Завдання самостійної роботи з англійської мови для учнів 8 класу на тему "Past Passive ".

Про матеріал
Мета самостійної роботи - перевірити рівень засвоєння учнями правил утворення граматичних структур у Past Passive Simple.
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Завдання  самостійної роботи з англійської мови  для учнів 8 класу на тему «Past Passive».

B – I

I  Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Passive form

  1.  Many houses (to build) last year.
  2. Tests (to check) by the teacher yesterday?
  3. Everything (to take) into the room.
  4. I (to give) an advice last Sunday.

II Change Active into Passive

  1. The doctor prescribed a new medicine.
  2. I received an important e-mail.
  3. A dog attacked a little boy.
  4. Bees gathered honey.

III Translate into English

  1. Нам дали квитки на концерт.
  2. Учнів запросили на змагання з футболу.
  3. Дітей залишили вдома?
  4. Цю статтю не читали на уроці.

The keys:

I  1. Were built, 2. Were checked, 3. Was taken, 4. Was given

II 1. Anew medicine was prescribed by the doctor.

2. An important e - mail was received by me.

3. A little boy was attacked by a dog.

4. Honey was gathered by bees.

III 1. We were given the tickets for the concert.

2. The pupils were invited for the competitions in football.

3. Were the children left at home?

4. This article was not read at the lesson.

В -2

I   Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Passive form  

  1. All work (to do) yesterday.
  2. America (to discover) by Columbus.
  3. Physical exercises (to give) last sport lesson?
  4. An interesting job (to offer) by manager.

II Change Active into Passive

  1. Adams invented the mobile phone.
  2. They sold tasty Belgian chocolate here.
  3. The teacher checked our dictations.
  4. The pupils decorated their classroom for the party.  

III Translate into English 

  1. Чудові сумки зробили на цій фабриці.
  2. Обід для студентів замовили вчора?
  3. Листи залишили на столі.
  4. Новий стадіон не побудували в минулому році.

The keys:

I 1. Was done, 2. Was discovered, 3. Were given, 4. Was offered

II 1. The mobile phone was invented by Adams.

2. Tasty Belgian chocolate was sold here.

3. Our dictations were checked by the teacher.

4. Their classroom was decorated for the party by the pupils.

III 1. Nice bags were made at this factory.

2. Was the lunch for students ordered yesterday?

3. The letters were left on the table.

4. A new stadium was not built last year.




25 лютого 2019
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