent by the North Sea, the English Channel and the Strait of Dover. Great Britain and Northern Ireland form the United Kingdom.

The greater part of the surface of England and Ireland is flat. The surface of Scot­land and Wales is mountainous. The highest mountain in the United King­dom is Ben Nevis in Scotland. The chief rivers can be used by ships. They have slow currents and broad mouths. So the rivers are suitable for commerce. The coastline has excellent harbours. The sea enters deeply into the land and has a great influence on the climate. The winter is not very cold, and the summer is not un­pleasantly hot.

About 60 million people now live in the British Isles. Nearly all of them speak English, but some speak Celtic lan­guages.

Great Britain is one of the most highly industrialized countries in the world. It lives by industry and trade. There are some great seaports in Britain, such as London, Newcastle, Liverpool, Glas­gow and others.

The capital of Great Britain is London. I It is the seat of the Government of the whole country. London is an ancient city, many centuries old. It is also the center of British cultural life and fa­mous for its places of interest.

Great Britain is a parliamentary mon­archy. The Queen is at the head of the state. The country is ruled by the Gov­ernment in the name of the Queen.

The British Parliament consists of two Houses: the House of Commons and the House of Lords. The Prime Minis­ter is at the head of the Government.

Student 1. I want to tell you about in­dustry of Great Britain. Britain is mainly an industrial country and most of the people live in large towns.

London, the capital, is one of many im­portant industrial centers. Lots of things, such as clothes, food, planes and cars are made in and around London. Birming­ham is the biggest town and an important industrial area near the centre of Eng­land. Machines, cars and lorries are made in this area. TV sets and radios are also produced there.

Manchester in the north-west of Eng­land is the center of the cotton textile industry, one of Britain's most impor­tant producers of computers and elec­tronic equipment. Coal-mining is im­portant in South-Wales, but many of the mines there have been closed.

Sheep can be seen in many parts of England and Scotland, and there are a lot of cattle-farms and farms where milk, butter and cheese are produced. But only half of the food the country needs is produced by its agriculture.

Student 2. I want to add some words about natural resources of Great Britain.

The Pennine Range in northern England and the Cambrian Mountains in Wales are much lower. In the extreme south of England there are the famous chalk hills, some of which form the Diver Cliffs. In the southern and southeastern parts of the island there are lowlands.

The rivers in Great Britain are short and of no great importance as water­ways. The longest of them is the "Father of London", the Thames, which is a lit­tle over 200 miles. London, Liverpool, Manchester, Hull and Glasgow are the main ports of Britain. They have splen­did harbours. Owing to the shape of the country, any point in Great Britain is no more than 70 miles from the sea. Naturally, English people are the sea-lovers.


Test: I-V

Answer the questions about the United Kingdom. Put "+" next to the correct answer.

1.    The official name of Great Britain is...

a)    the United Kingdom of Great Brit­ain;

b)   the United Kingdom of Great Brit­ain and Northern Ireland;

c)    Great Britain.


2.    The flag of the United Kingdom is known as...

a)    the Union Jack;

b)    the Jack Union;

c)    the flag of crosses.


3.    In everyday speech "Great Britain" is used to mean...

a)    England;

b)    England and Wales;

c)    The United Kingdom.


4.    The swiftest flowing river in the British Isles is...

a)    the Thames;

b)    the Spey;

c)    the Severn;


5.    Westminster Abbey was...

a)    a church;

b)    a tower;

c)    a monastery — the West Minster.


Test: II-V

1.    The official name of the country we usually call England is...

a)    Great Britain;

b)    The  United  Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland;

c)    Britain.


2.    Great Britain comprises...

a)    England, Wales and Northern Ire­land;

b)    England and Scotland;

c)    only England, Scotland and Wales.


3.    In the northern Highlands of Scot­land there are...

a)    lowlands;

b)    hills;

c)    mountains.


4.    In the extreme south of England there are...

a)    wild woods;

b)    the famous chalk hills;

c)    deep lakes.


5.    The Thames is...

a)    a little over 200 miles;

b)    150 miles;

c)    less than 200 miles.

2.   Виконання тестового завдання

1)    Заповнити   пропуски   словами з таблиці.

2)   Дати  відповідь на запитання.


Те а с h e r. Fill in the blanks with the I missing words from the box. Read the text and answer the question: "What is the difference between the  United і Kingdom and Great Britain?"

1)    Isles              6)   government

2)    Wales           7)   Northern Ireland I

3)    law               8)   self-governing

4)    Scotland       9)   mean

5)    Kingdom


The United Kingdom is made up of such countries as England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. Its full name is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and ... Great Britain, on the other hand, com­prises only England, Scotland and ... It is the   largest   island   of the   British   ... Northern Ireland and the Irish Republic form the second largest island.

The Isle of Man and the Channel Islands are not parts of the United ... They are largely ... with their own ... legislative bodies and systems of... The British ... is, however, responsible for their defence and international rela­tions. The term "Britain" is used infor­mally to ... the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.


3.   Робота над граматикою

Teacher. Fill in the blanks with the superlative form of the adjectives in brackets. Name nine outstanding fea­tures of Great Britain.

1)    The ... (high) mountain in Britain is Ben Nevis (1,343 m).

2)    Scotland's ... (famous) poet was Robert Burns (1759-1796). He wrote many poems in Scots dia­lect.

3)    The ... (wet) place in Britain is the Lake District. It has about 440 cm of rain a year.

4)    Penzance, in Cornwall, is the ... (warm) place in Britain. The aver­age temperature is 11,5 °С.

5)    Britain's ... (large) football stadium is in Glasgow. It is called Hampden Park, and can hold 64.110 people.

6)    The ... (great) English writer, Wil­liam   Shakespeare,   was born   in Stratford-on-Avon in 1564. His ... (famous) play is probably "Ham- \ let".

7)    The ... (old) university in Britain is J Oxford. It was founded in 1167.

8)    The River Severn is the ... (long) j river in Britain (354 km).


4.    Заповнити анкети для поїздки за кордон

Те а с h e r. We are going abroad and of course we must fill in application forms. Please, write down your name, surname, age, nationality and home address.

Then take the application forms to the customs.

Application form





Home address...


5.    Гра «Визнач щасливе число»

Teacher. I see you know a lot about Great Britain and you are ready to visit it, but how can we get there? Let's choose the best means of transport. What is it? A plane, a train, a ship?


Student. I think plane is O.K.

Teacher. But to know the numbers of your seats in the plane I offer you to play.

Listen to my instructions, follow them step by step and you'll find out your lucky number.

1)    How old are you? Write the number in the triangle.

2)    What's the date today? Write the number of the day in the circle.

3)    How many children are there in your class? Write the number in the square.

4)    How many letters are there in your name? Write the number in the rectangle.

5)    Add up all the numbers. Write the total in the small circles.

6)   Add up the numbers in the small circles. Write the total in the star.


6.    Аудіювання розповіді учня про історію прапора Великої Британії

Teacher. Every country has it's state symbols. They are: state flag, emblem, anthem. What do you know about the flag of the United Kingdom and its his­tory?

Student. The flag of the United King­dom is called the "Union Jack". The design of the flag comes from three dif­ferent flags. Four hundred years ago, England and Scotland had different kings. But then in  1603, James, the king of Scotland, also became king of England. His new "united kingdom" got a new flag too. The flag of England had a red cross on a white background.

The flag of Scotland had a white diago­nal cross on a blue background.

In 1801, Ireland also became part of the United Kingdom. This was the flag of Ireland in 1801: a red diagonal cross on a white background.

So this is the Union Jack we can see today.


7.   Рольова гра

Т е a c h e г

Our England is a garden and such gardens are not made. By singing "Oh, how beautiful" And sitting in the shade.

These are the lines from a poem of the famous English poet and writer R. Kip­ling "The glory of the garden" (1911).

You see that the English people love their country and they are proud of the beauty and wealth of the United King­dom, of their history and literature, culture, and science. They are also proud of their cities and towns and en­joy the beauty of their capital.

Do you remember the words of some famous people about London?

Student 1. "I hope to see London before I die" (W. Shakespeare. Henry IV).

Student 2. "When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life, for there is in London all that life can afford". (Sam­uel Johnson)

Teacher. But the best way to know London is to visit it.

Attention, please!

Ladies and gentlemen!

Our plane is about to land in London, the capital of the United Kingdom.

Fasten seat belts, please!

No smoking!


Our plane will arrive exactly on time and your guide is waiting for you in the airport.

Let's have an exciting excursion about the town.


8. Самостійно підготовлені розповіді студентів  з теми «З історії Лондона»

(використання додаткової лі­тератури країнознавчого харак­теру)


Teacher. What do you know about the history of London?

Student 1. London

London, the capital of Great Britain, is two thousand years old. It is the largest city in Britain and one of the largest cit­ies in the world. Its population is about 9 million people. It is also a huge port.

London is an old city. It was founded in the first century A.D. by the Romans. The Romans went to England many cen­turies ago. They built a town on the river Thames. The name of the town was Londinium. The Romans built Londinium near the river. The place for the town was very good. Soon the Romans built a bridge over the river Thames.

Londinium got bigger and bigger. The Romans built many roads from Lond­inium to other parts of Britain. The River Thames has always been a part of London's history. In Roman times Londinium was a small town with the Thames River at its center. Now, Lon­don is a very large city and the Thames is still at the center of London.

Student 2. Like all large cities, London has a lot of different parts and river joins them together.

The oldest part of London is the City of London. There was already a town here, when the Romans came. The Ro­mans build a new city with a bridge and a city wall. It became an important part with many industries. Today the city is an international financial center, full of і offices and banks. Over two million people work in the City during the day, but only a few thousand live there.

London hasn't always been the саріtal of England. The first capital was і Winchester But London has always  been the richest city The kings of  England often needed money. So they moved their capital close to London.  But they didn't want to live in Lon­don itself.  It was dirty, smelly and dangerous. So they made their capital at Westminster. At first the two cities of London and Westminster were separate and there were fields be­tween them. But slowly they grew to­gether into one city.

Student 3. Until the twentieth century most people and goods travelled bet­ween the different parts of London along the Thames. It was quicker and safer to travel along the river than along the roads. The kings built their city of Westminster to the west of the City, because the prevailing wind in Britain is from the west. This wind blew all the smells from the port and the factories in London towards the east. As the city grew, the rich people lived in the West End and the poor people lived in the East End. This is changing now, because the docks and a lot of the industries in the East End have closed. Now Dockland is be­coming a new financial center and a fashionable place to live.


9.   Контроль розуміння прослуханого

1)    Виконання тестового завдання (True or False)

Те а с h е г.

1.    The oldest part of London is West­minster.

2.    Today the City is an international financial center.

3.    London has always been the capital of England.

4.    At first the two cities of London and Westminster were separate.

5.    The rich people lived in the East End.

6.    Now Dockland is becoming a fash­ionable place to live.

2)    Finish the following sentences


Т е а с h e r. Listening comprehension. From the History of London. Activities.

The oldest part of London is ...

The Romans built...

Today the City is ...

The first capital of England was ...

The kings of England made their capi­tal at...

Until the twentieth century most peopie travelled along ...

The rich people lived in the ...

The poor people lived in the ...

Now Dockland is a ...


Student 1. The capital city of Great Britain

London has a population of about 6,770,000. It lies on the River Thames, where the Romans landed nearly 2,000 years ago. From about 1800 until World War Two, London was the biggest city in the world, but now there are many cities which are much bigger.

Like many big cities, London has prob­lems with traffic and pollution. Over 1,000,000 people a day use the London Underground, but there are still too many cars in the streets. The air isn't clear, but it is cleaner than it was 100 years ago. Until the Clean Air Act in 1956, London was famous for its fog or "smog", which is a mixture of smoke and fog.

London is famous for many things. Tour­ists come from all over the world to visit its historic buildings, such as St. Paul's Cathedral, which has a huge dome, and the Houses of Parliament, where you can see and hear the famous clock, Big Ben. They also come to visit its theatres, its museums, and its many shops, such as Harrods, where you can buy anything.

The best thing about London is the parks. There are five in the city center. But the children's favourite place is Hamleys, which is the biggest toyshop in the world. It is 200 years old.

Student 2. London consists of four parts: the City, the Westminster, the East End and the West End. The heart of London is the City, it's financial and business center. Numerous banks, offices and-firms are situated there, including the bank of England, the Stock Exchange and the Old Bailey. Few people live there, but over a million people come to the City to work. There are some famous ancient buildings, such as St. Paul's Cathedral and the Tower of London. Westminster is the governmental part of London. Nearly all English Kings and Queens have been crowned in Westminster Abbey. Many great Englishmen are buried there.

The West End is the richest and the most beautiful part of London. It is the symbol of wealth and luxury. The best hotels, shops, restaurants, clubs and theatres are situated there.

The East End is the poorest district of Lon­don. There are a lot of factories, workshops and docks here. The East End is densely populated by workers' families.

One can say that the City is the money of London, the West End is the goods of London, the East End is the hands of) London.

Student 3. Hello, ladies and gentlemen.  We welcome you to London.

London is one of the largest cities in the world. About seven million people live here.

London's most famous sights are Tower Bridge, Big Ben and the Houses of Par­liament, Trafalgar Square and St. Paul's Cathedral.

We start from Trafalgar Square, the main square of central London, where a number of famous buildings and monuments, including the National Gallery and Nelson's Column are situ­ated. The square is popular with visi­tors, who come to relax by the fountains there or to feed the pigeons.

Nelson's column is a high column nearly 185 feet (44 m) with a statue of Admiral Nelson who defeated the French at the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805.

To the left of us you can see the National Gallery. It has got a fine collection of European paintings.                 

Now we are coming to Piccadilly Circus. It is the meeting point of six streets. I It is famous for its brightly lit neon ad­vertisements at night.

We've just passed Piccadilly Circus and now we are making our way to Buck­ingham Palace.

Buckingham Palace is the Queen's official London residence. It is partially open f to the public, but the ceremony off Changing of the Guard in front of it, is a great tourists attraction. Royal Horse Guard's ceremony takes place daily in the forecourt at 11:30 a.m. and lasts half an hour. One group of palace guards in j their traditional bearskins gives the palace j keys to another group. There are two ad dresses in London that the whole world knows. One is 10 Downing Street, where I the Prime Minister lives. The other is  Buckingham Palace. This famous palace, first build in 1703, is in the very center of London. It is two palaces, not one. It is a family house, where children play and j grow up. It is also the place where presidents, kings, and politicians go to meet the Queen. Buckingham Palace is like a small town, with a police station, two  post offices, a hospital, a bar, two sports J clubs, a disco, a cinema, and a swimming  pool. There are 600 rooms and three I miles of red carpet. Two men work full-time to look after the 300 clocks. About 700 people work in the Palace.

One of the Queen's Days. When the Queen gets up in the morning, seven people look after her. One starts her bath, one prepares her clothes, breakfast. She has coffee from Harrods, toast, and eggs. Every day for fifteen minutes, a piper plays Scottish music outside her room and the Queen reads The Times.

When the Queen invites a lot of people for dinner, it takes three days to prepare the table and three days to do the wash­ing-up. Everybody has five glasses: one for red wine, one for white, one for wa­ter, one for port, and one for ligueur. During the first and second courses, the Queen speaks to the person on her left and then she speaks to the person on her right for the rest of the meal. When the Queen finishes her food, eve­rybody finishes, and she feeds the Royal dogs. She has eight or nine dogs, and they sleep in their own bedroom near the Queen's bedroom.

Look right. We are passing Hyde Park. Hyde Park has got a lake in the middle called the Serpentine, and you can take a boat out on the water. It is a good place to get away from the crowds and the noise of the city. You can listen to the speakers at Speaker's Corner near Marble Arch. People from all over the world come and speak here. You can ask a speaker some difficult questions if you like. Or you can stand on a box and speak to some of the listeners! We have just turned left and you see St. James' Park. It is one of the royal parks. Here you can see pelicans and ducks.

In front of you, you can see the Houses of Parliament and Big Ben.

The Palace of Westminster, usually known as the Houses of Parliament, dates only from the 19th century, but it stands on the site of the palace founded by Edward the Confessor. The Palace of Westminster was used both as a royal resi­dence and as a parliament house until 1512. There are two towers in the Palace of Westminster: the Victoria Tower and the Clock Tower. The clock came into service in 1859 and was nicknamed Big Ben. Big Ben is the biggest clock bell in Britain. It weighs 13,5 tons. The Clock Tower is 348 feet high. You have to go up 374 steps to reach the top. The clock bell was called Big Ben after Sir Benjamin Hall. Benjamin was a very tall and stout man, whose nickname was Big Ben.

 One day he said in Parliament, "Shall we call the bell St. Stephen's?" St. Stephens is the name of the tower. But someone joked, "Why not call it Big Ben?" Now the bell is known all over the world by that name.

In a moment you will see Westminster Abbey. Westminster Abbey is one of the oldest buildings in London and one of the most important religious centers in the country. Nearly all kings and queens of Britain were crowned and buried there. Many great English scientists lie buried there, among them Newton, Darwin. In the Poet's Corner some of the famous English poets and writers are buried.

Now we are crossing Tower Bridge over the river Thames. From here you can see the Tower of London. It was a for­tress, a royal palace and later a prison. It is a museum now.

There are a lot of interesting collections in the Tower of London. The ravens are another famous sight. The legend says that without them the Tower will fall. The Raven Master is the person who gives them food.

And now we are making our way to the famous St. Paul's Cathedral. St. Paul's Cathedral is the fifth church built on the same site. The most notable feature of it is the enormous dome. The Whispering Gallery which fascinates all visitors is sit­uated beneath the dome. In the North Tower of the Cathedral there is a peal of twelve bells, while in the South or Clock Tower there is the largest bell in England, the Great Paul. Inside the cathedral one can see many monuments to generals and admirals. Now we are coming to the Charing Cross.

Charing Cross is said to be one of the most ancient places in London. Once there was a small village in that place. The village were charing wood, making charcoal of it. That is why the village was named Charing. In 1291 Eleonor, the English Queen, died outside Lon­don. Her husband wanted her body to be taken to Westminster Abbey and buried there. At every place where the funeral procession stopped a wooden memorial was built. The last place was at Charing and since then the place is called Charing Cross. Nowadays Char­ing Cross Road is famous for its book­shops where one can buy books in dif­ferent languages and of new and old editions.

Teacher. I think you were greatly  impressed by London's beauty. It was really an exciting experience, wasn't I it?

Pupil. Yes, it was. I loved my tour in I England. I had a really great time. Everywhere I went, the people were friendly, although the food was a bit boring, і Even the weather was fantastic, which f was a big surprise because everyone told  me English weather was awful. The only problems were the hotels, which  were not very nice and the transport  which I found unreliable.


III. Завершення заняття


1. Підбиття підсумків


Teacher. Dear friends!

Thank you very much for your prepara­tion and your activity at the lesson.

I was greatly impressed with your an­swers. They were brilliant. You showed your excellent knowledge of the topic.


2. Домашнє завдання

Teacher. At home, please, write a letter to your friend in Ukraine about the most interesting places.

Use the following:

If only I had more time to visit...

     to see...

     to admire beautiful scenery of...

Complete this letter:

Dear friends!

I'm writing from  London,  the c..of Great Britain. We're staying in a large  hotel on Trafalgar Square. This is the m... square of the c... London looks like a h...  park with its b... flowers and g... trees. Yesterday we met some really friendly j people who took us to round London t.... We visited the St. Paul's Cathedral. The  b... of this cathedral is really m.... We saw  the official r...of the British m.... It is lo­cated in a very beautiful p.... We were I impressed by great number of p... and s.... They m... London.

So we are having a lovely time.

See you when 1 get back. Miss you. Love.

Teacher. Good-bye!


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