Завдання до пасхального квесту

Про матеріал

Завдання для проведення пасхального квесту для учнів середньої ланки. Можна проводити під час великої перерви. вчитель віддає учасникам першу підсказку щодо наступної зупинки, учні повинні зібрати всі підсказки і дійти до фінішної зупинки.

Перегляд файлу
  1. http://omebli.ua/uploads/tinyimages/04.jpgWhen you have Handicraft lesson, you go there to work on your garden
  1. There are many books at this place
  1. You always have your PE there when the weather is good
  1. You take off your clothers there
  1. You always wait there for a  school bus
  1. You can wash your hands in this room
  1. It is your English teacher’s classroom

Квест до пасхальних свят 5 form


  1. кл
  1. http://omebli.ua/uploads/tinyimages/04.jpg You always have your PE there when the weather is bad
  1. You always wait there for a  school bus


  1. You can wash your hands in this room before going to the school canteen
  1. When you have Handicraft lesson, you go there to work on your school plant
  1. There are many magazines, books at this place
  1. You take off your clothers there


  1. It is your English teacher’s classroom






  1. form
  1. http://omebli.ua/uploads/tinyimages/04.jpg  You have school dinner at this room
  1. You always wait there for a  school bus


  1. You can wash your hands in this room before going to the school canteen
  1. When you have Handicraft lesson, you go there to work on your school plant
  1. There are many magazines, books at this place
  1. You take off your clothers there


  1. It is your English teacher’s classroom


8 form

  1. http://omebli.ua/uploads/tinyimages/04.jpg   When you have Handicraft lesson, you go there to work on your school plant
  1. There are many magazines, books at this place
  1. You always have your PE there when the weather is bad


  1.   You have school meals at this room
  1. At this place pupils play in such games as “salo”
  1. You always wait there for a  school bus
  1. It is your English teacher’s classroom





8 серпня 2018
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