Завдання на перевірку використання часів дієслів

Про матеріал

5 вариантов включают в себя 6 разноуровневих заданий микс Past Simple, Present Simple, Present Continuous

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                                          I Початковий рівень 1                                                

            1.Circle the right form.

  1. He likes /likes cakes.
  2. The children don’t /doesn’t ride bikes.
  3. Look at man’s car. It is /are running quickly
  4. Dad are /is watching TV now.
  5. The pupils   play/plays football every Friday.
  6. He often go/goes to the cinema

                                                 2 Open the brackets. Past Simple,

1.My aunt _______________ (to go) to the theatre   last  week.

2. I __________ (to do) morning exercises yesterday.

3.  She _____ (not / to write) emails.

4. __Elizabeth_____ (to drink) coffee in the morning?

5. His brother _____ (to work) in an office two years ago.

6 I   _________ (to come) back home at half past seven.

                                                               I Середній рівень

3. Write in the correct order.

1.like/ room /Janes/I.____________________________________________________________

2. We / basketball /play / often / don’t. ______________________________________________

3.jackets/are/boys/wearing/the. ____________________________________________________

4. Dan /with/ that man/spoke/._____________________________________________________


6.not/Linda’s/is/cousin/now/running. _______________________________________________

4.Correct the mistakes.

1.He go to the garden every day   ._________________________________________________

2. She is wearing a nice dresses every holiday. _______________________________________

3. Anna is runing with   her sister. _________________________________________________

4. Your daughter don’t   play with her best friend yesterday. ____________________________

5. They speak with my cousin dad’s last week. _______________________________________

6. Sally are doing homework now. _________________________________________________


III Високий рівень

                                                                    5. Answer the questions.

1.What does your mum usually do in the evening?____________________________________

2.What are you doing now? _____________________________________________________

3.What did you eat this morning? ________________________________________________

4.What did you cook last week? __________________________________________________

5.Where are  you now? _________________________________________________________

6.When did you go yesterday?____________________________________________________


1. Сєм не спав минулої ночі. Він працював.______________________________________

2.  Я не йду до школи на вихідних. _______________________________________________________

3. Мій кузен телефонує другові кожного дня. _____________________________________________

4.Він не водить машину? _______________________________________________________________

5 Дивись! Діти грають._______________________________________________________________

6. Ти виконав домашне завдання? _______________________________________________________

              I Початковий рівень 2                                                

1  Circle the right form.

1She like /likes apples.

2The boy don’t /doesn’t ride bikes.

3Look at the cat! It is /are running quickly

4 Mary are /is watching TV now.

5My brother play/plays the violin every day.

6 Children often go/goes to the park.

                                                                   2  Open the brackets. Past Simple.

1.Pam _______________( to go) to the  zoo last  Sunday.

2. Bob__________ (to do) English exercises yesterday.

3.  She _____ (not / to read) this book.

4. __little girl_______ (to run) in the morning?

5. His father _____ (to study) to drive a car two years ago.

6 He _________ (to leave)  home at quarter past seven.

                                                                  II Середній рівень

                                                                   3. Write in the correct order.

1.like/ car /Jacks/I._________________________________________________________________

2. My cousin / football/play / often / doesn’t _____________________________________________


4. Dan /with/ that man/spoke/._________________________________________________________

5.Bill/this/hat /have/did?_____________________________________________________________

6.not/my /is/cousin/now/working. _____________________________________________________

4.Correct the mistakes.

1.They goes to the park every day   ._____________________________________________________

2. My mum is wearing a nice hat every day. ______________________________________________

3. Sue are playing with   her sister. ______________________________________________________

4. Your uncle don’t meet with his best friend yesterday. ____________________________________

5. They drink juice last week. __________________________________________________________

6. Sally is haveing breakfast now. _______________________________________________________

                                                                          III Високий рівень

                                                                    5. Answer the questions.

1.What does your dad usually do in the evening?_____________________________________________

2.What is you classmate doing now? ______________________________________________________

3.What did you drink this morning? _______________________________________________________

4.What did you do last week? ____________________________________________________________

5.Where are  you sitting now? ____________________________________________________________

6.When did you go last Sunday?___________________________________________________________


1. Бєн не читав минулої ночі. Він грав у компютер._________________________________________

2. Я не бігаю у школи. ______________________________________________________________

3. Моя матуся готує кожен день. _________________________________________________________

4.Він не їздить на велосипеді? __________________________________________________________

5 Дивись! Кошеня грає.________________________________________________________________

6. Ти прибрав у кімнаті? _______________________________________________________________                              

                                                                     I Початковий рівень 3                                                

                                                              1 Circle the right form.

1. She likes /likes reading.

2. That girl don’t /doesn’t get up early.

3. Look at me! It is /am/are jumping high.

4. Granny are /is/are watching a film now.

5. The dogs play/plays every day.

6. His aunt usually go/goes shopping at the weekends.

                                                                    2 Open the brackets. Past Simple.

1.My sister _______________ (to study)  French last year.

2. Alice__________ (to make) a wish yesterday.

3.  She _____ (not / to write) a letter.

4. __Sophia_____ (to eat)  in the evening?

5. Her mum _____ (to put) a book on the shelf.

6 He  _________ (not / to dance) yesterday.


II Середній рівень

3. Write in the correct order.

1.a/ letter /write/I._________________________________________________________________

2. We / /play / often / don’t/tennis.____________________________________________________


4 lessons did / have/ you /five/ yesterday/? _____________________________________________

5 did / I / homework / my / helped / mum / and / my /.____________________________________

6. is / wearing/ what/ she? __________________________________________________________

4.Correct the mistakes.

1. Children usually likes parties. _______________________________________________________

2. She is siting quality at this moment. __________________________________________________

3. Ben are running with his sister. ______________________________________________________

4. Your son don’t do judo with his best friend yesterday. ___________________________________

5. Tom tell me this story last week. ____________________________________________________

6. Rob  are doing homework now. ______________________________________________________

                                                                  III Високий рівень

                                                                    5. Answer the questions.

1.What does your  grandma usually do in the evening?_______________________________________

2.What are you doing now? ____________________________________________________________

3.What did you eat for lunch? __________________________________________________________

4.What did you watch  last week? _______________________________________________________

5.What are  you  writing now? __________________________________________________________

6.What did you do yesterday?___________________________________________________________


1. Сєм не грав у шахи минулої ночі. Він працював._______________________________________

2.  Я не їду до бабусі на вихідних. _____________________________________________________

3. Твій дядя працює кожен день? ______________________________________________________

4. Вона водить машину? _____________________________________________________________

5 Дивись! Вона танцює.______________________________________________________________

6. Ти написав диктант? ______________________________________________________________

                                                                   I Початковий рівень 4                                                

  1. Circle the right form.

1.He speak/speaks English.

2.The boys don’t /doesn’t go to bed early.

3.Listen the birds! They is /are/am singing loudly.

4.Pupils are /is /am/writing a dictation now.

5.The lions run/runs quickly.

6. He is/am/are/ going to the cinema at this moment.

                                                                       2 Open the brackets.

1.My dad _______________ (to go) to the gym  yesterday.

2. I __________ (to do) morning exercises now.

3.  She _____ (not / to dance) every day.

4. __my cat _____ (to drink) milk in the morning?

5. His brother _____ (to work) in the office every day.

6 I   _________ (to sing) a nice song now.


II Середній рівень

3. Write in the correct order.

1.like/ this/book/I.__________________________________________________________________

2. We / tennis/play / always/ don’t. _____________________________________________________

3.bikes/are/boys/riding /the. __________________________________________________________

4. Dad /pool/last/ in/the/swam /weekend. ________________________________________________

5.Ben/meal/yesterday/cook/did? _______________________________________________________

6.not/Mary’s/is/brother /now/running. ___________________________________________________

4.Correct the mistakes.

1.Her son go to the park every day   ._____________________________________________________

2. Children is wearing school uniform. ___________________________________________________

3. Alina is hoping with   her sister. _______________________________________________________

4. Your cat don’t   play with a ball yesterday. ______________________________________________

5. They win a prize last week. __________________________________________________________

6. Sam and Dan is doing homework now. __________________________________________________


III Ввисокий рівень


                                                                    5.Complite the text.

I usually ___(to get up) at seven oclock. But today it  is Sunday.I ___________(not get up) early on Sundays.So I__________(get up)at  9 oclock, __________(to have) breakfast and _________(to go)

to the park.I ________( to play) with my friends now.



1. Вони не грали у тенніс  вчора  Вони грали у футбол. ___________________________________

2.  Діти не ходять до школи у неділю __________________________________________________

3. Мій кузен бачить цю пташку кожен день. ____________________________________________

4. Вона працює в школі? _____________________________________________________________

5 Стоп! Машина їде!_________________________________________________________________

6. Ти зателефонував бабусі? __________________________________________________________



                                                                   I Початковий рівень 5                                                

1 Circle the right form.

  1. We read/reads English books.
  2. They don’t /doesn’t   clean the classroom.
  3. Listen the music! They is /are/am playing loudly.
  4. The train are /is /am/ coming.
  5. The baby want/wants to skate.
  6. Bobby is/am/are/skating at this moment.

                                                                           2 Open the brackets. Past Simple.

1.An old women _______________ (to have) a clever dog.

2. I __________ (to take) photos yesterday.

3.  Nina _____ (not / to dance) every day.

4. __my dog _____ (to eat) meat in the morning?

5. His brother _____ (to have) dinner in the office every day.

6____they (to clap) now?


                                                                            II Середній рівень

                         3 Write in the correct order.

1.like/ this/don’t /book/they/.__________________________________________________________

2. We / tennis/play / always/ do? _____________________________________________________

3.time/good/are/boys/a /having. __________________________________________________________

4. Dad /village/last/ to/the/went /weekend. ________________________________________________

5.Ben/make/yesterday/snowman/did/a? _______________________________________________________

6.not/the /is/shining /sun/now/. ___________________________________________________

                    4.Correct the mistakes.

1.Her cousin are in the park   ._____________________________________________________

2. Children are dancing together. ___________________________________________________

3. Alina is hoping with   her sister. _______________________________________________________

4. Do you have your birthday yesterday? ______________________________________________

5. They win a prize last week. __________________________________________________________

6. Sam and Dan is doing homework now. __________________________________________________

                                                                                III Ввисокий рівень


                                                                                 5.Complite the text.


I always_________(to go) to school five times a week. But I _______(not go) to school this month. We ___________(have) holidays. Yesterday I _________(to  visit)  my friends. We________( to play)games  all day. Now we ________(to do) shopping. Hollidays are great!


1. Bен  не співав цю пісню вчора. Він танцював.__________________________________________

2.  Він не працює на вихідних. _________________________________________________________

3. Мій кузен грає у футбола кожен день. ________________________________________________

4. Він не читає книжок? _______________________________________________________________

5 Слухай! Хлопець грає на барабане .____________________________________________________

6. Ти намалював птаха? _______________________________________________________________



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